Memory error

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Posts: 3

Memory error

Post by jojoelsprao » Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:32 pm

Hi Guys!

First the scenery looks amazing. Good job! But i have some problems with the software. Everytime when i visit the field i get an fatal error ( memory ). How to fix ?

Please help ;)


Posts: 39

Re: Memory error

Post by Christiaan » Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:29 pm

I have FSX

Your not on your own if you read the different forum topics.

Also wrote a topic concerning white aircraft amongst other issues.

It is reasonable to think that the issues reported on the forum have been found on computers with different

specifications and add-ons, the question is what is the remedy.

From the past I have found that the FlyTampa team tries their best to get things working right.

My other FlyTampa airports do not give these issues as on the Amsterdam forum.
Posts: 39

Re: Memory error

Post by Christiaan » Thu Dec 29, 2016 9:05 am

After reading all the issue topics are we any near to getting a solution, maybe I should wait a little in the future

before spending my money.

This is your only airport I have which does not give value for money at the moment.

I thought I was giving myself a nice Christmas present, why does this scenery gives problems and all my many

other FlyTampa airports do not

Has this Amsterdam been developed or altered in any way from how FlyTampa normally make their scenery.

Although not an expert I think sometimes it has to do with the actual scenery and not surrounding add-ons etc.

Deleted many options, only the moving apron vehicles ticked. Now getting less realism due not have static

apron objects and still left with a problem.

Maybe I will have to temporary re-install my old Aerosoft EHAM.

Still hoping.
Last edited by Christiaan on Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 58

Re: Memory error

Post by Sydney1962 » Thu Dec 29, 2016 1:41 pm

If you have orbx Vector or LC running, disable them and look how airports performed.
also when using vectors, you can disable secundary and tertiare roads.

diasabling vectors solved all my issue not only for amsterdam, but also for london Heathrow, frankfurt
and Ruhrarea ( dusseldorf, koln, dortmund ) aswell.
Posts: 39

Re: Memory error

Post by Christiaan » Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:00 am

I do not gave Orbx vector, only ORBX is Australia & New Zealand products.

I only have a FTX Central for my Australian & New Zealand airports etc.
Posts: 21

Re: Memory error

Post by Maikel » Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:12 am

@Sydney1962: I understand this is a fix but without Vector the coastlines, rivers, lakes and land look really unrealistic. It doesn't make sense to dissable various addons just to fly to Amsterdam....
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Posts: 1626

Re: Memory error

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Fri Dec 30, 2016 7:31 pm

Similarly doesnt make too much sense to squeeze an airport like AMS into 500mb worth of memory, or less. There are just some areas, AMS included, that are more heavily impacted than others, when it comes to vector/terrain data. Having full-blown orbx data running can be a big drag, which we cannot do much about.

there is well above 1.2-1.4GB VAS 'allowance' by EHAM
Posts: 58

Re: Memory error

Post by Sydney1962 » Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:12 am

Maikel the coastline don't look so bad with vector turned off, lived myself there for 50 years
and flying there vfr , don't see so much differance with on or off.

because ORBX is also no photoscenery, it don't look like NL2000 or Megascenery, but the photos
used for this sceneries are also pretty old , so also there a lot has changed in 10 years.

it impossible until we fly with google earth as realtime underground to have an up to date scenery map.
Posts: 9

Re: Memory error

Post by Fangzahn » Sat Dec 31, 2016 12:37 pm

Turning off Orbx products just for one airport is not an option for me since every other airport works perfectly fine without OOMs often with lots of VAS to spare (Even Frankfurt V2 with Traffic and Prealsoft HD Frankfurt on top of Vector & OpenLC Europe). I've uninstalled AMS due to constant OOMing upon arrival at the airport. I'm pretty disappointed to say the least.
Posts: 36

Re: Memory error

Post by A51Rene » Sat Dec 31, 2016 1:16 pm

I personally think it is wrong to blame Amsterdam for your VAS issues. Please see what I wrote here:
Posts: 393

Re: Memory error

Post by B777ER » Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:31 pm

emilios[flytampa] wrote:Similarly doesnt make too much sense to squeeze an airport like AMS into 500mb worth of memory, or less. There are just some areas, AMS included, that are more heavily impacted than others, when it comes to vector/terrain data. Having full-blown orbx data running can be a big drag, which we cannot do much about.

there is well above 1.2-1.4GB VAS 'allowance' by EHAM
Add on a high quality third party aircraft which many if not most people are using nowadays and this is why many are having problems. So now the end users are put into a position of having to start turning things off from other vendor's to get your product to not OOM on them. Not good.
Posts: 90

Re: Memory error

Post by Rafal » Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:44 pm

B777ER wrote:So now the end users are put into a position of having to start turning things off from other vendor's to get your product to not OOM on them. Not good.
Not good, I agree. But it has been like this for years now. Even with best computers when you want to use all the high end addons (aircraft, wx, textures, terrain, airports) plus set your sliders right to enjoy the features, sooner or later you come to a dead end.

When you fly Cessnas or Pipers around bush airstrips, I don't think there is a problem. But I fly high end airliners (with many addons made for them) between large airports (that's what I enjoy) like Heathrow, Frankfurt, etc. and all this with real weather. Additionally currently I cannot afford a top notch computer.

So I regularly come to a point when I have to change this and give up on that (I became so fluent in tweaking that I wouldn't mind a diploma). I don't think it is FT EHAM specific. For instance starting to fly Aerosoft's EDDF v2, I had to turn on DX10 and buy Steve's fixer to be able to land there without OOM's. Initially thanks to DX10 I enjoyed VC shadows but then I bought FSLabs A320, which is absolutely awesome but it also is a performance killer on its own, so I had to give up on the shadows to gain FPS. That's simmer's life, I'm afraid. :)

Now please don't get me wrong. I am not saying all sceneries are optimised on the same level. Surely not, and there is always room for improvements (e.g. I initially couldn't fly Emilios's EKCH without OOM's, but the performance has been improved, so I believe EHAM will also get some steroids in version 1.1. or 1.2). But I have learned a lesson that I don't expect performance miracles when it comes to huge mega-airports, which Schiphol unfortunately belongs to (add the modelled surroundings and it gets even more difficult to tame).
Posts: 13

Re: Memory error

Post by jeeno » Mon Jan 02, 2017 6:37 pm

OOM aren't related to PC specs. It's just sceneries not optimised.
Posts: 393

Re: Memory error

Post by B777ER » Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:13 pm

jeeno wrote:OOM aren't related to PC specs. It's just sceneries not optimised.
Agree. Amir with Flightbeam.... Optimization Master, Level 10.
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