Amsterdam Texture Packs [v1.1]

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Posts: 1626

Amsterdam Texture Packs [v1.1]

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:12 pm

Amsterdam comes with a Configurator Tool and two Optional Texture Packs.
We attempted to make it as flexible as possible by including many Options and 2 Texture Packs.

The default installation will only contain high resolution textures for the immediate area of Schiphol terminals.

The latest version of P3D should be able to handle much more than FSX so you should be able to push a few more high resolution textures in. For FSX users, the default texture setup, or even the lower resolution texture pack option would be recommended.

Please be aware that if you run all available high-end Addons such as REX, FTX-Global, UTX and PMDG aircraft, you will not be able to run Amsterdam with all Options enabled plus High Resolution Textures. FSX/P3D will crash eventually with an Out-Of-Memory Error.

High Resolution texture pack ... _HITEX.exe

Lower Resolution texture pack ... ITETEX.exe
Posts: 12

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by gregoryv » Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:03 pm

One question: When installing light texture pack I see everything "High resolution" inside installer.
Should it be like this?
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Posts: 1626

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:15 pm

There might be a simple 'wording' issue in the installer. The lighter textures will be installed correctly regardless though :wink:
Posts: 12

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by gregoryv » Sun Dec 18, 2016 3:19 pm

Posts: 12

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by Emi » Sun Dec 18, 2016 4:58 pm

Thank you for these textures Emilios, just to be sure, could you recheck they are indeed working? I see close to no difference on the terminal textures with the low res texturepack installed.
Neither in visuals, nor really in VAS.
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Posts: 1626

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Sun Dec 18, 2016 5:10 pm

That sounds strange. A full installation of LITETEX should be close to 800MB difference. This means a huge difference in VAS.

Try downloading the LITETEX again please, just check size of installer, should be close to 100MB
Posts: 12

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by Emi » Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:09 am

Correct, the installers filesize is exactly 98.98MB.

I just don't see the difference in VAS.

I just redownloaded the setup, now the typos seem corrected and it indeed reads low instead of high. Nice work on the quick update, thanks for that!

I installed the pack one more time, but I do still not see the difference in VAS.

Here are two screenshots I took, the first is the high res pic (4k textures of course enabled in my sim!), the second is the low res.
You can see the VAS numbers in the Process Explorer. Just no difference.



Edit: Looks like your forums cuts the pictures off a bit, there are links to view them in full:

High Res:

Low Res:

Is this what it is supposed to look like? I do honestly not see quite much of a difference between the two.
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Posts: 1626

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by emilios[flytampa] » Mon Dec 19, 2016 4:39 am

I can recognize the difference in resolution, but cannot understand why yoh see no VAS difference. We will look into it.

What if you select 1024 texture resolution in P3D and restart it; just to test, which will be irrelevant to AMS texture packs. This switch will force 1024 whether or not our texture packs work as intended.
Posts: 21

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by Maikel » Mon Dec 19, 2016 2:26 pm

I have to same problem as Emi. Bought the scenery yesterday and just completed AMS-LHR-AMS, great airport. I also installed the LITETEX pack and didn't notice any VAS drop compared to the normal textures that are installed during the normal setup. I'm using FSX at the moment and there is no VAS difference between the 2 textures, I'm not sure if other people experiencing this as well?
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Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by martin[flytampa] » Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:39 pm

Can you right click and select properties on the folder /FlyTampa/Amsterdam/Texture/ and let us know the size you get.

Default installation I get 731MB
After LITEX with all options it becomes 547MB
Atter HITEX with all option it becomes 1.35GB
Posts: 21

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by Maikel » Mon Dec 19, 2016 3:53 pm

Hi Martin,

I've checked the folder you described and I can confirm the size is 547MB so they are indeed installed correctly, I can delete the scenery again make a screenshot for you of the standard installation and make another screenshot of the VAS with LITETEX. But I can tell you it will not look any different than the screenshot Emi posted earlier.

Posts: 12

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by Emi » Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:31 pm

Hi Martin,

I can confirm Maikels findings, my texture folder is 547MB in size.

I have also checked the 1024 textures in the Prepar3D.cfg as Emilios requested, unfortunately still not a lot of difference in the VAS usage. See here:


And full size:
Posts: 9

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by Fangzahn » Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:10 pm

I installed the Low-Res Texture pack and my VAS is still at 3.3GB when loading up the PMDG 737-800 on the runway :shock:
Posts: 8

Re: Amsterdam Texture Packs

Post by NAX » Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:57 am

I dont have any readings on VAS, only FPS.
I did install the default textures, and if I understand it right, there is actually 3 different set of textures?
I load a flight, let it settle for a few minutes before I read the FPS. I got 22. I know its low, but I'm running 5 x (1920x1080) in my cockpit, so I have to make a comprimize or two...
Saved the flight, and after installing lowtex, I got the same reading. When I come to think of it, I did NOT delete the shaders. Can that do a difference?
After removing traffic both on highways and on appron, I red 27 FPS wich is accapteble for me, but since I fly on VATSIM, traffic will bring it down to about 19.
I need every FPS I can get a hold of, so I'm kinda hoping LowTex is not loaded as supposed
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