Adding Flytampa's VHHX to Aerosoft's and Majestiq's FMC's

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Posts: 6

Adding Flytampa's VHHX to Aerosoft's and Majestiq's FMC's

Post by iamlmc » Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:40 am

I need help adding Flytampa's Kai Tak (VHHX) to Aerosoft's Airbus A318,319,320,321 FMC's. I am on Prepar3D v3.2 and using latest Navigraph Airac Cycle 1604. I have search information over internet, Flytampa and Aerosoft forums with no avail :sad:.

Is it also possible do add VHHX to the Q400, Pro version, FMC. Thought I have read something that their nav data is hard coded and impossible to edit?


PS: I was able to add it to Pro ATC X though, and last I recall, the way I do it, was working over P3D v2.something. Still untested over v3.x
Posts: 6

Re: Adding Flytampa's VHHX to Aerosoft's and Majestiq's FMC'

Post by iamlmc » Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:13 am got i from Aerosoft forum help in case anyone needs it.
Posts: 8

Re: Adding Flytampa's VHHX to Aerosoft's and Majestiq's FMC'

Post by stewamar » Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:26 pm

G’day iamlmc
I have been investigating the Q400 code with the intent of writing all procedures for VHHX. The data is not “hard coded” but rather written as a Microsoft Access database. This can be added to with the correct format and also without risk of interfering with future versions of AIRAC updates. I have successfully completed and tested the data in the Q400 pro version and it can be added to the Majestic Q400 Access database if you have the program to do this (Microsoft Access or an equivalent program that can write to an .mdb file). I use FSX and Navigraph data but the additional data fits the Q400 format so should run on P3D without a problem.
Please send me a PM if you would like the data and instructions on how to upload VHHX for the Q400. I have passed this onto so Jock can include this in his VHHX page as an installer, but this is proving difficult. I have also generated test summaries of all procedures flown in the Q400 to prove they all work if you want to view those as well. I also wrote the Aerosoft Airbus data for so if you have hassles with that please let me know as well.
Regards, Martin YBLT
Posts: 337

Re: Adding Flytampa's VHHX to Aerosoft's and Majestiq's FMC'

Post by trisho0 » Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:16 pm

Hello to all. I have similar problem. How to add VHHX data to iFly 737NG database?
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