Unusable due to VAS - Help!

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Posts: 6

Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by RiceySpicey » Sat May 23, 2015 4:40 am

Hi guys,

First off, love your products, they are always amazing and I have never really had any issues with them at all. However, with Toronto I am really struggling. Anytime I load up an aircraft (PMDG 737, 777, Aerosoft A320) the VAS usage starts off at the gate at 3.6-3.8GB. This means that during taxiing out to the runway P3D always crashes with an OOM error.

What I have tried:
Turning autogen off completely
Disabling all AI traffic
Installed LITEX pack
Disabled almost all options in the CYYZ configurator.

Still loads up with the same VAS, usually 3.5-3.6GB instead of 3.8GB though. And still crashes before takeoff (or landing if coming in).

Thought something may have been wrong with the install, so removed and reinstalled from a fresh download. Same issue.

Am I missing something? Or what else can I try as this is super frustrating. Having such a beautiful but unusable scenery.

CPU - i5 4690K 4.5Ghz
GPU - GTX970
RAM - 8GB 1600

Many thanks!
Posts: 5

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by cfso1518 » Sat May 23, 2015 10:56 am


I have the same question as you

4970K I7 4
16G 1600
512 SSD

PMDG77W loads OOM to CYYZ

I have tried many methods, but I still can't solve the problem of OOM.
Posts: 191

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by Benncpp15 » Sat May 23, 2015 1:43 pm

4k REX clouds maybe?

PMDG T7 is a resource hog too
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Posts: 5288

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sun May 24, 2015 12:36 am

Please check with some default Aircraft to see how much of a difference you see.

In ProcessXP I see P3D at around 2.2 to 2.4GB when loading Toronto in a default AC, fair weather and stock AI. Default Toronto Installation/Options, without Litetex. As posted out in another thread, stock Toronto loads at around 1.7GB, our Airport adds at max 500MB, putting it at around 2.2. Everything form 2.2 to 3.8 you are seeing must be AI, user-AC, clouds and other Addon data I cannot control.
Posts: 6

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by RiceySpicey » Sun May 24, 2015 7:10 am

I will do that check Martin. It could be Vector, I was looking through other posts saying how intense Toronto is for Vector data. Had not thought of that. Will try with the defaults and try to narrow down the culprit!

Will report back. Thank you
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Posts: 5288

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sun May 24, 2015 11:03 pm

The figures of 2.2 I posted above are with FTX Global installed, not checked without.
Posts: 6

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by RiceySpicey » Fri May 29, 2015 6:44 am

Ok - with only CYYZ active in the scenery list, with a default plane with FTX Global+Vector im getting a pretty constant readout of 3.0-3.1GB VAS upon loading the area. Much higher than anticipated. I ll attach my settings, but I dont feel they are unreasonable. This is the only airport that gives me constant OOM's all the time with any payware plane.






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Posts: 5288

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by martin[flytampa] » Fri May 29, 2015 8:30 am

I went and put my sliders at the same settings you have. Note my P3D was reinstalled recently and has no other Addons and only stock AI atm. After looking around for 5 mins I get a reading of around 2.2. This is Toronto running with stock settings and without Litetex pack, using a stock AC and stock weather theme.
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Posts: 6

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by RiceySpicey » Fri May 29, 2015 8:43 am

Ok - thanks for that Martin. Perhaps it's time for a clean P3D install. That's quite a large difference in VAS usage between us, the only extra thing I'm running is Vector!

Thanks for your help so far
Posts: 27

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by Mooze » Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:12 am

You will have a significant VAS drop if you reduce the Texture Resolution to 1024 instead of 2048.
Posts: 2

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by PatrickXA » Tue Jun 02, 2015 11:12 am

FTX Vector does use a lot of VAS, try turning off Vector before you go for a time consuming reinstall.
Posts: 147

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by Lude2Envy » Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:53 pm

Patrick is correct. Toronto is unusable with FTX Vector on top of other addons. The current version of FTX Vector also seems to have a memory leak that is going to be addressed in the next patch. In the meantime, disable Vector whenever using Toronto (Global is still ok). If you're using REX or AI, be cautious with your settings as well. Hope this helps.
Posts: 6

Re: Unusable due to VAS - Help!

Post by RiceySpicey » Wed Jun 10, 2015 9:56 am

Thanks Guys - whats an easy way to disable vector? Just in the scenery library or uptick everything in vector configurator?
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