Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Posts: 75

Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Velocity » Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:34 am

Hello flytampa,

now your Dubai 2.0 is almost 2 years old and many many changes were made. On the airport (ramp S, parking positions at former airdisplay positions and concourse D are the main changes.

Also many new buildings were finished in the City of DUbai, The harbour is bigger now and also new attractions were built. For example biggest fair wheel in the world.

SO my question is if you are thinking about making a new version of Dubai which could be called DUBAI X 3.0.

I don`t mean to develope everything from scratch, but instead of bringing updates piece by piece you could make a general update.

Also it would be nice if the size of Dubai could be enhanced in to the southeast direction, because on many video I saw that there are many interesting new buildings too.
Posts: 15

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Lindsay » Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:24 am

are you taking the piss?
Posts: 191

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Benncpp15 » Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:26 pm

Why don't you do it yourself Velocity? Most people won't care about the new additions you listed so I doubt its financially viable for Flytampa. ... tion_(FSX)
Posts: 14

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Ranbi2Delta » Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:39 pm

I don't see why you guys jumped on the OP like that. They updated Vienna and St. Maarten, so I see no reason why this isn't doable further down the road.

The changes to the airport are actually pretty extensive, with a lot of new taxiways being built during the recent runway maintenance, six new rapid exit taxiways built for both runways, Concourse D expected to be completed next year, Terminal 2 expansion finished, the S and Q aprons have been built, the airshow has moved down the road to DWC, and as such the G apron has been expanded, four new aircraft maintenance hangars built...

I could go on. Just compare the images of the airport between 2011 and today on Google Earth and you will see what myself and the OP are talking about; there have been some pretty major changes.

Once Concourse D is finished and updated satellite imagery is available for Dubai, this would certainly be an almost required update. If not for the entire city, certainly the airport.

Hopefully this can be tackled once Sydney, Toronto and Copenhagen are completed, if not sooner.
Posts: 15

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Lindsay » Mon Oct 13, 2014 1:15 am

My question is why waste a developers resources because of a few new taxiways and hangers? Id rather see development invested in new airports... bs request updates like this really annoy me given this is a fairly recent release.
Posts: 14

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Ranbi2Delta » Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:46 am

I wouldn't necessarily call this a waste of resources as it's an significant improvement on one of their products. It's not like the airport is being built again from scratch. This would likely be more of a 2.5 update, rather than a full new version.

Unfortunately, with an airport in a rapidly developing part of the world like Dubai, this is to be expected, as the airport becomes out of date fairly quickly. Even if they do tackle this, it would probably not be before Sydney, Copanhagen, etc. so there would still be plenty of new airports to enjoy. Not to mention all the airports from other developers out there that are also excellent.
Posts: 147

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Lude2Envy » Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:38 pm

Martin has always been really good at keeping his sceneries up to date. I wouldn't be surprised if he updated OMDB again.
Posts: 31

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by mozart » Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:11 pm

Lindsay wrote:My question is why waste a developers resources because of a few new taxiways and hangers? Id rather see development invested in new airports... bs request updates like this really annoy me given this is a fairly recent release.
You probably are not very familiar with Dubai airport. The changes there are much more substantial than just a few taxiways and hangars. The entire airport is growing at a tremendous speed, its capacity is currently increased from 58 million passengers to 80 million passengers (and the airport already boards 66 million pax, as many as LAX or ORD) - which means they are adding the capacity of an entire IAD, LGA or BWI to an already existing large airport. That happens through building of new terminals, more stands, changes to terminals to accomodate more A380s, etc. Dubai is now the airport with the most international passengers in the world, it has overtaken London Heathrow. No airport has more A380 flights.

So the changes are more than just a few taxiways and hangars.

Why update it? Very simple, because the AI traffic won't fit on the current version any more. That was the problem with the old DXB version, I stopped using that at some point because simply planes wouldn't fit on anymore. The real thing had added some many new stands which were missing in the sim version, making the airport unusable with AI traffic.

But probably this "why update DXB" comes from people who are ignorant and who ask for another Kxxx airport, without realising that the only difference between most Kxxx airports ("most" meaning all except the few international gateways) is in which order the usual AA, DL, UA, WN planes are parked. Yawn. How boring. DXB has 140 airlines.

I for one would be delighted if Flytampa updated DXB, which has become one of the world's major hubs. Maybe it makes sense to wait for the completion of Terminal 4, but the changes are definitely big enough and interest in DXB by simmers high enough to warrant an upgrade.

I do not pressure George and Martin for anything, but that ignorance of "just a few taxiways and hangars" got me reacting.
Posts: 15

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Lindsay » Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:06 am

my comment about 'just a few taxiways and hangers' was not ignorance and its obviously gone over your head in relation to what I was getting at. I was simply trivialising the request. Why? We have an awesome product in Dubai. I want to put this to you. Would you like more flytampa airport choices to fly in and out of or do you want a developer to spend months of resources upgrading a terminal?. I look at the quality and choice I have in my virtual world. its about choice.

Unusable with Ai Traffic? What the hell?
Posts: 14

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Ranbi2Delta » Sun Nov 16, 2014 12:33 pm

It's not as if there's a lack of choice in FSX when it comes to airports. I do appreciate developers who keep their products up to date. If your local airport has undergone some major changes, wouldn't you want a more up to date version of the FSX product?
Posts: 75

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Velocity » Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:15 pm

Hello flytampa,

In case you are planning a new DUbai version, this could be a nice idea for sylvester.

The effect with arabic words on the Burj Khalifa building is nice.

The arabic message means: every year you should become lucky, United arabic emirates.
Posts: 75

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by Velocity » Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:42 am

Hello flytampa.

After the releases of Kopenhagen and Toronto I am afraid that you will turn your back to the most succesful FS2004 simulator.

However the scenery which I liked most of flytmapa, is Dubai 2.0.
Just because it is the most important airport in the middle east and because you have covered the most improtant buildings of the city.

When you had released DUbai X 2.0 in November 2012 you wrote that it took two years of development and three days of conversion from FSX to FS2004.

Now Sydney will come next and I think you aren`t going to bring it for FS9 like you didn`t with Toronto and Kopenhaven.

So I hope very very very much that you at least consider the new version of Dubai for FS2004 again, which it might be called Dubai X 3.0.

Dubai is one of my most important airport in FS2004 and I use it also for aircraft testing. I love the flair and the action with AI traffic.

emirates is growing and growing and I have just a handful parking spots in the scenery.

Today, 2,5 years after release of Dubai X2.0 many things have changed.

Terminal 4 is built and soon will be finished, lots of parking areas were added and also many new fascinating buildings were built.

And as you know, there will be more big programs come in the near future.

All these new additions we would love to see in the DUbai 3.0 version, and I am very sure that you are already working on that.

So please as I wrote do the FS2004 community a favour and make at least a new version for FS2004.

Thank you!
Posts: 6

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by ZS-KEV » Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:45 pm

I have to agree with Velocity.

From what ive seen from vids and pics, Dubai airport and the city are growing rapidly! It would be nice to see the new buildings in flight sim. Its not that we are begging the developers to update it straight away, we just throwing our cards on the table and just asking that when they feel it necessary they will update.

Posts: 42

Re: Dubai X 3.0 planned?

Post by simsuper80 » Sun Apr 12, 2015 5:27 am

Velocity wrote:Hello flytampa.

After the releases of Kopenhagen and Toronto I am afraid that you will turn your back to the most succesful FS2004 simulator.
when it comes to airliner flights. i think fs2004 is better than fsx. mostly because you can actually use the game, unlike fsx which has major OOM problems. i never get an OOM with fs9

i normaly fly with 100% ai, and a bunch of addons with maximum settings, and still get smooth fps at airports like aerosofts amsterdam.

can anyone with fsx do that?
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