OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
Just purchased toronto and when I go to airport and type in toronto, I have 2 listed. I believe the default one shows up as cyyz and the flytampa one show up as zyyz and says flytampa toronto. When I select to load the airport my memory usage goes over 3gb for P3D and it crashes instantly. Thank you for any help!
- martin[flytampa]
- Site Admin
- Posts: 5288
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
Have you installed the LITETEX pack for Toronto? What happens when you load with a default plane?
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
Well in this case I load up at San Juan with f22. I clicked go to airport, type in Toronto, then I selected zyyz flytampa Toronto and it crashes when it gets to 90%. I can see memory usage going from around 1800 sitting at San Juan to over 3000 when I get the oom.
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
No I have not tried the litex version yet. I'm out of town till Monday. Will try when I get back. Also it did look like the f22 loaded inside a building. Is it possible that default scenery did not get disabled?
- martin[flytampa]
- Site Admin
- Posts: 5288
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
zyyz is just a dummy Afcad to make the 3d terrain and tunnels work. You should select CYYZ when loading. I don't think this makes a difference on VAS tho. I will load up CYYZ in P3D 2.5 and post a screenshot of what the VAS should be like later.
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
I reported the same issue. You'll find the thread I started in here from a few weeks back. Basically I can't use this airport so I've filed it away until the 64bit P3D is released. Hopefully that is just months away rather than years.
In the meantime though the experience has put me off buying new airports in high density areas with a lot of vector data.
In the meantime though the experience has put me off buying new airports in high density areas with a lot of vector data.
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
Even for me with the litepak textures installed I get a OOM with in 5 minutes after loading up..Brutal
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
I agree....getting poor behaviour with CYYZ on P3D. Was flying in PMDG 777 from EHAM to CYYZ, and as soon as I descended into the GTA area, windows started making "boobeep" sounds every 30 seconds or so until P3D crashed.
I retested on the ground with a fresh YYZ install and configurator adjustments, and yet again "boobeep" from windows. Also, even with the latest libraries, the lack of the light bloom issue from another post still exists.
I retested on the ground with a fresh YYZ install and configurator adjustments, and yet again "boobeep" from windows. Also, even with the latest libraries, the lack of the light bloom issue from another post still exists.
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
I agree....getting poor behaviour with CYYZ on P3D. Was flying in PMDG 777 from EHAM to CYYZ, and as soon as I descended into the GTA area, windows started making "boobeep" sounds every 30 seconds or so until P3D crashed. Also, I had scenery complexity reduced to minimum - it did help FPS, but that's abou tit.
I retested on the ground with a fresh YYZ install and configurator adjustments, and yet again "boobeep" from windows. Also, even with the latest libraries, the lack of the light bloom issue from another post still exists.
Edit: This is starting to seem like a P3D problem, not the FT scenery. Will do some more testing with FT deactivated perhaps. If OOM was the case, then by that logic I should be having the same issue in FSX, but there I have considerably better performance, even with complex aircraft.
I retested on the ground with a fresh YYZ install and configurator adjustments, and yet again "boobeep" from windows. Also, even with the latest libraries, the lack of the light bloom issue from another post still exists.
Edit: This is starting to seem like a P3D problem, not the FT scenery. Will do some more testing with FT deactivated perhaps. If OOM was the case, then by that logic I should be having the same issue in FSX, but there I have considerably better performance, even with complex aircraft.
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
i just completely uninstalled, and reinstalled the scenery. Trying now without the litepack. i am using global and vector along with ngx and T7. Will get back with findings.
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
I no longer have the duplicate toronto's in the airport list but still get ooom when airport loads to about 95%.. After installing the lite pack, still getting same issue.
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
BTW didnt even get a chance to change planes. was loading with the default F22
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
Ok, so you're having a bit more issue than I am. I stripped down CYYZ to it's essentials, and made some scenery adjustments in the sim. I have reduced the frequency of OOM beeps, and "messing around" the airport seems to be ok now.
Flying in from an 8 hour journey may be a different story though.
The combination of complexity of P3D, T7, and CYYZ is clearly not a great mix. I was flying the 737 from CYYZ at much higher settings in FSX with no issues at all.
Flying in from an 8 hour journey may be a different story though.
The combination of complexity of P3D, T7, and CYYZ is clearly not a great mix. I was flying the 737 from CYYZ at much higher settings in FSX with no issues at all.
Re: OOM before airport fully loads P3D 2.5
Ok, so you're having a bit more issue than I am. I stripped down CYYZ to it's essentials, and made some scenery adjustments in the sim. I have reduced the frequency of OOM beeps, and "messing around" the airport seems to be ok now.
Flying in from an 8 hour journey may be a different story though.
The combination of complexity of P3D, T7, and CYYZ is clearly not a great mix. I was flying the 737 from CYYZ at much higher settings in FSX with no issues at all.
Flying in from an 8 hour journey may be a different story though.
The combination of complexity of P3D, T7, and CYYZ is clearly not a great mix. I was flying the 737 from CYYZ at much higher settings in FSX with no issues at all.