Thanks to Flytampa

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Posts: 52

Thanks to Flytampa

Post by duco » Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:39 pm

Hello Martin/George

Just wanted to say a solid "Thank You" for all your continued work of quality add ons. Also the effort to keep classics up to date (ex St.Maarten) is greatly appreciated. Looking forward to many more releases.

Posts: 147

Re: Thanks to Flytampa

Post by Lude2Envy » Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:46 pm

Agreed........many thanks to Martin and George for the most amazing sceneries in FS history.
Posts: 16

Re: Thanks to Flytampa

Post by Ruhrpilot07 » Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:41 pm


Good evening, George. [2325 cet, Germany]

Let me also say "Thank You" from Germany. Sint Maarten was the reason to find out more. And for me, that was 10 or 11 years ago, independent from a flight simulator. In those days, this little island was really a destination for december. (Has this really changed today? :D )

Since then, I was not able to convince my favourite airline to go to TNCM. But this airport is rather linked to the Dutch. Probably this is the reason why I have not bought TNCM fsx until today. I am rather the Kai Tak fsx guy.

And there are so many others, Elefterious Venez... ... let me shorten it to LGAV. Have you ever listened to the fsx atc when he tries to say Elefterious Venez.. He obviously is as less a Greek as me! :D

So, Thank You for all this, George. There is only one question left. Santa Clause is approaching. So what is the given order to buy the whole flytampa program? But let me rather open a separate thread for that question.


PS: flytampa survives! It has survived my change from fs9 to fsx. And it has survived my change from CLS LH-B742 to pmdg ...
Probably it's time for new Kai Tak screenshots... :D
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Posts: 5288

Re: Thanks to Flytampa

Post by martin[flytampa] » Thu Dec 11, 2014 12:39 pm

Thanks for the kind words guys :D
Posts: 13

Re: Thanks to Flytampa

Post by ARFF1Tampa » Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:56 pm

Yes. Thank you for the work you've done. Tampa International will be making a good number of changes over the next 3-10 years with the construction to start this year for the people mover, ect. I'll be having to run my Fire Truck out of a temporary station (in the North West corner by the old air cargo) for the next year and a half as taxiway Juliet won't be accessible to cut over to RW 1L/19R.
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