First of all thanks to FlyTampa for a great scenery. Unfortunately I have one major issue with the scenery addon since the latest update, see the attached image of the sim's bird's eye view:
[img] ... avkb3d.jpg
The area around the airport is shown perfectly in Flight Simulator X and runs totally smooth on my system. The coastlines, buidlings etc, show up perfectly, even the ground textures. The hinterland looks totally different, there are serveral different looking squares which don't fit into the scenery and getting closer to these areas the textures need a while to load and still show errors.
Since I've made a few changes to my graphic settings before the release of update 2.1 I can't 100 % confirm the issue is related to version 2.1 but I don't have such an issue at any other airport and I have no other scenery problems.
On a side; I don't have any other scenerie addons installed in the area around the African continent... .

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks