Missing Autogen (FS2004)

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Posts: 5

Missing Autogen (FS2004)

Post by Wolkenschreck » Sat Jan 19, 2013 5:04 pm

Hi George,

I'am still speechless about this new masterpiece. First Dubai by Martin and now your Montréal. What a great winter for flightsimming. :shock: Glad you decided to include AESLite again (the only thing I'am missing in the brilliant Dubai scenery). And a huge thank you for still supporting FS2004 (even if this might be your last scenery for the old FS9 like you explained in an other thread).

I'm still exploring all the small details. :D

But like the thread title suggests I have a problem with the autogenplacement on the photolayer. I can enjoy your handplaced autogen west of the airport, but the eastside is virtually empty. The autogenslider is full right.
I'installed Montréal with the default runway lights option enabled and replaced the Trench_Transp.bgl with your attached file.
Other addons in use: UT Canada & Alaska enhanced with Greater Toronto by Flight Ontario. I already tried to disable all other addons with no success. With the stock airport I get full autogen surrounding the whole airport.

Once again thank you for this otherwise fantastic scenery and sorry for my rusty English.

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Last edited by Wolkenschreck on Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Posts: 3867

Re: Missing Autogen

Post by george[flytampa] » Sat Jan 19, 2013 6:14 pm

Your English is superb.

I have no idea as of yet what is causing these big excludes. At first I thought those default lights might be causing a Autogen exclude but they have no ill effects here. I shall think about it for a while.

Are you sure UT Canada has no effect on it?
Posts: 5

Re: Missing Autogen (FS2004)

Post by Wolkenschreck » Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:38 am

Thank you for your fast support George.

I tried a few things this morning (reinstall as admin, fresh FS2004 installation etc. ) but the results were always the same: no autogen east of the airport.

So I came to the conclusion that there might be a buggy bgl in the Montréal scenery folder. And bingo! After try and error with all scenery bgls I isolated it to the following files:

All of those bgls execlude large areas of autogen east of the airport.
After removing the faulty bgls I have full autogen neighboring all sides of the airport in a heavy modified FS2004 environment including UT.

I don't know if this is a specific problem on my computer or a bug. Just want to let you know it solved my problem.

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Posts: 3867

Re: Missing Autogen (FS2004)

Post by george[flytampa] » Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:22 am

Nice find. It must be a conflict with UT. The very reson there are seven of those files, one of two reasons anyway, is that they don't exclude the autogen.

Very puzzling, but I'm pleased you got it working. They are purely a cosmetic feature anyway.
Posts: 13

Re: Missing Autogen (FS2004)

Post by gaputz » Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:10 am

I was having the same results with autogen as Christoph but for me the removal of the "RedBeacon" files did not fix the problem. I got the autogen back by unchecking the "Add Residential Lights" and "Add Residential Roads" options in UT Canada/Alaska setup Utility. I recalled having a similar problem with UT Europe with addons and autogen. Just to be on the safe side I also ran the Auto-Config Assistant that comes with UT Europe and changed the slider in that utility to maximum Autogen ("More Autogen").


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