AI not landing runway 30L

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Posts: 17

AI not landing runway 30L

Post by jd_jay » Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:37 pm

wow, what a product, my first flytampa scenery and im well and truely in love.

however ive noticed that not a single one of my AI touch down on runway 30L, they are way to high on the approach and when they get half way along they call"going missed" any ideas please?
Posts: 17

Re: AI not landing runway 30L

Post by jd_jay » Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:09 am

whilst waiting for a reply, i have been doing a bit of digging and testing myself and have a few things for food for thought:

on looking at the AFCAD file i notice there is a middle marker (stock) about a third of the way along the runway.

ATC/AI are treating runway 12r/30l as a visual runway and not ILS, sitting watching the AI traffic come in and looking at the ATC script proved this every time.

i also found this whilst googling the problem, which is also from a FlyTampa forum

jvile wrote:Heavy's going missed
Heavy's landing on the water before the runway

have been on going issues since FS9 was released even for the default FS9/FSX TNCM airport.

So what are some of the causes.

TNCM is one of the very few airports in the database that the primary runway (09) does not have a precision approach code written in XML. The first clue that the Heavy's may have a problem is when the Controller says "you are cleared for the visual"

The reason why is because RWY 09 does not have a ILS with Localizer and Glideslope. The Heavy type AI Aircraft need a hard floor to lock to that does not exsit at TNCM. Also, the very important Final Approach Fix (FAF) waypoint is not coded. Both the Tower to clear the landing and AI Planes to seek the correct Glidepath are factored from this waypoint which starts the descent profile.

What that means is all aircraft are flying the approach to RWY 09 as per a hardcode in the dll file and not a XML code that would normally nest inside the approach record file.

When the weather is above 3 mile visibility at TNCM all AI Planes think they are VFR (approach) even though the FP is IFR. On the approach they do not have a hard floor to seek/lock to and are using the default VFR hardfloor. This is fine for the smaller aircraft but the heavier the AI Plane becomes the FD's must also be hardend which in most cases are not.

if we put all that together, because it is being treated as a visual runway is the AI looking for a hard point to touch down onto, which because of where the middle marker is, is actually half way down runway 30l?
Posts: 17

Re: AI not landing runway 30L

Post by jd_jay » Sat Dec 29, 2012 7:33 am

any ideas with this from the designers please? is there a small conflict somewhere? is the scenery using a modified FSX afcad file, is that why the stock markers are still in the middle of the runway?
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Posts: 5288

Re: AI not landing runway 30L

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:26 pm

Just had a look. Never noticed the markers, they only show in the old Afcad, not in ADE. Afcad doesn't let you delete or exclude markers so I'm not sure if they are an issue.

Have you tried this other Afcad?
Same issue?
Posts: 17

Re: AI not landing runway 30L

Post by jd_jay » Sun Dec 30, 2012 3:00 am

I haven't no, does that one work on FSX also? I can't try the one you emailed me until Monday, I'm wondering if deleting the stock AFCAD may help if these new ones don't work as they are trying to touch down where the stock 30L runway used to start, but we will see
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