80% less traffic after up date

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Posts: 107

80% less traffic after up date

Post by nickac1092 » Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:07 am

? is there something wrong with the AFcad file or something? I got ADE9 and AFCAD 2. Traffic i have is WOAI, SKAI (yes i know but seriously i like it.). Ive attached a top down veiw of the airport to show the ghost termainal. Anyways i did a VFR flight around the city and i got to say its the best scenery you guys did so far for FS9. And also as you can see in my signiture, i dont have any problems with performance. I get a solid 35FPS or more a Dubai with FS9 settings on max.

[attachment=0]fs9 2012-12-14 10-00-40-34.png[/attachment]
fs9 2012-12-14 10-00-40-34.png
fs9 2012-12-14 10-00-40-34.png (3.26 MiB) Viewed 2351 times
Posts: 17

Re: 80% less traffic after up date

Post by jd_jay » Tue Dec 25, 2012 3:53 am

I've ha a look at the updated afcad myself as I have problems with no AI touching down on runway 30L, keep going missed. The terminal you are on about has all the correct parking designation codes assigned to each parking spot. So really can only be down to a couple of factors.

In your ai packages you don't have many other airlines going into Dubai

Aircraft.cfg files don't have the correct parking codes

The parking spots arnt big enough for the wingspan of the AI traffic do therefore they won't park in those spots
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