Low FPS in FS2004

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Posts: 191

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by Benncpp15 » Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:32 pm

SteveX wrote:
Benncpp15 wrote:Why don't you guys wanting to use crap old computers just run the old version of Dubai? No way the devs are going to hold back progress for you. It embarrassing watching you all expect special treatment for these antiquate computers running obsolete FS9 software. USE THE OLD LEGACY DUBAI SCENERY! Its designed to run on old computers.

You are really retarded, and I'm not sure if you actually realize how much. Being such a smartass with your top notch suggestions, why don't you sponsor everyone with an old computer running obsolete FS9 software, who inspite the fact there are newer addons on the marker, still keep their old PC's. As far as I can remember, there aren't any minimal requirements to run this version of Dubai, therefore the customer should expect the same quality as any payware scenery. Don't get me wrong, the Dubai scenery is absolutely amazing, but there is a FPS issue when the terminal is in view.

So next time do not post pointless and stupid suggestions, because it really isn't your place to tell people what machines they should be using. Simple as that. If you have a new one, more than capable of running every single addon without any problems, than I'm happy for you, but if you were forced to cope with the FPS issue most of us are facing, than you would be singing a whole other song.
hahah, lol. Dumb FS9 users. Trying to run high end scenery on Grandma's Vista running CompUSA Piece o' shit.

Its simple. All the guys here with performance problems have old silicon.
Oh I forgot, theres no system specs for Dubai. So it should run on a Apple II. I'll go sue Martin now because I'm a dumbass :wink:
Posts: 15

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by Swag » Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:14 am

Please do not feed the trolls! Thank you!
Posts: 27

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by Mooze » Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:34 am

Benncpp15 wrote:
hahah, lol. Dumb FS9 users. Trying to run high end scenery on Grandma's Vista running CompUSA Piece o' shit.

Its simple. All the guys here with performance problems have old silicon.
Oh I forgot, theres no system specs for Dubai. So it should run on a Apple II. I'll go sue Martin now because I'm a dumbass :wink:
From your way of talking suggest you to go back & resume playing your video game & let us enjoy flying, we dont loggin in this forum to read such a smart comments.

Posts: 61

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by tupolev154 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:07 am

This was surely the most idiotic kid... like everyone want's to run FSX. If he lived in my country of origin I would gladly send him to the camp because this kind of behaviour is not accepted to any kind. Oh... and there if you ever speak like that, I don't think you would ever see light again.

20 FPS is perfectly playable, I do not see any problem with 20 FPS as this is what I get at all my airports except Dubai. Tampa (rebooted), Hong Kong, Athens (well... athen's doesn't have a town), FS dreamteam KORD, KJFK, and a lot of others too...

Dreamteam KJFK and Fly Tampa Dubai is the worst framehogs, but Fs Dreamteam is worse since it consumes to many frames and yet do not have a city like Dubai. But again this is probable due to heavy AI traffic, and lots of 3D lights in the area...

Stopped flying to KJFK because of it's annoying approaches and 1+ hour waits before taxi due to all the airplanes waiting to take off, while I got used to Dubai, with ridicolously low 12-15. This is the point of the thread, FPS seems really inferior in FS9 than FSX? I wonder if any port of any kind, FS9 to FSX or FSX to FS9, or console to PC have ever worked? To me, they all seem to be crap. Developers should spend more time, no matter FS developer or game developer since the consumer is paying money.

Deleting traffic actually helps, but if it gained you so many FPS, it must be something really frameheavy.. I have world of AI and it doesn't bring many frames down.
Posts: 90

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by Rafal » Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:25 am

Benncpp15 wrote:hahah, lol. Dumb FS9 users
Benncpp15 wrote:Thanks freaking hell I don't live in your country
Benncpp15 wrote:WTF do you think FS9/FSX is? A level D Sim? LOL. Dumbasses.
I hoped FlyTampa forums are free of trolls.
I feel sorry to be dissapointed on that.
Last edited by Rafal on Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 191

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by Benncpp15 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:27 am

tupolev154 wrote:This was surely the most idiotic kid... like everyone want's to run FSX. If he lived in my country of origin I would gladly send him to the camp because this kind of behaviour is not accepted to any kind. Oh... and there if you ever speak like that, I don't think you would ever see light again.
Thanks freaking hell I don't live in your country as you'd probably make me sell my bumhole to help upgrade your UNICEF laptop.

& Yes, I do play video games. WTF do you think FS9/FSX is? A level D Sim? LOL. Dumbasses.
Posts: 61

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by tupolev154 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:36 pm

VORJAB wrote:
Benncpp15 wrote:hahah, lol. Dumb FS9 users
Benncpp15 wrote:Thanks freaking hell I don't live in your country
Benncpp15 wrote:WTF do you think FS9/FSX is? A level D Sim? LOL. Dumbasses.
I hoped FlyTampa forums are free of trolls.
I feel sorry to be dissapointed on that.
VORJAB, I feel your pain. This seemed to be the only forum where good manners where present. This swearing makes obvious he is a spoiled teenage kid. If a person makes a joke of a Korean concentration camp, saying working "burnhole" for upgrading a computer, it surely is the best if not the best trolls around.

And unicef computers doesn't even exist lol, I don't think all of us have crappy computers, they're normal, many of us have laptops, and many of us prefer to use FS9. I can run FSX but still I'm using FS9. Just a reminder for everyone reading this topic that we do not have bad computers, it's simply something else. But FlyTampa has great city, that doesn't consumes FPS. Personally, it happens only if I look at the terminals.
Posts: 2

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by daim.yousif » Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:53 pm

hey guys! so reading all these posts! removing the 3 veg files helped GREATLY increase my frame rates!!!
Posts: 4

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by anthonyrm1 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:36 pm

Which ones? did I miss that somewhere in this thread?
Posts: 31

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by vl1 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 7:00 pm

i removed all of them
they don't really make much of Dubai scene, but indeed a great FPS increase!
Posts: 49

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by Menemeth » Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:42 pm

daim.yousif wrote:hey guys! so reading all these posts! removing the 3 veg files helped GREATLY increase my frame rates!!!
What are the 3 Veg file names to remove? :?
Posts: 13

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by gaputz » Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:57 pm

Fortunately for me I do not have any of the poor performance problems reported. I get a fairly smooth 25 fps even close up to the terminal and gates, with 100% AI (all WOAI packages installed) and weather (must admit during test there was clear weather). The sim does run on a computer completely dedicated to FS9 with almost nothing else loaded. I also run it in Core 2 and other addons like ActiveSky Evolution in Core 1. Not sure how much that helps but thought I'd mention it.

Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E7600 @ 3.81 GHz (overclocked)
4 GB Ram GeForce GTS 250
Windows 7 Pro 32-bit Operating System

I want to echo what others have said and congratulate FlyTampa for a super scenery. Very much looking forward to Montreal. And finally, thank you very much for continuing to service the FS9 market. I really appreciate it.

Posts: 4

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by anthonyrm1 » Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:44 am

I had no idea you could do that, change which core FS9 uses. So you're saying that if I were to make FS9 use core 2 and the other programmes on my PC use core 1 it'll help my FPS? Interesting concept.

How many people have tried this and had it work successfully?
Posts: 61

Re: Low FPS in FS2004

Post by tupolev154 » Sat Dec 01, 2012 12:15 pm

I have a computer pretty close to what you are using. (Intel Core 3 instead of 2 but don't think it makes difference).

As the other person wondered, it could be true that FS could run better, but who knows, computers are strange sometimes. My computer is not really loaded of junk and works fast. However one thing that may make a difference... Are you using anti aliasing or anisotropic filtering?

Another kind which may (or may not) come to mind is the installation size, if there's a lot of addon airports and airport planes, FS will take longer to load, maybe slower too?

Thanks for the core tip too, and for anybody wondering how to assign cores etc, google is full of tutorials on how. There might even be programs for it... What's funny is that my computer seems to use all 4 cores when using FS9... Either I'm extremely lucky or have a bug.
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