- Posts: 8
by AIRLE » Sun Nov 11, 2012 1:19 pm
eparot wrote:AIRLE wrote:martin[flytampa] wrote:Fix attached, replace the file in FS9/Addon Scenery/FlyTampa-Dubai/scenery/
Tested by slewing from ATH to Dubai... same problem you guys had. With the new file problem fixed here.
Hi Martin,thank you for the fix...i solved this problem with program JABBgl.....correct bad altitude between default scenery and this addon...this is the same resolution too?
Which altitude did you set on default scenery with JABBgl ?
Hi,Eparot....i change altitude Dubai......10,363...to.....10,000.....

- Posts: 444
by Er!k » Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:49 am
Hi Martin, tried your fix and the issue seemed to be solved. However after I had parked my aircraft, I noticed still some bleed:
Any clues?
- Posts: 8
by AIRLE » Tue Nov 13, 2012 2:17 pm
Er!k wrote:Hi Martin, tried your fix and the issue seemed to be solved. However after I had parked my aircraft, I noticed still some bleed:
Any clues?
For me too....the same problem continuos after fix......
- Posts: 8
by AIRLE » Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:12 pm
Er!k wrote:Hi Martin, tried your fix and the issue seemed to be solved. However after I had parked my aircraft, I noticed still some bleed:
Any clues?
Hi Er!k...this fix made by Martin, with program JABBgl...altitude set from default...10,363.....to....10,000...the problem is solved for me...

- Posts: 444
by Er!k » Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:00 am
Thanks, that was indeed a good solution!
- Posts: 115
by Mage » Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:11 am
So far as I'm aware, JABBGL alters the default FS files that have the airport platforms in them, which was why I stopped using it. I now create small hand-coded BGLs from XML that sets only the airport elevation and nothing else. Those go in my Scenery/World/Scenery folder (FS9) and adjust levels just fine in my setup (well, once I've compiled them with BGLComp of course...).
Here's an old one for Plymouth UK (now tragically and ridiculously closed).
Code: Select all
<FSData version="9.0" xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="bglcomp.xsd" >
<!-- Airport elevation was 147.83 -->
<Airport ident="EGHD" name="Plymouth"
lat="50.422778" lon="-4.105833"
magvar="5.00" alt="145.0"
country="United Kingdom">
- Posts: 33
by Jeremy » Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:18 pm
Unfortunately, even with the FIX and altitude to 10,000, I get this! Please help, it's very annoying ....

- Site Admin
- Posts: 5288
by martin[flytampa] » Mon Nov 19, 2012 2:31 am
I tested this elevation issue a bit more and I only get this problem when flying into Dubai from elsewhere and then using maximum zoom-out with a cessna for the lowest viewpoint. The attached combination of flatten and Afcad fixed it here. tested multiple times with fly/slew to Dubai from afar.
The Afcad elevation is 10.36M and the flatten is 10.37M.
Tested with default FS9 and no JABBGL changes.
- (57.62 KiB) Downloaded 691 times
- omdb_flatten.bgl
- (309 Bytes) Downloaded 678 times
- Posts: 33
by Jeremy » Mon Nov 19, 2012 4:40 am
Thanks for your response! I will test it next week! I am currently abroad.
thank you again for the support
- Posts: 4
by manosp » Tue Dec 11, 2012 6:55 am
Hey guys!
I got the same problem even after the fix.. After applying the fix though the problem occurs only at Rwy 30L and only when I start fs9 at Dubai. On the other hand when I fly to Dubai from another region (for example LGAV) the problem occurs on all ground textures. I remember having installed a freeware called "Real Dubai" but I removed it from the library. Also I installed FlyTampa Dubai Rebooted at another Computer and it was perfect.. So I have no idea what causes that problem and it's quite annoying while taxing... :/
- Posts: 4
by manosp » Sat Dec 15, 2012 4:04 am
Hey again...
After a few days of experimenting with Dubai I found out that whenever I am starting (loading) a flight from Dubai all ground textures are perfectly fine expect a small area in the beginning of Rwy30L. Whenever though I am flying into Dubai and while the scenery loads while I am dissenting for landing all ground textures have an issue… I have tried many possible solutions. Reinstalling the Scenery, Reinstalling the update, Adding the fix files, using JABBGL ….. I do not want to Uninstall and delete my FS9 because it will take me at least a week to set it up again… What else can I do?
Beginning of Rwy30L
Further ahead of Rwy30L
- Posts: 49
by Menemeth » Sat Dec 15, 2012 7:41 am
manosp wrote:Hey again...
After a few days of experimenting with Dubai I found out that whenever I am starting (loading) a flight from Dubai all ground textures are perfectly fine expect a small area in the beginning of Rwy30L. Whenever though I am flying into Dubai and while the scenery loads while I am dissenting for landing all ground textures have an issue… I have tried many possible solutions. Reinstalling the Scenery, Reinstalling the update, Adding the fix files, using JABBGL ….. I do not want to Uninstall and delete my FS9 because it will take me at least a week to set it up again… What else can I do?
I've had that same problem for a couple yrs now with FSDreamTeam's Honolulu (PHNL). They called it a
"bleed-over," and that either my
Ultimate Terrain or
FSGlobal was causing it.

Global Express
- Posts: 22
by Global Express » Sat Dec 15, 2012 5:26 pm
I'm having a similar problem in FS9.
I thought I fixed the issue by making sure the scenery was at the top of the addon scenery list, but after a couple of times, the textures disappeared again - I have UTE. I'll remove it and see what happens....