I have just started to work on the Dubai AFCAD file and would like to share my results. Goal is to create a realistic AFCAD, with all airlines assigned to the correct area on the airport.

How to use?
First back-up your OMDB_ADE9_FLYTAMPA.bgl file (located in the FlyTampa-Dubai\scenery folder). Then copy the file from the attachment in this folder and you're good to go!
What has been changed?
- Moved FlyDubai (and other airlines) to terminal 2
- Assigned cargo airlines to terminal F
- Added Qantas to terminal 3
- Other assignments based on Wikipedia (I know, not the best source out there, but it's a start)!
- Changed ILS frequencies and VOR frequency according to this topic (Identifier cannot be changed).
- Added extra gates, and adjusted assignments according to this post
- Added the missing hold short node near RWY 30R
- Added extra gates at the H terminal
- Assigned some cargo space at the E gates
- Fixed the airport elevation in order to avoid bleed of the default ground texture.
- Randomized all newly created parking spots in the parking list order.
- AFCAD now based on updated AFCAD by FlyTampa
- Increased some gates for optimized parking
- Inserted special parking codes (UAES, QFAS) for A380's so they park at T3 now.
- Adjusted AFCAD elevation according to this post.
- Double gate H8 renamed to H9
- AFCAD file now based on update v2.1
- Some minor adjustments
- Added hold short node near rwy 30L (again)
- Added gate G8
If you have suggestions, please feel free to reply, so I can keep the AFCAD up-to-date.
Release history:
- 10 nov. v1.0
- 11 nov. v1.1
- 12 nov. v1.2
- 14 nov. v1.3
- 17 nov. v1.4
- 17 nov. v1.4.1
- 19 nov. v1.4.2
- 02 dec. v1.5
- 02 dec. v1.5.1