Montreal First Preview

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Posts: 107

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by nickac1092 » Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:03 am

Ok guys. Simple question. Why the hell are you guys so uptight about Montreal to be released? This is why admins/designers dont give release dates just because they could run into a problem. If any of you are in the Skyspirirt groups on Facebook, than you should know those rules.

Above all, Fly Tampa team, take you time to create a truely awesome Montreal Intl. :D
Posts: 18

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by smokeyupahead » Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:24 pm

If I like it? I love it!!!
Posts: 1

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by AC870 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:22 pm

iflycanadian wrote:I believe the last time I saw it, it was at the NW end of the field from the Transborder Gates. I know there is a line of buildings there. My belief is that it use to be the Inter-Canadian Hangar, for the fleet of Regionals. It was a Dark Blue building. The last time I was there it was about a year ago, maybe they finally got around to painting it 12 years later. :(
That hangar was taken down about 2 months ago, with the faded Canadian logo, they never did repaint it. The only hangars still in operation are Hydro Quebec's and Air Creebec's, the last 2 hangars down the hangar line. Air Inuit just moved into their new hangar and while their old hangar is still standing, it's been fenced off and seems set for demolition soon.

I just got my computer back up and running and am really looking forward to this scenery!
Posts: 21

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by EasyRider » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:56 pm

How much % are now already finished?
Can't wait, until is finished. :)
Posts: 5

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by hgtyujki » Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:20 am

Can You Guys Do Nashville Tennessee?
Posts: 368

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by deltaboeing84 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:43 pm

hgtyujki wrote:Can You Guys Do Nashville Tennessee?
Really?! This is a Preview to a scenery they are making. It has nothing to do with BNA.
Posts: 249

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by CSTT-KLAS » Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:31 pm

hgtyujki wrote:Can You Guys Do Nashville Tennessee?
You are wrong about the subject here is not Montreal Nashville! thanks
Posts: 10

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by F-GZNH » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:11 pm

It's been a while now since we did not have pictures from the scenery. It would be amazing to have a small preview of the terminal, be it only one picture!

On another note, I know it must be hard for the team to work on CYUL as it is in constant evolution now. New gates are being built at the end of the International jetty. I have some pictures of the plans and of what they are planning to do in the near future. Also, they have recently just finished the resurfacing of runway 24R-06L and decided to enlarge the de-icing pad. There will be also the continuation of the taxiway India which will be built in the following weeks if not already on construction.

This is an image of the taxiway India which will be continued. The de-icing pad shown in the picture is the actual one. The continuation of the de-icing pad will cover the area in between taxiway India, Hotel and Echo. ... 6319_n.jpg

The following image is a computer image of the eight new gates that will be built during the winter. YUL needs these eight more gates more than anything else. We are currently refusing airlines that want to serve YUL since we don't have any more room to accomodate them. For instance, we get Qatar that arrives in the early afternoon and only departs late at night. ... 3940_n.jpg

Hope these helped, and again, I know it must be something to work on this project. I'm really happy this project is underway now and I am sure that many of us here will work on updates for this scenery as our airport gets better and better with improvements.

Thanks a lot

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Posts: 3867

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Jul 19, 2012 11:10 pm

Thanks for the info Frederick.

I decided months ago none of these future updates can be included in Montreal Version1. The terminal extension & new gates looks like they have years before opening judging by the date(2016) on the CGI image. Its not easy to rip up the foundations of my scenery to make these additions. They will have to be done much later as an update. Probably after I finish my next scenery if decent reference becomes available. Please appreciate that even getting reference for the new Marriott Hotel was very difficult. I had to fill in the missing gaps with my best guess & hand paint over the old satellite textures.

The de-icing pad will have to wait too. Taxiway India might have a chance of being added but only if I can get quality reference for it. Preferably CAD drawings or best of all, aerial photos. These were all news to me.

Some new buildings will probably make it, like the Air Creebec Hangar & the newish hangar at the end of 24R is already complete. The Air Inuit hangar probably won't be included due to poor reference. Especially as I can't find images of the taxiway/apron layout around it. I have to lock it down now or I'll never complete it.

The good news is the Terminal is nearly complete. It was an exhausting model, very detailed. I'll post shots within the coming weeks when I get round to adding the jetways to it.

No ETA on completion but it should be this year.

Thanks for the info again.
Posts: 249

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by CSTT-KLAS » Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:02 am

Hello flytampa creators will surely make a bet at days like Boston and other scenery
Posts: 10

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by ianj844 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 4:10 pm

Hi when do you think this scenery will be released? Also is there a way to become a bata tester?
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Posts: 3867

Re: Montreal First Preview

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:54 pm

ianj844 wrote:Hi when do you think this scenery will be released? Also is there a way to become a bata tester?
2012 release. Beta testers we don't need currently.
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