How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Posts: 1235

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:34 pm

Shamrock wrote:
B777ER wrote:
Shamrock wrote:"B777-ER East Central Florida" Welcome to the board. That was very enlighting I must say. That really put me in my place. I can see where you took time away from dodging bullets and running your dailly driveby shootings to respond to email that didn't even concern your fat lazy ass! Must be all the illegals and ghettos in your city. Go have another Buritos you pig!
Welcome to the board? Apparently Canadians cannot calculate simple numbers. I joined in 2003, you in 2010. Let me put this in a way a Canadian can understand. If you have 2,010 snowballs and take away 2,003 snowballs, you have 7 snowballs left. So that means I have been here 7 years longer than you.

As well, you misspelled enlighting, dailly, driveby and bruitos. Suggest you get Spelling for Dummies from your local book store prior to being snowed in for the next six months.
Wow you can actually add and subtract. Impresssive. Did you run spellcheck before you posted? I guess the US school system wouldn't be counted on to prepare you for a career as school teacher now would it? Seeing how you can't find an American to balance your trillion dollar debt, you go and elect a dingbat to further run your sorry ass country in the ground. Welcome to the board! :D
And yet, the entire world economy happens to be influenced by the American economy. Funny the way things work.
Posts: 8

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by BionicCrab » Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:54 am

Midgey: nope most civilized economies tax their rich more than the poor, and have free health care on top of that. Oh and we don't spend a dime on the military. So really I don't think you influence any economies, anywhere.
Posts: 368

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by deltaboeing84 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 7:16 am

How the hell did this turn into a Canada vs. U.S.A. debate on a U.S.A. forum? Hmmmm...

I know I'm taking my next vacation to the lovely shores of boredom...CANADA
Posts: 1235

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:58 am

BionicCrab wrote:Midgey: nope most civilized economies tax their rich more than the poor, and have free health care on top of that. Oh and we don't spend a dime on the military. So really I don't think you influence any economies, anywhere.
Really? Watch the U.S. economy tank and you'll see the global economy struggle. Watch the U.S. economy flourish and the world economy will do fairly well.

Tax the rich more? That's absolutely ridiculous. Sure some rich never "earned" their money but what about those who worked their ass off for their money and wealthy lifestyle. Why should they have to pay more for being more successful? Sorry, but that's bogus. Now, paying the same amount? Absolutely they should. But politicians in our country are supported by the rich so they get unfair tax breaks. It blows, it definitely does. But there is no way the rich should be taxed more.

Free health care? Yeah, you try and figure out a system that is able to provide free health care to this large of a country without leaving some people out. It won't happen, no matter what you try. Meanwhile, I've heard horror stories regarding efficiency of the health care systems in Canada, the U.K., and other countries where free health care is supplied, and that's with a MUCH smaller population. But go ahead, solve that problem for us. :wink: You wouldn't be able to...not for a country this size. So while health care can be extremely expensive at times, not many are left behind in the system, provided they seek the help they desire. But that's why we have insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid. Is it perfect? No, not at all. It has some major flaws that need reforming. But entirely free health care will never be adequate for a country of over 300 million.

You don't spend a dime on the military? Really? This seems to suggest otherwise (, along with some news reports saying the military spending today is the highest is has been in quite some time (I believe since World War II).

So, when Shamrock said we "wouldn't want to go down this road" with you, with an added :evil: face, why not exactly?
How the hell did this turn into a Canada vs. U.S.A. debate on a U.S.A. forum? Hmmmm...

I know I'm taking my next vacation to the lovely shores of boredom...CANADA
How? Well, Shamrock (shouldn't it be a maple leaf?) decided to take everything seriously and personally. He doesn't quite understand what forum trolling and humor is. I guess he thinks he's being tough...but only he'll be able to answer that one. But remember, Internet...Serious Business.

Btw, PEI and Nova Scotia are some lovely places. And I'd love to go to the other shore and check out Vancouver. I've only heard good things (minus the small amount of idiots who rioted after the Stanley Cup Finals).
Posts: 218

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by yankeesji » Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:56 pm

Shamrock wrote:
yankeesji wrote:
Shamrock wrote:"B777-ER East Central Florida" Welcome to the board. That was very enlighting I must say. That really put me in my place. I can see where you took time away from dodging bullets and running your dailly driveby shootings to respond to email that didn't even concern your fat lazy ass! Must be all the illegals and ghettos in your city. Go have another Buritos you pig!
You've made quite a positive impact in the FT forums. Thanks for all your positive and worthwhile comments.

Midgey - Speechless with that sexyness you are bringing. :shock:
And yours are worthwhile?Go back under your rock!
You are really a tool man. What's the point of evening participating in forums if all you want to do is act like a jackass? Does it make you feel cool, no I bet you feel tough. Well Grrr to you dipshit.

What is this rock you speak of?
Posts: 2121

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by skydvdan » Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:01 pm

I'm amazed at the direction this thread took.
Posts: 218

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by yankeesji » Tue Aug 09, 2011 4:53 pm

skydvdan wrote:I'm amazed at the direction this thread took.
Oh you are not. Every thread here goes in this direction. :D
Posts: 2121

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by skydvdan » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:41 pm

yankeesji wrote:
skydvdan wrote:I'm amazed at the direction this thread took.
Oh you are not. Every thread here goes in this direction. :D
You're right, I'm not, and it does. LOL!

So on that note... ... r_embedded
Site Admin
Posts: 3867

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by george[flytampa] » Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:49 pm

skydvdan wrote:
yankeesji wrote:
skydvdan wrote:I'm amazed at the direction this thread took.
Oh you are not. Every thread here goes in this direction. :D ... r_embedded
Brilliant Cat.
Posts: 218

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by yankeesji » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:15 pm

skydvdan wrote:
yankeesji wrote:
skydvdan wrote:I'm amazed at the direction this thread took.
Oh you are not. Every thread here goes in this direction. :D
You're right, I'm not, and it does. LOL!

So on that note... ... r_embedded
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Posts: 14

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by Shamrock » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:28 pm

yankeesji wrote:
You are really a tool man. What's the point of evening participating in forums if all you want to do is act like a jackass? Does it make you feel cool, no I bet you feel tough. Well Grrr to you dipshit.

What is this rock you speak of?
Lemme see, I'm the tool but you so erroneously participated in a thread that was highjacked by a bunch of knuckleheaded derelicts? Give your head shake you moron! And just in case you missed it, this was originally a thread about Pearson and addon-scenery. But you some of you little tightwads need to come on here and start swinging your little dicks about how good you are and shit. This just makes you appear insecure so grow-up asshole!
Posts: 14

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by Shamrock » Tue Aug 09, 2011 9:34 pm

MidgeyMidget2 wrote:How? Well, Shamrock (shouldn't it be a maple leaf?) decided to take everything seriously and personally. He doesn't quite understand what forum trolling and humor is. I guess he thinks he's being tough...but only he'll be able to answer that one. But remember, Internet...Serious Business.

Btw, PEI and Nova Scotia are some lovely places. And I'd love to go to the other shore and check out Vancouver. I've only heard good things (minus the small amount of idiots who rioted after the Stanley Cup Finals).
Naw naw, you can't run and hide under this premise anymore. Trying to make yourself look like the goodguy here but it is not working. Can see right through it! :D
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