Odd Ground Layout

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Posts: 5

Odd Ground Layout

Post by Wolkenschreck » Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:24 pm

Hi George,

first of all many many thanks for this incredible scenery. Bought it right after release and even finished work one hour earlier to try it out. Fly Athens is not a scenery but a piece of art. Well worth every cent. :shock:
I'm so pleased you still support FS9 and included AESLite which brings the whole airport to life. Really hope to see AESLite in future sceneries as well. :D

But there is one little thing which looks odd to me:
In FS9 Apron North, Taxiway Kilo and Taxiway Echo (in front of the main terminal) are more or less curved where in the real world they are straight.

I checked it in Google Earth and BingMaps but the whole aerial image is messed up, most probably because of the terrain/elevation difference there.

Please see the following links for a real world overview of Apron North with its straight layout:
http://www.airliners.net/photo/Olympic/ ... f2cd01462a
http://www.airliners.net/photo//1026857 ... f2cd01462a

I've took some quick and dirty screenshots which hopefully illustrate what I mean.

Maybe it's possible for you to fix this little issue. I'm afraid that AESLite has to be redone for this part of the airport as well.
But please only when it's not to much work to do and when AESLite stays in the scenery. Would be a shame to skip it out.

Once again thanky for this great scenery and have a relaxing weekend. :)
Taxiway E
Taxiway E
2.jpg (220.85 KiB) Viewed 4366 times
Apron North with Taxiway K
Apron North with Taxiway K
1.jpg (205.23 KiB) Viewed 4366 times
Site Admin
Posts: 3867

Re: Odd Ground Layout

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:35 pm

Well spotted.
Unfortunately I chose to trust the Satellite images. Why two separate sources have such a distortion i'm not sure. That area looks flat to me. I was tempted to straighten it, but was worried about another area on the image not lining up later.

Its too minor to fix in my opinion. In fact, that entire ramp has been squeezed inwards away for the highway by about 100m.
This was to overcome the very poor terrain resolution in FS9. Without this deliberate error, the 3D Highway trench wouldn't have be possible in FS9 & I'f have been forced to revert to leaving it flat. But this is a much bigger error than the slight curve in the taxiway, but I doubt 99.9% of customers even noticed & would rather have the 3d Taxiway bridges which are rare in FS9.

Sorry about the late reply.
satimages.jpg (267.9 KiB) Viewed 4318 times
Posts: 5

Re: Odd Ground Layout

Post by Wolkenschreck » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:28 am

Late reply? I hope you're kidding. In my view your customer service and response time is excellent. There's really no reason to apologize. :)

Well I see the whole terrain issue in Athens isn't easy. Thanks for clarifying. There simply have to be a compromise, that's the way FS9 works.
And you're absolutely right: The overall impression - including 3d taxiway bridges and all the other candy- is far more important than a curved apron.
So I can perfectly live with this minor issue.

It's great that you have included a local mesh. Never noticed the nearby hills in the old HSP scenery. It makes the approach to 21L so much more interesting.

Antony M.
Posts: 27

Re: Odd Ground Layout

Post by Antony M. » Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:45 pm

Indeed these hills exists. You are right, all these little things make it much more realistic for us who know this airport.

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