How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Posts: 393

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by B777ER » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:04 am

Shamerock, what are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be rubbing a fine coat of oil up and down the shaft of your snow shovel in preparation for getting smacked with a bunch of white stuff?
Posts: 1235

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Tue Aug 02, 2011 8:18 pm

Shamrock wrote:Midget you are a real class act. Just priceless. And I guess we will just leave it at that!


This internet shiznit is gettin serious, fo real.
Posts: 368

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by deltaboeing84 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:51 am

I'm going to have nightmares due to that picture. That's massive.
Posts: 249

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by CSTT-KLAS » Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:17 pm

go toronto go :D i love airport in canada .
Posts: 12

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by BrendanBFC » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:52 pm

Just FYI MOST of the players on the bruins are CANADIAN! :wink:
Posts: 1235

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Wed Aug 03, 2011 9:04 pm

BrendanBFC wrote:Just FYI MOST of the players on the bruins are CANADIAN! :wink:
Just FYI, we've already covered that. Also just FYI, players in the NHL don't represent countries. They represent cities and their teams' fans so who gives two shits what country the players are from?
Posts: 14

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by Shamrock » Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:28 pm

"B777-ER East Central Florida" Welcome to the board. That was very enlighting I must say. That really put me in my place. I can see where you took time away from dodging bullets and running your dailly driveby shootings to respond to email that didn't even concern your fat lazy ass! Must be all the illegals and ghettos in your city. Go have another Buritos you pig!
Posts: 1235

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:08 pm

Shamrock wrote:"B777-ER East Central Florida" Welcome to the board. That was very enlighting I must say. That really put me in my place. I can see where you took time away from dodging bullets and running your dailly driveby shootings to respond to email that didn't even concern your fat lazy ass! Must be all the illegals and ghettos in your city. Go have another Buritos you pig!
Posts: 218

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by yankeesji » Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:15 pm

Shamrock wrote:"B777-ER East Central Florida" Welcome to the board. That was very enlighting I must say. That really put me in my place. I can see where you took time away from dodging bullets and running your dailly driveby shootings to respond to email that didn't even concern your fat lazy ass! Must be all the illegals and ghettos in your city. Go have another Buritos you pig!
You've made quite a positive impact in the FT forums. Thanks for all your positive and worthwhile comments.

Midgey - Speechless with that sexyness you are bringing. :shock:
Posts: 368

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by deltaboeing84 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 7:32 pm

Shamrocks just pissed because Midgey got a picture of his old lady.
Posts: 393

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by B777ER » Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:25 pm

Shamrock wrote:"B777-ER East Central Florida" Welcome to the board. That was very enlighting I must say. That really put me in my place. I can see where you took time away from dodging bullets and running your dailly driveby shootings to respond to email that didn't even concern your fat lazy ass! Must be all the illegals and ghettos in your city. Go have another Buritos you pig!
Welcome to the board? Apparently Canadians cannot calculate simple numbers. I joined in 2003, you in 2010. Let me put this in a way a Canadian can understand. If you have 2,010 snowballs and take away 2,003 snowballs, you have 7 snowballs left. So that means I have been here 7 years longer than you.

As well, you misspelled enlighting, dailly, driveby and bruitos. Suggest you get Spelling for Dummies from your local book store prior to being snowed in for the next six months.
Posts: 52

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by duco » Sun Aug 07, 2011 8:05 am

zOMGZzzz flytampa pleazzzz make toronto cause itz lyke my fav airport evurrrr
Let me put this in a way a Canadian can understand. If you have 2,010 snowballs and take away 2,003 snowballs, you have 7 snowballs left. So that means I have been here 7 years longer than you.
OHHH now i get it. thanks for helping us canadians understand the challenges of everyday math! :D in return for your kind actions i will give you 3 beaver pelts. meet me at the maple syrup factory for the exchange. we canadians are so friendly :)
Posts: 14

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by Shamrock » Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:54 pm

yankeesji wrote:
Shamrock wrote:"B777-ER East Central Florida" Welcome to the board. That was very enlighting I must say. That really put me in my place. I can see where you took time away from dodging bullets and running your dailly driveby shootings to respond to email that didn't even concern your fat lazy ass! Must be all the illegals and ghettos in your city. Go have another Buritos you pig!
You've made quite a positive impact in the FT forums. Thanks for all your positive and worthwhile comments.

Midgey - Speechless with that sexyness you are bringing. :shock:
And yours are worthwhile?Go back under your rock!
Posts: 14

Re: How about Toronto or Ottawa Airports?

Post by Shamrock » Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:00 pm

B777ER wrote:
Shamrock wrote:"B777-ER East Central Florida" Welcome to the board. That was very enlighting I must say. That really put me in my place. I can see where you took time away from dodging bullets and running your dailly driveby shootings to respond to email that didn't even concern your fat lazy ass! Must be all the illegals and ghettos in your city. Go have another Buritos you pig!
Welcome to the board? Apparently Canadians cannot calculate simple numbers. I joined in 2003, you in 2010. Let me put this in a way a Canadian can understand. If you have 2,010 snowballs and take away 2,003 snowballs, you have 7 snowballs left. So that means I have been here 7 years longer than you.

As well, you misspelled enlighting, dailly, driveby and bruitos. Suggest you get Spelling for Dummies from your local book store prior to being snowed in for the next six months.
Wow you can actually add and subtract. Impresssive. Did you run spellcheck before you posted? I guess the US school system wouldn't be counted on to prepare you for a career as school teacher now would it? Seeing how you can't find an American to balance your trillion dollar debt, you go and elect a dingbat to further run your sorry ass country in the ground. Welcome to the board! :D
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