[FS9] Scenery Freezes FS9

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Posts: 7

[FS9] Scenery Freezes FS9

Post by marinosk » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:28 pm

Good evening,

Not my lucky day today. I bought and installed the scenery for FS9. System Settings:

Windows XP SP3
Nvidia GTS250 (Drivers 275.33)
Intel Core 2 Duo 6600

FS9 loads normally. I choose LGAV / Active runway with the default Cessna. 4-5 seconds after loading, FS9 stops responding. Only way to shut it down is to "End now" FS9.

I took the following steps to troubleshoot it:

1. I unchecked ALL options in installing - FS9 freezes
2. I updated graphics drivers - FS9 freezes
3. I disabled the antivirus (ESET32) before installing - FS9 freezes
4. I used the Flight1 registry fix - FS9 freezes
5. Disabled Athens and Athens LC. FS9 loads default scenery and does NOT freeze. Enabled Athens LC, does NOT freeze. Enabled Athens -> FS9 Freezes
6. I checked that all folders contain all files (Addon Scenery / FlyTampa-Athens / Scenery -> 99 files, 30,8MB --- texture 712 objects, 250MB). FS Freezes
7. Started a flight from LGMK (Mykonos island, 100 miles south east of Athens). Flight starts OK, on approaching LGAV and tuning ILS 111.10, FS9 freezes.
8. I disabled HST's mesh and base. FS9 freezes
9. Disabled some other sceneries I have (not all, but some of them, randomly). FS9 freezes

Any other ideas would be more than welcome to solve the problem and to enjoy the scenery.

Thanks for your help!
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Posts: 3867

Re: [FS9] Scenery Freezes FS9

Post by george[flytampa] » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:34 pm

Tried it without AI traffic runnng ?

I'm still thinking about what else could cause a freeze.
Posts: 7

Re: [FS9] Scenery Freezes FS9

Post by marinosk » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:38 pm

Hello George,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I do not use AI traffic - it has been disabled.

However, I removed ALL AESLite files, and it seems to work now - I do not know why.

Obviously - I do not use AES.

I will be making a test flight now and report back asap.

Once again, thanks for quick answer.

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Posts: 3867

Re: [FS9] Scenery Freezes FS9

Post by george[flytampa] » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:41 pm

Did you install Vistamare Core? Its required for many of the AES-Lite features. I'm not sure if it can cause a freeze, but you might want to check it was installed by re-running the Athens Installer.
Posts: 7

Re: [FS9] Scenery Freezes FS9

Post by marinosk » Tue Aug 02, 2011 2:48 pm

I am looking at Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator 9\Modules and I see two dlls: ViMaCore2004.dll and ViMaIScn.dll.

Are these two the ones we are looking for?

All options where checked ON when installing.
Posts: 7

Re: [FS9] Scenery Freezes FS9

Post by marinosk » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:37 pm

And another update...

I just downloaded and installed AES from Aerosoft. Placed the AESLite files back to the folder of Athens and now I have moving vehicles as well.

Lovely scenery!!!

Thanks for your help George!
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Posts: 3867

Re: [FS9] Scenery Freezes FS9

Post by george[flytampa] » Tue Aug 02, 2011 3:44 pm

Oh good. Dunno what was going wrong there. Pleased you got it going though.
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