Poll - FSX or FS9?

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Which is currently your primary sim of choice?

Poll ended at Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:02 pm

Total votes: 173
Posts: 71

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by JamesChams » Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:41 pm

george[flytampa] wrote:There's that smell again....
:D LOL, but not of Roses... :D
Posts: 84

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by SDFlyer » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:01 pm

Oh my gosh, now I've heard it all. - FS9, cause I can't afford an HD TV, PS3 AND a new system!
Posts: 1

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by AmazonChitlin » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:05 pm

JamesChams wrote:Mark,

RE English: Yes, but there is no penalties for misspellings on this forum for the FAA. :D LOL Hahaha ...
So, I have a few English spelling typo's in this post, very few here can even spell, let alone other things mentioned. And, I don't know what you are talking about here ..." 8 x 1st class medicals" ? :|

Next, I've held a 1st Class for more then 2 decades and yes I do have all the other type ratings and some categories, including a rotary (but NOT seaplanes, balloon, etc.). But, for my personal security, they are NOT available for the general public viewing on the FAA site, post 9/11; that won't change till I'm retired (I guess). I've mentioned that before in other places. Furthermore, our company REQUIRES that our AME's give us a pschy. eval. as part of our medical, for insurance reasons, although it is not an FAA Requirement. Thus, my competency statement earlier. :wink: But, I encourage civil dialogue, especially from a fellow aviator; feel free to chat with me any time. 8)

So, while you may feel that I'm bashing these *boys* for their foolishness, a little too much, they've more than earned it. I see no shame in helping fool(s) mend their ways. :wink:

FYI, I have my own Sim for that very purpose, so I encourage them to *play* ... But, perhaps they should do it in FSX instead, huh??? :P
I have no idea what he meant by the 8x 1st class medicals. I didn't see that anywhere in your post.

I'm curious about your ratings. See, I looked you up on the FAA's database. Yes, I know it's you. There's only 1 James Fuad Chams with a pilots license. Now, it says there that you got your license April 23, 2010. If that's the case, you've been a busy boy adding "other type ratings and some categories" to your license...especially a rotary wing license! I'm impressed!

So how do you get the FAA to remove things essential, like type ratings, but not have them remove your address while they're at it? I had mine removed first thing. I also made sure that my cerrtificate number wasn't my social. I don't remember seeing a box that could be checked that would prevent them from displaying all of my ratings/licenses though.

Anyway, from one career guy to another, and feel free to PM it to me (I'll keep it between us), what company do you work for? Maybe I'll run into you some time.
Posts: 71

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by JamesChams » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:31 pm

AmazonChitlin wrote:
JamesChams wrote:Mark,

RE English: Yes, but there is no penalties for misspellings on this forum for the FAA. :D LOL Hahaha ...
So, I have a few English spelling typo's in this post, very few here can even spell, let alone other things mentioned. And, I don't know what you are talking about here ..." 8 x 1st class medicals" ? :|

Next, I've held a 1st Class for more then 2 decades and yes I do have all the other type ratings and some categories, including a rotary (but NOT seaplanes, balloon, etc.). But, for my personal security, they are NOT available for the general public viewing on the FAA site, post 9/11; that won't change till I'm retired (I guess). I've mentioned that before in other places. Furthermore, our company REQUIRES that our AME's give us a pschy. eval. as part of our medical, for insurance reasons, although it is not an FAA Requirement. Thus, my competency statement earlier. :wink: But, I encourage civil dialogue, especially from a fellow aviator; feel free to chat with me any time. 8)

So, while you may feel that I'm bashing these *boys* for their foolishness, a little too much, they've more than earned it. I see no shame in helping fool(s) mend their ways. :wink:

FYI, I have my own Sim for that very purpose, so I encourage them to *play* ... But, perhaps they should do it in FSX instead, huh??? :P
I have no idea what he meant by the 8x 1st class medicals. I didn't see that anywhere in your post.

I'm curious about your ratings. See, I looked you up on the FAA's database. Yes, I know it's you. There's only 1 James Fuad Chams with a pilots license. Now, it says there that you got your license April 23, 2010. If that's the case, you've been a busy boy adding "other type ratings and some categories" to your license...especially a rotary wing license! I'm impressed!
No, I believe that that may be the renewal date (that they posted) after a bi-annual flight review, I think. :| I've been certified (initially) since the early 90's.
So how do you get the FAA to remove things essential, like type ratings, but not have them remove your address while they're at it? I had mine removed first thing. I also made sure that my cerrtificate number wasn't my social. I don't remember seeing a box that could be checked that would prevent them from displaying all of my ratings/licenses though.
Well (as I recall) I simply filled out a form that my employer presented me with. Something everyone on staff here have and it REQUIRES a certain level of security that the U.S. DoD issues. Beyond that, I'm not sure what to tell you. If you all just operate under PART 91 or 121 you probably don't have/need this.
And, for my private-use/rental reasons (PART 91), I need to demonstrate (on the FAA Site) that I have a current medical & License (with at least one category and type), so only my PPL is shown; but, strangely, not even my IFR rating. :D That is all I'm prepared to discuss, at least until I retired for above reasons mentioned, especially on a public (global) forum. :wink:

So, FSX will take over even if some of you cannot buy the rig necessary to fire it up. But, if your looking for hardware deals to run FSX, try this retailer: http://www.MicroCenter.com

Posts: 84

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by SDFlyer » Fri Jul 15, 2011 8:45 am

This is from an inquiry I made with the FAA yesterday regarding James' statement that all his qualifications don't show up due to an FAA request. I received it this morning:

No, it is not true.
The Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century, in addition to other statutory requirements, requires us to make airmen CERTIFICATE information available to the public.
Airmen Certification Branch

From: ---------------------
To: 9-AMC-AFS760-Airmen/AMC/FAA@FAA
Date: 07/14/2011 04:13 PM
Subject: Airmen Services - Comment

So, now I'm really curious James. Is it possible for you to just photocopy the back of your pilots cert? It should have your qualifications on it, regardless of what the FAA site says.

Posts: 3

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by gordongekko » Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:09 pm


I doubt James will provide a copy to prove it. Most likely he wont even reply to this thread.
Posts: 71

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by JamesChams » Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:24 pm

SDFlyer wrote:This is from an inquiry I made with the FAA yesterday regarding James' statement that all his qualifications don't show up due to an FAA request. I received it this morning:

No, it is not true.
The Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century, in addition to other statutory requirements, requires us to make airmen CERTIFICATE information available to the public.
Airmen Certification Branch

From: ---------------------
To: 9-AMC-AFS760-Airmen/AMC/FAA@FAA
Date: 07/14/2011 04:13 PM
Subject: Airmen Services - Comment

So, now I'm really curious James. Is it possible for you to just photocopy the back of your pilots cert? It should have your qualifications on it, regardless of what the FAA site says.


As I've stated, you don't need to know, that's why its NOT available to you. :P And, not by the FAA request, but our own. So, all your attempts to discredit me in order for me to prove things to you are simply a waste of my time and will NEVER ever occur; because as much as you'll want it to be, its simply NOT the truth. So, wait till I'm 65 and retired, and I'll gladly "rub it in your faces" another time. :P :wink:

And, by then, 8) FSX will still TOTALLY ROCK!!! 8) and FS9 will be DOA. :twisted:

Got FSX??? :D
Posts: 32

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by 777captain » Sat Jul 16, 2011 1:06 am

JamesChams wrote:
SDFlyer wrote:This is from an inquiry I made with the FAA yesterday regarding James' statement that all his qualifications don't show up due to an FAA request. I received it this morning:

No, it is not true.
The Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century, in addition to other statutory requirements, requires us to make airmen CERTIFICATE information available to the public.
Airmen Certification Branch

From: ---------------------
To: 9-AMC-AFS760-Airmen/AMC/FAA@FAA
Date: 07/14/2011 04:13 PM
Subject: Airmen Services - Comment

So, now I'm really curious James. Is it possible for you to just photocopy the back of your pilots cert? It should have your qualifications on it, regardless of what the FAA site says.


As I've stated, you don't need to know, that's why its NOT available to you. :P And, not by the FAA request, but our own. So, all your attempts to discredit me in order for me to prove things to you are simply a waste of my time and will NEVER ever occur; because as much as you'll want it to be, its simply NOT the truth. So, wait till I'm 65 and retired, and I'll gladly "rub it in your faces" another time. :P :wink:

And, by then, 8) FSX will still TOTALLY ROCK!!! 8) and FS9 will be DOA. :twisted:

Got FSX??? :D
James. Stfu. You have claimed so much bs in both the FSDT and the FT forums. You are a nuisance to the FS community, where all you do is piss people off. It's people like you that just have nothing better to do, so you be a freakin' annoyance. Just do us all a favor and GTFO.

This is you:
Posts: 41

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by geoffbecks » Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:35 am

The only reasons James F. Chams is posting this personal hate campaign of his against FS9 on this forum and others is either because he is jealous or because he likes to try and get a reaction and upset people around him.

The development for any scenery has no personal impact on his enjoyment of using his flight simulator, I am sure the developers of flight sim scenery's make their own research for potential sales to ensure they have a far better understanding of the market that they are aiming their products towards than to listen to the ramblings of one very sad idiot who only wants to hurt others by rejoicing in their loss. The more we all respond to his very childish posts then the happier he will be as he thinks he is upsetting other flight simmers.

I will wait until all the scenery's I want are no longer made for FS9 before I get upset and right now I have UK200. Latin VFR,Taxi2gate, Imagine sim, German airports aerosoft and plenty others all continuing to producetop quality add on scenery's for FS9 so I doubt if Fly Tampa will walk away from a large volume of sales and just target one half of a large market unless their sales figures point it that way.
Bruce Hamilton
Posts: 43

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by Bruce Hamilton » Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:41 am

geoffbecks wrote:The only reasons James F. Chams is posting this personal hate campaign of his against FS9 on this forum and others is either because he is jealous or because he likes to try and get a reaction and upset people around him.
Exactly. James looks down his nose at people who still use FS9, when the fact of the matter is, he has just as much FS9 aircraft and scenery archived on DVDs as anyone else here. He talks the talk like he went from FS2002 straight to FSX.
Posts: 393

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by B777ER » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:28 am

george[flytampa] wrote: I doubt its fair because FSX users know their sim isn't endangered.

I'm not anti-FS9, just anti dual development. Now with a third version coming out, there's no way I'll cope developing for three platforms. Even now FS9 DOES hold back FSX development somewhat. I simplify design methods to retain fs9 compatibility later on. This has to come to an end soon.

I'll attempt a FS9 port of Athens (if possible because the trench/highway might cause problems), but in the future, its highly unlikely I'll consider another FS9 version. Its just too old.

100% behind you on this George. FSDT finally put an end to the dual design with them stating LAX is their last FS9 release. Bout time that ancient platform stops holding back dev time on releases. The poll has got to be screwed up somehow. Multiple accounts, etc....
Posts: 302

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by _Dre_ » Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:05 pm

For some reason I can't vote on the poll but I'm FS9 until MS Flight comes out.
Posts: 78

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by deltalpha » Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:10 pm

B777ER wrote:. The poll has got to be screwed up somehow. Multiple accounts, etc....
Yea I don't really think the poll is screwed up. :|
Posts: 192

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by cmpbllsjc » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:38 am

B777ER wrote:
george[flytampa] wrote: The poll has got to be screwed up somehow. Multiple accounts, etc....
I agree.
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