Poll - FSX or FS9?

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Which is currently your primary sim of choice?

Poll ended at Fri Jul 15, 2011 7:02 pm

Total votes: 173
Posts: 71

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by JamesChams » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:20 pm

george[flytampa] wrote:I doubt its fair because FSX users know their sim isn't endangered.
Of course, no one doubts that FSX will go anytime within the decade, its way too good a sim (but, FS9 is now done. :twisted: ); honestly, its mainly FS9 users who have aged/limited system capabilities (or simply don't know how correclty configure their systems) that are constantly complaining everywhere, on every forum.
I'm not anti-FS9, just anti dual development. Now with a third version coming out, there's no way I'll cope developing for three platforms. Even now FS9 DOES hold back FSX development somewhat. I simplify design methods to retain fs9 compatibility later on. This has to come to an end soon.
A-MEN! Your correct, *FSWhining/FS9ing* has to end soon, very soon hopefully! :D
I'll attempt a FS9 port of Athens (if possible because the trench/highway might cause problems), but in the future, its highly unlikely I'll consider another FS9 version. Its just too old.
...as I said before, which "somehow" got removed (probably due to "FSWhining/FS9ing" :twisted: ), there goes FS9 development. :twisted:

Well, I'm sure this will get them all stired-up again, George... I just want to make it clear, its about time that "South Park" stops holding up the best that FS has to offer for constants complaints about FPS; that argument is old, tired, & now completely moot; even with today's low-cost, high-end systems, that can be purchased, setup, and enjoyed for just the cost of a *typical* college text book. :wink:

Posts: 192

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by cmpbllsjc » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:31 pm

george[flytampa] wrote:I doubt its fair because FSX users know their sim isn't endangered.
You hit the nail on the head. FS9 users are always way more vocal in these polls than FSX users are for that very reason. Just look at the thread newmanix posted on Avsim, its still on the front page of the FS9 forum with 2 pages of responses.

Someone else posted the same link on the Avsim FSX forum and the post has already slipped back to the 2nd or 3rd page with only a few comments posted to it since FSX users know that at least for the next few years until Flight becomes established, FSX is safe.

I understand why FS9 users feel the way they do if they invested a lot of $$ into it. I'm the same way with my investment into FSX and 4 years from now when it becomes an FSX vs.Flight argument I will be sounding just like the FS9 users do now as I wont be too excited about spending $3000 just to replace my existing addons.
Posts: 41

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by geoffbecks » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:56 pm

JamesChams wrote:George,
george[flytampa] wrote:I doubt its fair because FSX users know their sim isn't endangered.
Of course, no one doubts that FSX will go anytime within the decade, its way too good a sim (but, FS9 is now done. :twisted: ); honestly, its mainly FS9 users who have aged/limited system capabilities (or simply don't know how correclty configure their systems) that are constantly complaining everywhere, on every forum.
I'm not anti-FS9, just anti dual development. Now with a third version coming out, there's no way I'll cope developing for three platforms. Even now FS9 DOES hold back FSX development somewhat. I simplify design methods to retain fs9 compatibility later on. This has to come to an end soon.
A-MEN! Your correct, *FSWhining/FS9ing* has to end soon, very soon hopefully! :D
I'll attempt a FS9 port of Athens (if possible because the trench/highway might cause problems), but in the future, its highly unlikely I'll consider another FS9 version. Its just too old.
...as I said before, which "somehow" got removed (probably due to "FSWhining/FS9ing" :twisted: ), there goes FS9 development. :twisted:

Well, I'm sure this will get them all stired-up again, George... I just want to make it clear, its about time that "South Park" stops holding up the best that FS has to offer for constants complaints about FPS; that argument is old, tired, & now completely moot; even with today's low-cost, high-end systems, that can be purchased, setup, and enjoyed for just the cost of a *typical* college text book. :wink:

James on behalf of all the flight simmers on all platforms
zayin al hakuss
hamasrihah shel
haima hamehoeret
I see you have jewish conections so you will know what this says and I mean it from the bottom of my heart
uoy latot reknaw some thing you need to see from the other side
Posts: 2121

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by skydvdan » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:19 pm

geoffbecks wrote:
JamesChams wrote:George,
george[flytampa] wrote:I doubt its fair because FSX users know their sim isn't endangered.
Of course, no one doubts that FSX will go anytime within the decade, its way too good a sim (but, FS9 is now done. :twisted: ); honestly, its mainly FS9 users who have aged/limited system capabilities (or simply don't know how correclty configure their systems) that are constantly complaining everywhere, on every forum.
I'm not anti-FS9, just anti dual development. Now with a third version coming out, there's no way I'll cope developing for three platforms. Even now FS9 DOES hold back FSX development somewhat. I simplify design methods to retain fs9 compatibility later on. This has to come to an end soon.
A-MEN! Your correct, *FSWhining/FS9ing* has to end soon, very soon hopefully! :D
I'll attempt a FS9 port of Athens (if possible because the trench/highway might cause problems), but in the future, its highly unlikely I'll consider another FS9 version. Its just too old.
...as I said before, which "somehow" got removed (probably due to "FSWhining/FS9ing" :twisted: ), there goes FS9 development. :twisted:

Well, I'm sure this will get them all stired-up again, George... I just want to make it clear, its about time that "South Park" stops holding up the best that FS has to offer for constants complaints about FPS; that argument is old, tired, & now completely moot; even with today's low-cost, high-end systems, that can be purchased, setup, and enjoyed for just the cost of a *typical* college text book. :wink:

James on behalf of all the flight simmers on all platforms
zayin al hakuss
hamasrihah shel
haima hamehoeret
I see you have jewish conections so you will know what this says and I mean it from the bottom of my heart
uoy latot reknaw some thing you need to see from the other side
Please share.
Posts: 41

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by geoffbecks » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:34 pm

The answer is at your finger tips. and you might want to read some of this from a different perspective and im sure some :twisted: people aint as smart as thet like to think :twisted: are they
Posts: 98

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by Joseph29 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 4:12 pm

I put my vote for FS9.

My computer can run FSX just fine, but I haven't switch to FSX because I put a lot of money into FS9 and I just feel that if I switch to FSX all the money I put into FS9 would be wasted. And with all the money I put into FS9, it runs great and can look just as good as FSX. Plus there is still a lot of FS9 payware titles I still don't have yet (I do have all FS9 Fly Tampa stuff :D ).
Posts: 40

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by 01pewterz28 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:59 pm

My vote is for FSX I finally did it and moved away from FS9 approx 6 months ago and I have never looked back. Sure I spent a ton on FS9 but after seeing developers slowly moving away from FS9 or limiting the amount of goodies they could add in FS9 I said it's time to move.

Posts: 1235

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:55 pm

JamesChams wrote:George,
george[flytampa] wrote:I doubt its fair because FSX users know their sim isn't endangered.
Of course, no one doubts that FSX will go anytime within the decade, its way too good a sim (but, FS9 is now done. :twisted: ); honestly, its mainly FS9 users who have aged/limited system capabilities (or simply don't know how correclty configure their systems) that are constantly complaining everywhere, on every forum.
I'm not anti-FS9, just anti dual development. Now with a third version coming out, there's no way I'll cope developing for three platforms. Even now FS9 DOES hold back FSX development somewhat. I simplify design methods to retain fs9 compatibility later on. This has to come to an end soon.
A-MEN! Your correct, *FSWhining/FS9ing* has to end soon, very soon hopefully! :D
I'll attempt a FS9 port of Athens (if possible because the trench/highway might cause problems), but in the future, its highly unlikely I'll consider another FS9 version. Its just too old.
...as I said before, which "somehow" got removed (probably due to "FSWhining/FS9ing" :twisted: ), there goes FS9 development. :twisted:

Well, I'm sure this will get them all stired-up again, George... I just want to make it clear, its about time that "South Park" stops holding up the best that FS has to offer for constants complaints about FPS; that argument is old, tired, & now completely moot; even with today's low-cost, high-end systems, that can be purchased, setup, and enjoyed for just the cost of a *typical* college text book. :wink:

:D :) :-( :o :shock: :? 8) :x :P :evil: :twisted: :wink: :| :| :wink: :twisted: :evil: :D :) :-( :o :shock: :? 8) :x :P

The post you said was removed is in another thread you dope, lol.
Posts: 41

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by precious62b » Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:57 pm

Not to mention, switching to FSX is like going to a brand new simulator built by a totally different company. I've been trying very hard lately to make FSX my main simulator. I had been flying a lot on it lately but when it comes down to it, considering yes, there is up to date performance machines that DO require a lot of investment into it, FS9 is still my main game. Sure it could use an update or two....or three just to get up to date with 2011.

FS9 is quicker, more user friendly, and overall easier to play. Nobody wants to spend another year and a half trying to get to know another PLATFORM which is ten times harder to manage.
Posts: 1235

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:59 pm

JamesChams wrote:that are constantly complaining everywhere, on every forum.
FS9 and FSX aside, you are in no place to say others constantly complain everywhere. You are the black sheep of the FS community.
Posts: 1235

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by MidgeyMidget2 » Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:02 pm

skydvdan wrote: Please share.
It's just a random insult in Hebrew.
Posts: 402

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by newmanix » Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:01 pm

You know James, I would like to run a poll of how many people would like to bear FS9 whinning over every post you have ever made. I'll bet they all would vote to hear FS9 whinning...

Go away.
Posts: 115

Re: Poll - FSX or FS9?

Post by Mage » Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:56 am

MidgeyMidget2 wrote:
Mage wrote:I developed many bits & pieces and would hate to see all that life spent getting something right in FS9, used up for nothing.
To be honest, I never really understood that attitude. It wouldn't be used up for nothing...didn't you get enjoyment out of it while it lasted? Doesn't that count for something?
Well, I suppose I need to come out the closet and say that I developed several airports, some of which took well over a year to create - they're on general release at the usual sites. That is quite a lot of sweat to discard, quite a lot of summer afternoons spent inside because I was "on a roll" etc. I could port them to FSX, except that I've seen on the occasional Youtube vid that other people already have (!). Maybe they could let me have a copy... :P

The fact that I got enjoyment is one thing, but losing my own airports for the switch? Since I'm off the development wagon these days I have to accept that I've no stomach for X-porting.
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