newmanix wrote:george[flytampa] wrote:Air Holland wrote:So this scenery wil be for FSX only ?.
We were referring to just the animations being FSX only.
Once the FSX version is complete & if there are any FS9 users left, I'll consider porting it over.
The Buffalo FS9 port only took 4 days, so i'm 95% sure LGAV will make it into FS9 too.

Yes George, there are many of us FS9 users left!! This just looks awesome!!
I remember you saying you would consider Prague Ruzyne in the future. Do you think that could be next? Can't wait for the Athens to come through.
Finally Greece airports will come alive in my sim again.
BTW, Athens was a damn good idea and I really like your change in style with giving us updates. This is really cool George.
Surprising some of you guys I still sticking with FS9 after so long. I always thought once brute CPU power pushed FSX's 10 billion lines of code out of single digit Frame Rates, everyone would upgrade. I hope you hardcore AI guys will be happy with FS9 for 'another' decade

To me, using a 10 year old piece of software is just crazy. I blame FSXs failures. I too stuck with FS9 for a couple of years after FSX came out.
FS9 holds our development back a little bit, so its slightly frustrating. No big deal.
I have noticed a few suborn FS9 guys have recently upgraded tho
I don't remember looking at Prague ever. Sure that was me? I knew of someone working on Prague, dunno what happened with it.
I like the new forum, the old one was a little Guns n Ammo, heavy metal for me.