KBUF Keeps crashing

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Chris Catalano
Posts: 10

KBUF Keeps crashing

Post by Chris Catalano » Thu Dec 30, 2010 2:22 am

Just purchased KBUF for FSX. I have flown a flight 4 times from Cleveland KCLE to KBUF. Each time I get near the airport or just after touchdown, FSX crashes to desktop with a message saying that "FSX has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I see areas around the field that are gray and flickering upon approach to RWY 23. I am using Ultimate Terrain. Does any of this matter? I am yet to do a successful flight into KBUF. :evil:

Any ideas?


Chris Catalano
Site Admin
Posts: 3868

Re: KBUF Keeps crashing

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:05 am

Hey Chris,

What are your system specs? Have you tried a different aircraft?
I used to get lots of crashes with Ultimate traffic myself in both FSX & FS9. I removed it & the crashes stopped; but lots of other people don't, so I can't fairly blame that.
UT probably just increases the resources required & speeds up potential crashing

Try minimizing the applications you have running when flying in FSX, Defrag Harddrive, check the swapfile is setup correctly, maybe move it to another drive which fsx isn't installed on, if you have a second drive of course.

These are just guesses. 100s of things can go wrong & make fsx crash :(
Chris Catalano
Posts: 10

Re: KBUF Keeps crashing

Post by Chris Catalano » Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:33 pm

What is the "swapfile"? Also, I have a very high end system - lots of RAM, very fast frame rates with the sliders all the way maxed out, etc. I rarely ever get Crashes to Desktop. I am flying the Level D 767. Lastly, you mean if I install it on lets say my D drive, I may get different results?

Thanks for the reply.

Chris Catalano
Site Admin
Posts: 3868

Re: KBUF Keeps crashing

Post by george[flytampa] » Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:49 pm

Some tips on the Swap file : http://windows7themes.net/how-to-change ... ows-7.html
Long shot it will fix your crashing.

Checked the cpu & system temperatures? Try the flight with UT disabled.
Site Admin
Posts: 5288

Re: KBUF Keeps crashing

Post by martin[flytampa] » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:14 pm

What happens when you just start a flight at KBUF and sit there? If it crashes on load, try again with AI & GA traffic disabled.
Chris Catalano
Posts: 10

Re: KBUF Keeps crashing

Post by Chris Catalano » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:28 pm

It seems if I just START at KBUF, everything seems to work fine.
Why would that be?

Chris Catalano
Chris Catalano
Posts: 10

Re: KBUF Keeps crashing

Post by Chris Catalano » Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:23 pm

Well it seems that I get the following message each time I fly into KBUF:
"Your computer has run out of available memory. Please restart Flight Simulator and select different graphics or traffic settings"

This has NEVER happened to me before. I have a very fine computer that can handle FSX nicely. This is the only airport I can't seem to fly into. I am very dispappointed. Any reason this happens olny here? I have some very intense addons elsewhere and it does not happen there!

Chris Catalano
Site Admin
Posts: 3868

Re: KBUF Keeps crashing

Post by george[flytampa] » Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:59 am

What are your exact system specs?
Again, Try the flight with Ultimate Terrain & Ai traffic disabled.

The scenery isn't really capable of causing crashes. I wouldn't know how to make it crash if I wanted it to.

I found some threads discussing your error message which might help you...
http://forum.avsim.net/topic/238020-com ... of-memory/
http://www.simforums.com/forums/please- ... 29535.html
Posts: 51

Re: KBUF Keeps crashing

Post by wenham » Sun Jan 09, 2011 10:48 am

Chris Catalano wrote:Well it seems that I get the following message each time I fly into KBUF:
"Your computer has run out of available memory. Please restart Flight Simulator and select different graphics or traffic settings"

This has NEVER happened to me before. I have a very fine computer that can handle FSX nicely. This is the only airport I can't seem to fly into. I am very dispappointed. Any reason this happens olny here? I have some very intense addons elsewhere and it does not happen there!

Chris Catalano
My guess is that you are on a 32 bit OS? If that is the case you are experiencing what they call "OOM" = OUT OF MEMORY. a 64 bit OS will fix it or you can play around with adding in the USERVA tweek. Instructions can be found here: http://www.simforums.com/forums/topic29041.html your other option is to turn down some settings. Personally I would go the 64 bit OS route.
Posts: 27

Re: KBUF Keeps crashing

Post by alehead » Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:25 am

I don't have BUF as yet, but it is my VERY short list, loving TPA already after two flights into it...

I recently changed to an i7 950 on Windows 7 64, and have not seen an OOM yet. I would strongly suggest moving to 64 bit for FSX. The increased address space just works wonders with FSX and high end addons like PMDG and so on into any airport you wish to go.

Boston and Buffalo are up next for me... and with the performance I am getting in KTPA/TNCM/LOWW with the PMDG MD11X, I can see a great future of simulation with the upcoming NGX as well...

I have to say, I do not care which airport FT does, I will be purchasing them. The attention to detail and performance is just amazing!

64 bit... do it... :)

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