by CARST » Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:24 pm
Perhaps it is already too late to vote for an airport, because you seem to be already have your hands full with that mentioned US-airport and Athens, but here are my 2 cents...
The result of the ongoing discussion seems to be that you have to build more famous airports to make money with the project, but you have a point that large hubs seem to be too much for a 1-man/2-men-team, too.
In my opinion there is a compromise, there are a lot of smaller airports that are still very popular. Airports everyone knows like "holiday airports" or airports that are famous because of their high amount of traffic on very small ground.
LGA and DCA are perfect examples for the high-traffic-small-ground-airports. Also LGW in England (busiest one-runway-airport in the world after old HKG closed down).
Holiday airports like TPA, KeyWest, (New Orleans?)...
And there are hub-airports that are not extremely large, SFO is one example, ANC another one. But I don't know what is the biggest size you want to start with.
Going by user numbers (regarding where most people come from) on IVAO & VATSIM seems to be a good point for an economical decision, too.
I know Aerosoft has Europe covered very good, but there are still some famous airports that don't have been done, at least not in a good quality. Rome? Athens! (you know that already)
And there are a lot famous holiday airports in Asia. The new Bangkok airport, both airports in Tokyo, Seoul.
Major Canadian airports seem to be a good idea, too. I see a lof of online traffic over there; Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary.
I don't know what fraction of your airports sold to Europe come frome Aerosoft (as they sell the download-product and have the boxes in the shops, too), but as they seem to sell only high-quality add-ons and not every developers products I say don't be afraid to develop an airport that has already been done by someone else, especially if it is an FS2002 or freeware product.
Every producer is afraid of having to split a market with too many others, but in the end there will only be two winners. The one with the lowest price (that are the freeware products in this case) and the one with the best quality (don't have to be the highest price in every case).
So go for quality, make an economical decision and make us users happy! ^^
Whatever your decision will be, I really hope there will never be a point that leads you to stop making FS add-ons, keep going and have fun doing it!