Next Airport?

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Posts: 402

Re: Next Airport?

Post by newmanix » Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:01 pm

moda wrote:Messieurs, sincères salutations

Mister New Manix, let me tell you ... we did not raise pigs together. Moderate your language, thanks.
Now, as you said .. let's not start beating you as if you were a dead horse, the incident is over.

A bientôt :wink:
No. Not only did we not raise pigs together I did not raise them at all as you obviously did on what ever farm you were raised on. And when you choose to moderate your brain and pointless posts, i'll moderate my language torwards you. Nuff said.
Posts: 14

Re: Next Airport?

Post by moda » Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:52 am

Okay, let's assume you put the Manix on your head... remove it and read again: the incident is over.

Edit: Oh! .. and when I told you to moderate your language, it was not towards me, but everybody. We are fed up of your behavior, and particularly here in this forum. I wonder how old you are or if you received some Education? Have some respect for people, Mister.

People, excuse these inconveniences. Let's return to the initial subject!

Au revoir, Bonne Journée! :wink:
Posts: 1

Re: Next Airport?

Post by thierry.b » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:01 am

Why not FlyAzores?
There is no good scenery for these beautiful islands yet. The last and only scenery dates from 2003.. I think flytampa would do great on these islands :)
Posts: 151

Re: Next Airport?

Post by Etienne22 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:04 am

i would love FlyMontreal, nicee
Posts: 67

Re: Next Airport?

Post by BOOM » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:04 pm

:D FlyMidway,KMDW for the Win!!! :D
Posts: 402

Re: Next Airport?

Post by newmanix » Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:42 pm

moda wrote:Okay, let's assume you put the Manix on your head... remove it and read again: the incident is over.

Edit: Oh! .. and when I told you to moderate your language, it was not towards me, but everybody. We are fed up of your behavior, and particularly here in this forum. I wonder how old you are or if you received some Education? Have some respect for people, Mister.

People, excuse these inconveniences. Let's return to the initial subject!

Au revoir, Bonne Journée! :wink:
When you say "We" are you refering to you and your farm pigs you are raising? If you really want to return to the orgional subject stop with your mindless posts. You must be enjoying this otherwise you would have stoped long ago and just let it be. But because it is obvious I am talking to a 14 year old, lets just wait and see if you are capable of not having the last word or if you will have something else stupid to say in another post. $20 bucks says you can't drop it.
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Posts: 218

Re: Next Airport?

Post by yankeesji » Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:20 pm

moda wrote:Okay, let's assume you put the Manix on your head... remove it and read again: the incident is over.

Edit: Oh! .. and when I told you to moderate your language, it was not towards me, but everybody. We are fed up of your behavior, and particularly here in this forum. I wonder how old you are or if you received some Education? Have some respect for people, Mister.

People, excuse these inconveniences. Let's return to the initial subject!

Au revoir, Bonne Journée! :wink:
Who's "we"? Since you've joined these forums, all you appear to be is a troll. So, in the future, don't speak for me and stop spamming with such crap.
Posts: 402

Re: Next Airport?

Post by newmanix » Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:33 pm

yankeesji wrote:
moda wrote:Okay, let's assume you put the Manix on your head... remove it and read again: the incident is over.

Edit: Oh! .. and when I told you to moderate your language, it was not towards me, but everybody. We are fed up of your behavior, and particularly here in this forum. I wonder how old you are or if you received some Education? Have some respect for people, Mister.

People, excuse these inconveniences. Let's return to the initial subject!

Au revoir, Bonne Journée! :wink:
Who's "we"? Since you've joined these forums, all you appear to be is a troll. So, in the future, don't speak for me and stop spamming with such crap.
OMG I love that picture! :D
Posts: 3

Re: Next Airport?

Post by AlexGrin » Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:39 pm

If its between Athens and Montreal then please choose Montreal!!
Posts: 368

Re: Next Airport?

Post by deltaboeing84 » Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:53 pm

Fly West Palm Beach (PBI/KPBI) would be a good one.
Posts: 151

Re: Next Airport?

Post by Etienne22 » Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:38 pm

deltaboeing84 wrote:Fly West Palm Beach (PBI/KPBI) would be a good one.
yeahh!!! it will be nicee.

Fly West Palm Beach, and FlyFort Myers too
Posts: 10

Re: Next Airport?

Post by duckbilled » Thu Sep 23, 2010 12:47 am

Although it seems like you are looking at Athens or Montreal (both great ideas), I have a couple other suggestions. I also like RSW - probably more than Athens or Montreal.

I would suggest Louisville SDF or Memphis MEM. Both are smaller airports for PAX traffic but they are major cargo hubs so I think they would have broad appeal.

Of course, if anyone has seen my posts on other forums, they would know that my dream package would be scenery for the Caribbean side of the Yucatan Peninsula that included the airports/cities of Isla Mujeres, Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, Cozumel and Tulum. The area was severely neglected by Aces and it would have a very broad appeal. There is some scenery for the area (Tropicalsim, Scenery Tech, FlyMex) but noting does the whole area justice - not even close. The Hotel Zone in Cancun looks like a small suburb with Scenery Tech, FlyMex is outdated and the Tropicalsim MMUN is ok but it does nothing for the surrounding area. I know this project is not what you are currently looking for but I thought I would throw it out there anyway.

I do, however, think MEM and SDF would be great projects for Fly Tampa.

Thanks for all of the great work over the years.

Posts: 151

Re: Next Airport?

Post by Etienne22 » Thu Sep 23, 2010 1:14 pm

Yeah!! , i prefier KRSW better than Athens and Montreal. But any way FlyMontreal will be good too
Posts: 402

Re: Next Airport?

Post by newmanix » Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:10 pm

Hey Martin,

How are you coming along with the "K" airport? Is there a chance we may see it by the end of the year??

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