Next Airport?

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Posts: 1

Re: Next Airport?

Post by JJJJ » Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:40 am

Hmm, not too small or not too big airport? WARSAW EPWA!
If not pls do some more exotic airport like Bali Denpasar or other Asian / Oceanian airport for great long-haul flights.
Posts: 14

Re: Next Airport?

Post by moda » Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:15 am

newmanix wrote:
newmanix wrote:Hey George,

My top vote is and always be Praha Ruzyne (Prague) I think its a perfect small sized airport and very modern! I haven't been there in a while but it is one of my Favoriate airports in Europe! Spokanne KGEG is my second choice. FlightZone was working on that one but stoped short when they went bust. How I wish they gotten that one through, but with the quality you and Martin bring to the scene, your rendition would be far better anyway.

And I'll take anything in Canada!!!! :D

When you narrow it down, can you post a poll or list??

newmanix wrote:KBUR is another great idea and i'd include John Wayne airport too...

A nice picture with city buildings: ... ddress.asp
newmanix wrote:I personally would go for Athens because I like to do the island hopping down there. And I know you would do a kick ass job. Perhaps you could add the surrounding IFR/VFR islands as well like St. Maarten? That would appeal to both FS9/X users... I think...

I still think KGEG is a nice small airport but unsure about it's popularity. Every one and their grandmothers keep asking for something in Canada so I think something Canadian is a good way to go popularity wise...

The southwest needs development. KPHX would be a very good choice regionwise with the new KSAN, KLAS, KLAX, and KDFW nearby.. But as you said no$$

Maybe Tuson or Albuqerque IDK...

My second choice for a US airport would be KPIT. Pittsburg is a very good region to put an airport in the US. It's surrounded by ImagineSim sceneries and very close to the NY/Eastern Seabord airports and the upcomming KPHL. By best bet is KPIT. It's small and in a very good location.
moda wrote:my vote is for a Canadian airport (me too, I am not from this country),
if not, i would see another caribbean scenery ... maybe Barbados airport or San Juan Luis Munoz Marin.
Personally, I am working on Martinique | Fort-de-France airport (it's a French Caribbean airport) since some times. The project is in stand-bye actually :D .. but I hope to finish it! .. Georges and Martin, You have to know that I admire your sceneries! I dream my airport will be at the same level. We will see if I reach my objective :| ... opic=162.0

edit: those are very old screen shots. my project is more advanced today..
newmanix wrote:Ok, I believe it's safe to say stop with the requests. It was fun, it seems George has made his mind let's not start beating a dead horse here. I swear if I see 1 more post about Caribbean airports...
I didn't know you were the admin of Flytampa Forum.
Anyway... Let us thank you for your smart contribution in this topic.
Maybe it is safe to say you need a new manix? EDIT: picture too gross

Have a good day :wink:
Posts: 204

Re: Next Airport?

Post by Acezboy » Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:30 am

Posts: 187

Re: Next Airport?

Post by bradley27 » Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:28 pm

Hi George!

How about the Greek Island of Kefalonia (LGKF)

Awesome scenic approach, wonderful runway textures to pursue and lite traffic around the airport. Plush bright blue waters!

The airport itself is visited by a handful of carriers but still very popular and still awaiting a decent look in by a top class FS developer.

I still stand strongly by a Bangkok, Thailand project that im sure could run and handle with frames not an issue especially by yourself but then again this would be classed as an ULTRA BIG airport i guess.... : (
Posts: 249

Re: Next Airport?

Post by CSTT-KLAS » Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:06 pm


I'm just going to flytampa Toronto by 2011 and even Montreal
Posts: 218

Re: Next Airport?

Post by yankeesji » Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:13 pm

CSTT-KLAS wrote:Hello

I'm just going to flytampa Toronto by 2011 and even Montreal
He said yesterday he decided not to produce any Canadian airports because Canada is pretty lame and it will sell worse than Buffalo. Sorry man... :?

I was going to attach the link, but I can't find it....It looks like he is leaning towards KDSM because of it's lush and scenic beauty. Bummer man.
Posts: 220

Re: Next Airport?

Post by altstiff » Sat Sep 18, 2010 11:57 am

CYUL would be excellent George..... :D
Posts: 10

Re: Next Airport?

Post by USAIRBRO » Sat Sep 18, 2010 7:09 pm

What About This Brotha George

CYHZ Halifax Nova Scotia Not to big, or too too little. Im thinking just right for FSX and FS9!

What do you say? Fly Tampa
Posts: 151

Re: Next Airport?

Post by Etienne22 » Sat Sep 18, 2010 10:20 pm

My favorite and is no a big airport with only one runway is KRSW in florida .

List off airlines:
Air Berlin
Air Canada
AirTran Airways
American Airlines
American Eagle
American Eagle operated by Executive Airlines
Cape Air
Continental Airlines
Continental Express operated by ExpressJet Airlines
Delta Air Lines
Delta Connection
Frontier Airlines
Frontier Airlines operated by Republic Airlines
JetBlue Airways
Southwest Airlines
Spirit Airlines
Sun Country Airlines
Sunwing Airlines
United Express
USA3000 Airlines
US Airways

For my is a good project
Posts: 402

Re: Next Airport?

Post by newmanix » Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:23 am

moda wrote:
newmanix wrote:
newmanix wrote:Hey George,

My top vote is and always be Praha Ruzyne (Prague) I think its a perfect small sized airport and very modern! I haven't been there in a while but it is one of my Favoriate airports in Europe! Spokanne KGEG is my second choice. FlightZone was working on that one but stoped short when they went bust. How I wish they gotten that one through, but with the quality you and Martin bring to the scene, your rendition would be far better anyway.

And I'll take anything in Canada!!!! :D

When you narrow it down, can you post a poll or list??

newmanix wrote:KBUR is another great idea and i'd include John Wayne airport too...

A nice picture with city buildings: ... ddress.asp
newmanix wrote:I personally would go for Athens because I like to do the island hopping down there. And I know you would do a kick ass job. Perhaps you could add the surrounding IFR/VFR islands as well like St. Maarten? That would appeal to both FS9/X users... I think...

I still think KGEG is a nice small airport but unsure about it's popularity. Every one and their grandmothers keep asking for something in Canada so I think something Canadian is a good way to go popularity wise...

The southwest needs development. KPHX would be a very good choice regionwise with the new KSAN, KLAS, KLAX, and KDFW nearby.. But as you said no$$

Maybe Tuson or Albuqerque IDK...

My second choice for a US airport would be KPIT. Pittsburg is a very good region to put an airport in the US. It's surrounded by ImagineSim sceneries and very close to the NY/Eastern Seabord airports and the upcomming KPHL. By best bet is KPIT. It's small and in a very good location.
moda wrote:my vote is for a Canadian airport (me too, I am not from this country),
if not, i would see another caribbean scenery ... maybe Barbados airport or San Juan Luis Munoz Marin.
Personally, I am working on Martinique | Fort-de-France airport (it's a French Caribbean airport) since some times. The project is in stand-bye actually :D .. but I hope to finish it! .. Georges and Martin, You have to know that I admire your sceneries! I dream my airport will be at the same level. We will see if I reach my objective :| ... opic=162.0

edit: those are very old screen shots. my project is more advanced today..
newmanix wrote:Ok, I believe it's safe to say stop with the requests. It was fun, it seems George has made his mind let's not start beating a dead horse here. I swear if I see 1 more post about Caribbean airports...
I didn't know you were the admin of Flytampa Forum.
Anyway... Let us thank you for your smart contribution in this topic.
Maybe it is safe to say you need a new manix? EDIT: picture too gross

Have a good day :wink:
Don't let that mouth of yours start writing checks your ass can't cash. Noob.
Posts: 14

Re: Next Airport?

Post by moda » Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:21 pm

Messieurs, sincères salutations

Mister New Manix, let me tell you ... we did not raise pigs together. Moderate your language, thanks.
Now, as you said .. let's not start beating you as if you were a dead horse, the incident is over.

A bientôt :wink:
Tabasco lover
Posts: 1

Re: Next Airport?

Post by Tabasco lover » Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:46 pm

I vote Boca Raton FL.
No, no kiddin', am serious.

I love West Palm Beach :D
Posts: 249

Re: Next Airport?

Post by CSTT-KLAS » Sun Sep 19, 2010 5:55 pm

There in the world that you can be who will disagree with my comment

I made if you try to do as Montreal Airport Boston

Master of cars and boats
Posts: 151

Re: Next Airport?

Post by Etienne22 » Sun Sep 19, 2010 8:28 pm

[quote=I love West Palm Beach :D[/quote]
i would lime west palm beach too, but i prefier KRSW couse resive more airlines
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