- Posts: 402
by newmanix » Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:00 pm
_Dre_ wrote:Nils wrote:_Dre_ wrote:Unless Flytampa was going to start distributing mainly through Aerosoft I doubt this is true. Isn't "Mega Airport" an Aerosoft term? If it was legit wouldn't the list instead read Fly Dubai, Fly Los Angeles, and Fly Vienna?
Well, if you look on Aerosoft's Pre-Order List you will find the Mega Airport Boston and there is FT written as developer.
Good point Nils, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
By the way, isn't LAX an FSDT airport.....I'm just saying.
Nope. If Virtuali decides to do it, I highly doubt it would come this year with all the planned Hawaiian airports and DFW. If the First Hawaiian 2 airport package does well, we may see as many as 4 airport packs. Normally FSDT cracks out about 2 airports a year so if FlyTampa is going to (is) developing KLAX, that's great! Besides, FT has the best quality in flight simulation now that FZ is dead. Martin, if you are in fact doing KLAX, I hope it's the 2013 version with the new international terminal!!

- Posts: 478
by n797mx » Tue Mar 09, 2010 2:32 pm
What may be true? KBOS is already out!

- Posts: 5
by jared15 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:34 pm
this would be amazing. a long time in the making. if it is true.
- Posts: 218
by yankeesji » Tue Mar 09, 2010 6:53 pm
Who knows what Fly Tampa is doing....They won't comment on this at all...

- Posts: 206
by WEAJHD » Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:07 pm
If i remember correctly, this is exactly how PMDG's J-41 were revealed as well, while it still was a secret.
Aerosoft needs to learn how to guard confidential information a bit better..
Although, interesting to see if there truly will be a KLAX from FT, that would be awesome

- Posts: 204
by Acezboy » Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:02 pm
Dubai... Yay! PAirbus A380 EK413 w/ FlyTampa Dubai to Orbx FTX Sydney.
- Posts: 16
by Justin77 » Thu Mar 11, 2010 10:39 pm
Acezboy wrote:Dubai... Yay! PAirbus A380 EK413 w/ FlyTampa Dubai to Orbx FTX Sydney.
I know they're only for FS9 but FlyTampa already made a Dubai and Vienna airport scenery. It just doesn't make a lot of sense to remake them.
- Posts: 221
by BoazDK » Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:46 am
Yes it would, because both airports have seen substantial make overs, and the update would make both airports compatible with FSX... All bonusses, no minusses
- Posts: 272
by Delta777 » Fri Mar 12, 2010 3:58 am
WEAJHD wrote:
Aerosoft needs to learn how to guard confidential information a bit better..
But in this case it was not Aerosofts fault. Flight&Fun is a different company.
- Posts: 302
by _Dre_ » Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:00 pm
Can you guys just imagine......Dubai airport and
city, as well as LAX and the
city of Los Angeles modeled. That's a Flightsimmer's wet dream right there.....I think I need to give Trampy a call

- Posts: 402
by newmanix » Fri Mar 12, 2010 1:13 pm
_Dre_ wrote:Can you guys just imagine......Dubai airport and
city, as well as LAX and the
city of Los Angeles modeled. That's a Flightsimmer's wet dream right there.....I think I need to give Trampy a call

Also Martin, please add the Proud Bird across from 25L and the In n' Out Burger to the right of 24R! And perhaps the spotters hill to the left of 25L as well...
- Posts: 1235
by MidgeyMidget2 » Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:57 pm
eabraham767 wrote:so when would be an estimated release date
Let's just see if it is even true. FlyTampa won't release any information until release is imminent.