Then don't come it here like a know-it-all. Make an intelligent post and I won't say "rude things". Learn how to use a period or comma.goodperson36 wrote:Thanks Acezboy you know its people like you that make this a better world by being polite and kind and actually trying to help someone out unlike others on here who are rude and say rude things. Thanks again..
What direction is flyTampa going?
- MidgeyMidget2
- Posts: 1235
- goodperson36
- Posts: 19
- goodperson36
- Posts: 19
- andrewblan
- Posts: 39
- goodperson36
- Posts: 19
andrewblan I am a great person but I won't take shit from anyone all I did was post a thought in here and Midget2 has something sarcastic to say to me about FSX I think it's a crappy program. I mean it is freedom of speech or is he from china get my point. I didn't expect someone to ask me if I had something up my Bum. What I had to say wasn't anything towards anyone it was just my thought. If you want you can read what I wrote the first time then you will understand. 

- MidgeyMidget2
- Posts: 1235
The manner and tone in which it was written is key.goodperson36 wrote:andrewblan I am a great person but I won't take shit from anyone all I did was post a thought in here and Midget2 has something sarcastic to say to me about FSX I think it's a crappy program. I mean it is freedom of speech or is he from china get my point. I didn't expect someone to ask me if I had something up my Bum. What I had to say wasn't anything towards anyone it was just my thought. If you want you can read what I wrote the first time then you will understand.

By the way, don't be one of those morons that claims "freedom of speech." Clearly you have no understanding of the actual right. A private forum can allow whatever they want to allow and disallow anything they want to disallow. They can censor the shit out of something you say as long as they aren't degrading you by making it seem as if you said something that could hurt your image (that could lead to libel and other complicated issues). Luckily, FlyTampa runs a pretty free forum in terms of what is said but that doesn't mean your right to freedom of speech is valid here or in any private entity. With that logic, run into a police station (a public building) and shout "fuck you" and see what happens. Run into a movie theater and shout what you hate about the theater and see what happens. You'll be shown the door promptly and possibly have the police called on you. So don't claim this freedom of speech crap unless you know the actual right and freedom you are granted.
- andrewblan
- Posts: 39
- goodperson36
- Posts: 19
- andrewblan
- Posts: 39
Seriously? Than you are also not allowed to post your comments, like the f-word and such. I don't think MidgeyMidget2 cursed ONCE in the whole conversation. So YOU need to calm down and maybe take a break from the forums for a little while. If MidgeyMidget2 is banned than I think they have more than enough reason to ban you also. But thats just my two cents...I am just waiting to hear what MidgeyMidget2 has to say about this.......

- goodperson36
- Posts: 19
you dont have to worry about that my friend I have already told George and apologized already for the comments I have made. You know it's okay for me to say FSX sucks there is nothing wrong with that. I know that my comment was not anything bad that I said it was just a thought even George commented that FSX is not the furture. The thing that bugged me the most was the remark whats up your BUM why did he have to make this remark like he knows it all because he doesn't and I don't claim to know it all either. But I don't think you need to go around just because you dont agree with someone to say something rude like what was said by midget2 so hopefully with my apology to George I can stay on this forum. If George decided to kick me off so be it, and I will still buy his products but we will let George be the judge of that. and by the way when I posted that comment I wasn't angry at all I was just joining the conversation that George posted. You know the best thing midget2 could have done was apologize for his comment and say this is what you need to run FSX and this would have never turned out the way it did. I will not apologize for the first comment I mad on here. I will also have you know that this is maybe the third time I have been on this forum. I don't live on here everyday of the week.
- MidgeyMidget2
- Posts: 1235
Lighten up, dude.
Seriously, so what if I said that on an internet forum? Guess what...the real world is a lot harsher than I am here. Perhaps I could have worded it differently but grow up...
You do know George has most likely already seen this thread. As I said, this forum has always been an "open forum" in terms of what goes and what doesn't. I can point to a lot worse than just me saying "what's up your bum?"
But be a child and make a fit about it...I can tell you right now I could care less.
Seriously, so what if I said that on an internet forum? Guess what...the real world is a lot harsher than I am here. Perhaps I could have worded it differently but grow up...
You do know George has most likely already seen this thread. As I said, this forum has always been an "open forum" in terms of what goes and what doesn't. I can point to a lot worse than just me saying "what's up your bum?"
But be a child and make a fit about it...I can tell you right now I could care less.

- goodperson36
- Posts: 19
Believe me I could care less myself but you should be careful the way you say things that's all I was saying. Being rude is not the way to go in life I don't think I was acting like a kid but the comments you made seemed childish to me. Please remember one thing only children make rude comments the way you did. No need to reply because am done here and will not read anymore of your comments. Feel sorry for the next guy who makes a statement on here if your around...goodbye to all
- MidgeyMidget2
- Posts: 1235
That's funny. Here you are boasting about how you emailed George and hope I get banned but you won't and you say you don't care. Mmmhm.goodperson36 wrote:Believe me I could care less myself but you should be careful the way you say things that's all I was saying. Being rude is not the way to go in life I don't think I was acting like a kid but the comments you made seemed childish to me. Please remember one thing only children make rude comments the way you did. No need to reply because am done here and will not read anymore of your comments. Feel sorry for the next guy who makes a statement on here if your around...goodbye to all
Repetitive much? I get it, you think I was acting like a child. Okay, fine. But when's the last time you heard a child say "what's up your bum?" Just sayin'....that's pretty advanced for a child.


Well, let's see... what is more offensive and rude, asking someone what they have up their bum or telling someone to go fuck themselves? Without taking sides I'm going to say you need to first of all calm down and second think before you type something. If you'd have addressed me like that I'd have made you look like a complete ass in front of everyone on this forum. So, let's stop with the "you said something that I didn't like so I'm going to go tell mom" (George) crap. And as for the freedom of speech crap... please stop. You can't claim freedom of speech and then in the next breath basically tell MM2 to shut his mouth. Here's a crazy idea, instead of bitching about the requirements that FSX needs to run and how prohibitively expensive upgrades are why don't you ask the 15 year old on this forum how he bought a new computer for himself for that very purpose. He seems like more of an adult than you do at this point. I'm just saying. I can't believe that I came out of flightsim post writing retirement for this.