Framrate drops to zero with ga traffic enabled

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Framrate drops to zero with ga traffic enabled

Post by croftspardon » Fri Nov 27, 2009 3:01 pm

Still having a problem with ga traffic enabled.

Framerate drops after 5 minutes to zero, when GA traffic is enabled (100% only tried)

All my traffic is in seperate folders enabled through scenery library and are fsx format. All the aircraft are in FS9 with simobjectpath reference for FSX. When enabled it displays as expected in this scenery- until framerate collapse.

Initially I installed the scenery without the installer AI traffic option selected, I have since reinstalled with this selected.

I don't see any flytampa ai traffic.

I have now run the scenery with none of my traffic folders enabled- infact only the grenadines scenery enabled. There are only two 'boat' traffic bgls in scenery/world/scenery, that are both fsx format.

Still decays to zero, instantly recovers when ga traffic set to zero.

Regards Keith
Posts: 12

Post by etien » Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:16 am

Had the same problem and started to cry. In fact if you disable the 'advanced animation', you loose the crushing waves but the fps does improves dramatically.

Suggestion to fly tampa: release an optional patch with far less crushing waves, maybe keep only the one on the fringes of the coral reefs (they look nice, they are far from the rest of the scene, so they are les violent in terms of fps) and get rid of the ones on the beaches which are thru fpseaters.

Nice scene. Etienne
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Post by martin[flytampa] » Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:48 am

Traffic shouldn't be causing this kind of fps hit. See what happens when you remove "Traffic_flytampa_aiship_22SC.bgl". You should still have GA traffic but not ships, see if this results in normal fps. The actual GA traffic is within the file "Traffic_flytampa_grenadines.bgl", which you could move from the FlyTampa-Grenadines/scenery/ folder to your custom Traffic folders.

Waves aren't tied to Advanced animations. Perhaps you are getting additional waves from some other Addon? The custom waves I'm using are simple FX Effects and I'm not aware they cause any hit and don't think they can be disabled within FS Display options. The only thing that the Advanced Animations checkbox removes from this scenery are the flocks of birds at some of the islands.
waves.jpg (83.61 KiB) Viewed 11947 times
Posts: 5

Post by croftspardon » Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:52 am

I have managed to resolve this. I would stress this was not a fps issue as such since it worked normally with a very good framerate until it suddenly crashes.

I used 'procmon' (process monitor- freeware) to look at what the computer was doing. It was looking for an effects file called 'none.fx'
The easy way to resolve these things is to put a blank folder with the name none.fx in the effects folder. It resolved it instantly.

I would say this program is a must for everybody. You'll probably find loads of effects files missing (I even had a few shockwave lights missing- dispite using the provided installer). Once you eliminate these it greatly reduces stutters.

Regards Keith
Posts: 22

Post by ToniH » Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:11 pm

Hi, are you using REX 2.0 wave animation in FSX?
Can you tell me which one?
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Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:09 pm

"none.fx" attached, if you want to put it in the fsx/effects/ folder.

I'm seeing the same results in procmon without the file. I'm a bit confused as I don't recall using this none.fx in the Grenadines scenery at all. The file itself is part of the Hong Kong installer. Oddly the TNCM installer doesn't have the file and the AI ships @ Grenadines are mostly shared with TNCM, not HK.
(88 Bytes) Downloaded 788 times
Posts: 5

Post by croftspardon » Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:37 pm

Thanks for the file.

It does seem odd because nobody else has reported this problem, but I don't have Hong kong only TNCM and now Boston, so it must be coming from the grenadines, especially as it was the only one activated.

Anyway, all works fine now, great scenery, great framerate especially for such high graphic settings.

Posts: 12

Post by etien » Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:54 pm

Hello, reducing stuff (autogen mainly from dense to very dense and traffic to 10%) did solve my problem. Guess my setup is a bit 'limit' to this scene. And indeed this did not come from the waves.

Been flying using FSMap and the maps one find on the web.


you seem to be missing the "savan island" and the "petit canouan", the rest is neat. Mind adding them for completeness?

(notice that I have no clue what they look like).
Posts: 67

Post by BOOM » Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:09 pm

Incredibly,by adding the none.fsx file it's more than doubled my FPS!!
Sweet!! Thanks very much for the great fix!! :D
Posts: 478

Post by n797mx » Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:40 pm

BOOM wrote:Incredibly,by adding the none.fsx file it's more than doubled my FPS!!
Sweet!! Thanks very much for the great fix!! :D
Posts: 67

Post by BOOM » Mon Feb 08, 2010 2:03 pm

:D :D x2= :D :D :D :D
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