Pilots of the Caribbean
- Posts: 13
by Pilots of the Caribbean » Tue May 05, 2009 3:51 am
hey there.
i noticed on accident, that there seems to be some problem with the parkin spots at the far side of runway 27. since i have lots of WOAI packages installed and set traffic to 100% there are always a bunch of planes standing around
fs9.1. also i have this heavy AI landing far away off from runway 9 on the water. but that seems to happen randomly and not very often.
a picture says more then thousand words i guess (attached!). is it allowed to change the afcad file myself. or will that trigger some kind of evil copyright measures that make all my planes crash?


- TNCM-parking.jpg (150.91 KiB) Viewed 3006 times
- Posts: 478
by n797mx » Tue May 05, 2009 2:15 pm
Those are normally meant for the GA planes.

If you can try and edit the afcad to make the spots smaller.
- Posts: 1612
by paavo » Tue May 05, 2009 3:14 pm
You might have another afcad, check for multiple ones.
Pilots of the Caribbean
- Posts: 13
by Pilots of the Caribbean » Tue May 05, 2009 8:02 pm
those private jets are from one of the GA packages of WOAI. so they use the GA parking spots. i saw that on that area there are 4 medium sized GA spots. changed them to small and removed one. (to free the helipad for probable helitraffic usage

no multiple afcads found. but found another problem i will open a different thread for. sorry for spamming but i just starting to enjoy flying again and trying to finetune my setting
fixed parking for me:

- TNCM-fixed_parking.jpg (194.32 KiB) Viewed 2975 times