How big is the chance for airport-scenery of...?

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Posts: 1

How big is the chance for airport-scenery of...?

Post by MEM » Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:24 pm


First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU for making FS so realistic! It is a pleasure to "fly" with your sceneries! Great works!

It may sound a bit stupid, but:

How big would be the chance to get such realistic sceneries like all the ones you have here, for the airports:

Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina (SAEZ)
Aeroparque, Buenos Aires, Argentina (SABE)
Tallinn, Estonia (EETN)
Munich, Germany (EDDM)
Stuttgart, Germany (EDDS)

Would some of these airports (I have more in my list, but these are "favourites" :wink: ) exist in future here?

And how do you do these great jobs? Do you work with photos? Would you need airport photos from other airports to help increasing your airpot-lists? :-)

Anyway, I hope to read soon from you and thank you again for all!

Greetings from Vienna!

Posts: 478

Re: How big is the chance for airport-scenery of...?

Post by n797mx » Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:29 pm

MEM wrote:Hello!

First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU for making FS so realistic! It is a pleasure to "fly" with your sceneries! Great works!

It may sound a bit stupid, but:

How big would be the chance to get such realistic sceneries like all the ones you have here, for the airports:

Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina (SAEZ)
Aeroparque, Buenos Aires, Argentina (SABE)
Tallinn, Estonia (EETN)
Munich, Germany (EDDM)
Stuttgart, Germany (EDDS)

Would some of these airports (I have more in my list, but these are "favourites" :wink: ) exist in future here?

And how do you do these great jobs? Do you work with photos? Would you need airport photos from other airports to help increasing your airpot-lists? :-)

Anyway, I hope to read soon from you and thank you again for all!

Greetings from Vienna!

Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina (SAEZ) - no
Aeroparque, Buenos Aires, Argentina (SABE) - no
Tallinn, Estonia (EETN) - no
Munich, Germany (EDDM) - no
Stuttgart, Germany (EDDS) - no

Welcome to the fourms! :D
swa5956 jay
Posts: 84

Re: How big is the chance for airport-scenery of...?

Post by swa5956 jay » Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:42 pm

MEM wrote:Hello!

First of all, I would like to say THANK YOU for making FS so realistic! It is a pleasure to "fly" with your sceneries! Great works!

It may sound a bit stupid, but:

How big would be the chance to get such realistic sceneries like all the ones you have here, for the airports:

Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina (SAEZ)
Aeroparque, Buenos Aires, Argentina (SABE)
Tallinn, Estonia (EETN)
Munich, Germany (EDDM)
Stuttgart, Germany (EDDS)

not very big...
Posts: 272

Re: How big is the chance for airport-scenery of...?

Post by Delta777 » Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:41 am

MEM wrote: How big would be the chance to get such realistic sceneries like all the ones you have here, for the airports:
MEM wrote: Munich, Germany (EDDM)
Allready in the works by the German Airports Team:
MEM wrote: Stuttgart, Germany (EDDS)
Will for sure also be made by the GAP Team!
Posts: 249

Post by CSTT-KLAS » Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:10 pm

it will be cool Mega Airport Munich.
Posts: 249

Post by CSTT-KLAS » Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:20 pm

According to the Aerosoft forum I find this is good news person who loves the airport like Amsterdam.


Airport & Scenery Innsbruck (May 2009)
- Mega Airport Munich (3rd quarter 2009),
- Mega Airport Amsterdam (3rd quarter 2009),
- Mega Airport Paris Orly (4th quarter 2009)
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