To Martin & JVile

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Posts: 18

To Martin & JVile

Post by Dom-Ination » Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:50 pm

Hello guys ,either of you can answer this question I'm sure,it's just regarding RWY 31 & RWY 13 ,now I've read up on how to close RWY 31 for good ,so RWY 13 (Checkerboard) is always the active no matter what weather condition is selected ,but haven't found the way to close it.

I read that you (Martin) & JVile were working on a way to completely close RWY 31 regardless of weather ,just wondering have you released and finished that little project?,in other words have you made a modified afcad to close rwy31 or anything?

If you and JVile have not yet made anything,could you give me a temporary fix to close RWY 31 If possible ,I heard placing 2 checkmarks in the AFCAD works,but just curious were to place those checkmarks?
Posts: 1612

Re: To Martin & JVile

Post by paavo » Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:08 pm

Dom-Ination wrote:,could you give me a temporary fix to close RWY 31 If possible
Set the wind so it's from the south.
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Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:50 pm

There was a long post by Jim explaining this in another thread

Runways in FS always have 2 ends and neither can be closed 100%. There are several steps one can take to decrease the chances of it becoming active. The safest is to set the wind direction manually. The simplest thing you can do in afcad is to checkmark the boxes marked below.
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Posts: 18

Post by Dom-Ination » Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:39 am

Martin ,thank you for the information ,unfortunately I've never been able to install AFCAD on my computer ,I've tried plenty times ,but doesn't seem to work and I dont know what I'm doing.

Could you possible upload the AFCAD file to replace the existing AF2 File with the fixes Martin for me? ,Thank you.
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Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Tue Mar 24, 2009 5:15 am

Thats not as easy as it sounds because depending on what options you selected during the installation 1 of 4 Afcad variations got installed.

Please go into your FS/Addon Scenery/FlyTampa-HongKong/scenery/ folder and look for these files:

af2_VHHX.bgl or af2_VHHX_aerostat.bgl

Let me know which one you find.
Posts: 18

Post by Dom-Ination » Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:39 pm

I have af2_VHHX.bgl Martin!

Thank you.
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