St Barts/Saba Problem/other question

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Posts: 9

St Barts/Saba Problem/other question

Post by Ryreaves » Mon Jan 12, 2009 1:09 pm

The St. Maartin scenery works fine no problems at all. However, I tried to land at Saint Barts and I ended up landing in the air on top of the rwy. The airplane sped off of that so called invisible ledge or whatever and shot back up in the sky(you know what happens if the airplane lands in the water how fsx shoots it back up in the air that happened. As for Saba when I first start out the airplane is sunken underneath the ground. My other question is are the fs04 sceneries fsx compatible at all? I know a few people from my VA say the only problem they've had with one of them is that the textures flicker a bit. If thats the case that wouldn't bother me at all since I use freeware fs04 sceneries and some of them do the same thing.
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Post by martin[flytampa] » Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:46 pm

You mean that you are running the FS2004 version of St Maarten etc in FSX? There is a special version made for FSX, that should work.
Posts: 9

Post by Ryreaves » Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:28 pm

I have the fsx version of St Maartin. I was also asking if any of the fs04 sceneries would work with fsx like San Diego. Like I said above a few people in my VA have the fs04 sceneries installed into fsx and the only problem they get are flickering textures. I want to know if thats the case for all of the 04 sceneries(since I would buy every single one of them if that were the case) and I would like an answer as to why the fsx product I have is bugged on two of three islands. That should clarify things..
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Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:25 pm

can you check if you have the following files present in FSX/scenery/world/scenery/


Also, please post a screenshot of St Barts and how your aircraft sits or floats on the tarmac.

As for the FS2004 sceneries, they won't run in a satisfactory way I assure you. People who run them anyway probably purchased them years ago and had them "laying around" so why not. Spending money now on those will disappoint you.
Posts: 9

Post by Ryreaves » Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:07 pm

Stupid question.. how do you post a screenshot?
Posts: 118

Post by tbmavengerstuka » Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:25 pm

Ryreaves wrote:Stupid question.. how do you post a screenshot?
When you're in game and have the image you want to be captured displayed on the screen, press the "print screen" or "prt scr" key on your keyboard. It's usually above the insert key and to the right of F12. Then you open up paint and press ctrl-v to paste the captured image. Save the file and post!
Posts: 1612

Post by paavo » Wed Jan 14, 2009 7:42 pm

Ryreaves wrote:Stupid question.. how do you post a screenshot? ... topic=1259
Posts: 9

Post by Ryreaves » Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:01 pm

Thanks guys I'll have a photo of the problem up as soon as I can.
Posts: 9

Post by Ryreaves » Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:39 pm

Sorry for the long wait heres a photo of the problem: ... roblem.jpg

As you can see I'm on the ground but I'm still elevated above the airport.
Posts: 9

Post by Ryreaves » Mon Jan 26, 2009 11:43 pm

Yes I do have those 3 files.
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Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Tue Jan 27, 2009 3:51 pm

Do a Search in your FSX folder (and whereever you keep Addons) for files with *tffj* in their name. Based on your screenshot maybe there is another Afcad file interfering somewhere.

With the search only 2 should appear:
AFX_TFFJ.bgl in .../FlyTampa-Maarten/scenery/
AFX_TFFJ_flytampa_dummy.bgl in /world/scenery/
Posts: 9

Post by Ryreaves » Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:24 am

Very long time since I last replied haven't yet tried to fix the St. Barts problem ,as I have been away from FS for some time. I did however notice a problem I didn't think I had with TNCM. Every time I try and land a large plane(767 747 airbus 340/330 ) I'll be almost on the ground usually about 50 or so feet then the plane will simply just fall out of the sky and slam into the ground in front of the rwy. Its as if there's some invisible barrier keeping me from landing(its not the fence I've checked my replays before and confirmed thats not my issue). I can't screenshot this because it happens in an instant. The only reason why I never noticed this before, is I was flying only ATR 72s and e-170s into the airport.
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