Future Project Ideas
Adding my 2 cents to the fray ...
Personally, I like the fact that FlyTampa is modeling airports that no one else has ever considered. I recently bought the San Diego airport and am extrememly impressed with the craftsmanship. Airports like these are often overlooked; so, while Zurich would be great (and yes, I hope you can still do that airport), the other overlooked airports like Buffalo are wonderful additions to our hobby. The only wish I have is that you could clone yourself so we could have all the interesting airports that people have mentioned throughout this thread.
Agreed, I've never been to Buffalo's airport but picking out smaller airports like this is what makes FlyTampa such a gem. Look at the very first project? Tampa. San Diego another prime example, you get the best scenery out there and with the smaller mid-sized airports, poor college students like me with our substandard computers can still enjoy them, haha. While I do not particularly care for Buffalo, the fact that this is another mid-sized airport that will get some attention makes me say: Good call George! 

Great to see my hometown airport being done! (KBUF) Srry George i dont own a camera so i can't get photos however if you need an aerial terminal and parking lot reference i suggest the maps at the airport website www.buffaloairport.com and the FBO is www.prioraviation.com.
(parking lot map is under "Parking Availability")
also there are some good terminal overviews ground and airborne at www.myaviation.net
Hope This Helps
(parking lot map is under "Parking Availability")
also there are some good terminal overviews ground and airborne at www.myaviation.net
Hope This Helps
- Air Holland
- Posts: 65
I would like to see the folowing scenery`s made by Fly Tampa
Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, St Martin
Everett, Washington where they build the B747, B767, B777 and B7E7
Renton, Washington where they build the B737 and B757
Long Beach, California where they build the B717
Schiphol, Rotterdam Airport, Eindhoven Airport, Gronningen Airport, Lelystad Airport with the Aviodrome
Sharm El Sheik
Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, St Martin
Everett, Washington where they build the B747, B767, B777 and B7E7
Renton, Washington where they build the B737 and B757
Long Beach, California where they build the B717
Schiphol, Rotterdam Airport, Eindhoven Airport, Gronningen Airport, Lelystad Airport with the Aviodrome
Sharm El Sheik
- Brian Peace
- Posts: 13
- gunsontheroof
- Posts: 409
- FLLSpotter
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- gunsontheroof
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- george[flytampa]
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- gunsontheroof
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