Dont really want to join in and pester the FT team, but lets just think about this logically. I've noticed a few of you asking for sceneries of airports which i've never heard of, so they must be local airports, for FT to make any significant profit, they need to do a scenery which appeals to a wide range of simmers, from around the world, not just where you live.
Some of the sceneries which have been mentioned need not be requested.
Bangkok VTBS - siamavsim is already near completion of VTBS 2008, and if you dont know who siamavsim is, they made the original VTBS 2006 freeware scenery which is now on avsim. So VTBS is crossed of the list.
Beijing - The screenshots above show a well in production scenery of Beijing intl so thats crossed of the list.
Hong Kong VHHH - Thomas Kwong has made a fantastic freeware, and i really dont think FT needs to do anouther version of VHHH, Thomas Kwongs version has very good textures, good buildings and its AES compatible. So thats crossed of the list.
Milan Malpensa - Similar situation to VHHH, amazing freeware scenery, AES compatible and did i mention its free? crossed of the list.
Toronto - There is a pretty decent freeware scenery of Toronto intl on avsim, its got decent textures, its AES compatible and its free, wouldnt it make sense to do anouther canadian airport? crossed of the list.
New York JFK - FSDreamTeam is doing it, simple as, its gunna be amazing, so why request FT to do it? crossed of the list.
Singapore - DING DING DING! we have a winner. Changi is in desperate need of a remake, Samsofts version is showing its age, and its very heavy on FPS, not to mention Changi has changed a lot since samsoft released their version. We have a candidate.
Vancouver - Anouther choice, there is a freeware scenery on avsim, but lets face it, its not very good, so vancouver is a candidate.
Las Vegas - It doest appeal to me, but, its in need of a remake, no scenery shows the airports glory. Anouther candidate.
Amsterdam - Cloud9's scenery is showing its age, and its a FPS monster, but, the scenery will do for now, so its not vital that its remade. Mind you, Aerosoft seems to be shooting european airports out frequently, and considering they've done heathrow, madrid, lisbon, and there about to do paris and stockholm, im sure amsterdam is on their mind.
Seoul - There is a freeware out, and its not amazing quality, so i guess seoul is candidate aswell.
Tokyo - I take it were talking about Narita, for me, it is in need of an upgrade. Overland's version of Narita is looking dated, and has terrible ground textures, so its a candidate.
Kansai - Doesnt need to be requested, overlands version is very good, the only negative is the ground textures which are quite bad to be honest.
Auckland - Im very suprised through my searches that noone has mentioned auckland intl airport, a major airport, which has only one scenery remake which was originally designed for FS2002 and is VERY dated. Clearly a candidate.
Other airports in the UK like Manchester and Gatwick are fine, UK2000 is doing a remake of Manchester, and Gatwick extreme is a decent scenery.
So the most logical sceneries which should be considered are:
1.Singapore Changi
3.Tokyo Narita
5.Las Vegas
However much i, and almost all of you want your request to be accepted and have the scenery of your choice be made, we all need to realise that its down to FT and what they decide
THEY want to do.
So lets give them a break.