AI question

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Posts: 21

AI question

Post by JayKae » Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:20 pm

With 9Dragons I had the ability to only use RWY13, is this possible in FT:HK and if so, how? Thank you for looking at this already and again, this is an amazing scenery !

PS I have searched the manual but can't find it
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Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:26 pm

I maybe wrong but I think 9Dragons' 31-closed Afcad simply puts 2 checkmarks in the Afcad to Close 31 for takeoff and landing. Very simple to do, not sure about any negative side effects tho.

Real-world weather should rarely result in 31 usage.
31.jpg (75.99 KiB) Viewed 14203 times
Posts: 21

Post by JayKae » Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:51 pm

Thanks Martin, I found it but do I just replace the af2_VHHX.bgl or also the af2_approach one? Thank you for your very quick reply :)
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Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:06 pm

"Replace" you mean put the 9Dragons' 31-closed-Afcad BGL into Fly-HK? That won't work well. Best is to edit our AF2 file from /addon scenery/flytampa-hongkong/scenery/

ts just a matter of loading, double click runway, check 2 boxes, save.
If you don't have the Afcad editor let me know. The AF2_approach.bgl doesn't need to be edited and should never be edited.
Posts: 114

Post by jvile » Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:08 pm

DO NOT tamper with the af2_approach bgl file. This bgl is the instructions that call the AI Plane (among other things) to fly the IGS 13 curved approach.

Based on the AFCAD for FS9 that you are using remove the Start Location and close runway 31 for both takeoff and landing.
Posts: 21

Post by JayKae » Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:10 pm

Erm.. no I do not have AFCAD editor unfortunately, I renamed af2_VHHX.bgl to af2_VHHX.bgl.bak and I have put the 9Dragons one in there but I renamed it to af2_VHHX.bgl ... and then I had to go to work, which is where I am now so I cannot test until tonight :(
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Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:14 pm

Ok, remove or overwrite the Af2_vhhx you transfered from 9Dragons. Download and use this one. Not tested but should work.
(31.5 KiB) Downloaded 860 times
Posts: 21

Post by JayKae » Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:16 pm

You the man mate ! Thanks for this.. oh by the way, this is for the FS9 version yes?
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Posts: 5288

Post by martin[flytampa] » Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:26 pm

JayKae wrote:FS9 version yes?
Yes, Afcad files for FS9 are commonly named AF2_icao and FSX named AFX_icao.
Posts: 21

Post by JayKae » Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:28 pm

Thank you Martin for taking the time to help me, I am sure you have better things to do :) It is very much appreciated!
Posts: 114

Post by jvile » Fri Jul 04, 2008 5:30 pm

You can never close runway 31 completely in either FS9 or the FSX version. MS uses a scoring system that determines which runway end is the active.

The goal is to lower the score process as low as possible and achieve zero if possible. Zero cannot be achieved for Kai tak because there is only one group of runways (13/31)

A group is scored by it's baserunway (RWY 13). Now if that runway is the 'primary end' of a runway, the group will get 100 extra points if 'primaryTakeOff' is true and it will also get 100 extra points if 'primaryLanding' is true.

To lower the score of the recip end (RWY 31) we need to remove the Start Location and check closed for takeoff and closed for landing. This will lower the score by a multiplying factor of 10,000 leaving only the winds and the ILS to contend with.

If the winds start to exceed 32 kts coming from the north then ATC has the option to open RWY 31. In order to lower the score further down toward zero so winds must be higher in value then you MUST remove the ILS from RWY 31.

The end result is to

1. Remove the start location
2. Close both ends of the runway
3. Remove the ILS (Localizer, Glide Slope, DME)

If the weather engine sees less then 3 mile visibility, runway 31 will never get a score high enough for ATC to use that runway once the ILS is removed.

If the weather engine sees higher then 3 mile visibility and winds from the north start to exceed 64 kts (not likely at Kai Tak) then ATC will reopen RWY 31 for landing because the score process can never be zero at Kai Tak with only one group of a runway (13/31 and no parallel runway to fall back on).

There is some additional code I would have to write (actually delete) in the approach file that would lower the score even further toward zero. However doing all the above will at least get the score low enough to where RWY 31 will never be used unless winds are above 64 kts.
Posts: 12

Re: AI question

Post by coruiz » Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:27 pm

do you have this file for FSX? Please and thanks!
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