Down under, Sydney
- FlySanJose
- Posts: 197
- The Man from OZ
- Posts: 9
Re: Down under, Sydney
Right, Looking for YSSY (Good Scenery) for years for flying long-haul from europe, Vista Austaralis "VOZ" is good but only for regional-low altitude flights and YSSY there is not so good
IF I FLY LONG-HAUL , A good detailed airport to land at is a huge benefit after the long flight ///
IF I FLY LONG-HAUL , A good detailed airport to land at is a huge benefit after the long flight ///
EDDFflyer wrote:Hey guys!
I've been following the threats of this forum for a while. Most of the requested airports are already available. What's about Sydney Int'l YSSY.
There is no pay- or freeware available yet. It is a very important airport in the world and it is home of the safest airline ever, Quantas.
Pffft!!!! YSSY????? Geez, at least if an Aussie airport is going to get the quality treatment, at least have some class and head further south, to Melbourne, YMML!!!!! Sydney??? Come on now, all that Sydney has is a silly little harbour, with a bridge.... other than that, Sydney is an embarrassment to the rest of Australia!!
He he he, that ought to spark the traditional "state of origin" wars here in Australia....
Oh, by the way, YSSY would be nice, but being from Melbourne,Victoria, I would much rather see YMML!!!!
He he he, that ought to spark the traditional "state of origin" wars here in Australia....
Oh, by the way, YSSY would be nice, but being from Melbourne,Victoria, I would much rather see YMML!!!!
Re: Down under, Sydney
All you will get here is Sarcasm! The smart asses have nothing to do but come here and fart!EDDFflyer wrote:Hey guys!
I've been following the threats of this forum for a while. Most of the requested airports are already available. What's about Sydney Int'l YSSY.
There is no pay- or freeware available yet. It is a very important airport in the world and it is home of the safest airline ever, Quantas.
Its pretty clear Fly Tampa has gone AWOL! And the Crypt keepers have taken over the domain...with their laughter and snickering.

I trust you folks know about ? The first one of the range of FAX (Flight Airports X) will be YMML then .... (NDA)
Anyway, here is a few shots from an early beta of YMML

- FlySanJose
- Posts: 197
- The Man from OZ
- Posts: 9
I know its an old post but there is a light at the end of the tunnel for people looking for a great rendition of YSSY - Sydney International for FS2004, and Im not meaning that piece of junk CLS released, trying to pass it off as payware product while using default buildings
. This freeware version is to be released by VOZ ( as a standalone so there will be no need to download the entire package to obtain it
To people who have VOZ this will just be an upgrade to the current version.
Here are some pics I have of there YSSY, and while its not fly tampa quality it still looks pretty good

It will also contain the 3 new A380 aerobridges currently in use at YSSY

Keep an eye out on Avsim and the Vistaoz website for the file

To people who have VOZ this will just be an upgrade to the current version.
Here are some pics I have of there YSSY, and while its not fly tampa quality it still looks pretty good

It will also contain the 3 new A380 aerobridges currently in use at YSSY

Keep an eye out on Avsim and the Vistaoz website for the file
