a new competition

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Post by martin[flytampa] » Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:54 pm

mskhan1991 wrote:and martin, i changed it from freeware because i was thinking about KBOS while posting...i didn't expect this from you
What didn't you expect from me? My earlier post was meant to mediate, not offend. You're allowed to edit an OP that already has heated replies, but for future reference the context of the thread must stay clear. I was not taking sides and as I already pointed out, I agree that a 2007 FSDreamteam release will be better then FlyTampa releases from 2003, 2004, 2005.

The KBOS freeware is right here, developed by George... In that sense we're giving ourselves a run for the money.

I have never had any problems with other developers, I appreciate their work and this includes FSDreamteam, Simwings, ImagineSim, pretty much all of them. As far as people posting for or against FlyTampa and other developers, I honestly do not care and certainly do not moderate anyone pointing out their releases (as you can see). Your post asked for opinions, you got a few, what you want me to do?
Posts: 368

Post by deltaboeing84 » Sun Nov 25, 2007 10:17 pm

mskhan1991 wrote:and yes DAN, you are right, i am 15 but i still believe you are a ________ git
And this is why 15 year olds should be banned from the internet until there balls drop (puberty). You need to put your foot in your mouth.
Posts: 302

Post by _Dre_ » Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:54 am

paavo wrote:
geoffbecks wrote: Also no one on their fourm is running off other creators or lamblasting anyones customer support or lack of it. seems to me like you need to take a chill pill and work it out that they are all going to be a little different.
I was very civil and nice on the C9 forums about legit problems and issues with an airport, even getting them to admit there is a problem is like pulling teeth. The last straw for me was the Bergen demo, since my LAX wasn't updated they made it so FS9 would not even start until I updated it. C'mon, you know that is pure BS to render flight sim unable to start until their airport is updated. I'm not talking about using a C9 airport, I mean FS9 would CTD after the splash screen with a dialog telling me to update LAX. What if my internet is down and I want to use FS9 ? Guess what, I'm shit out of luck until I do their update. I promptly uninstalled the Bergen demo and all my C9 airports, and vowed to never buy a product from them again. I've worked a customer service job for over 20 years and I don't put up with shitty customer service or treatment with my hard earned money.

When I complained to C9 about FS9 not starting their answer to me was this " Why would you want an airport that is not updated ?"
It took several posts before they told me which file to delete so I could use FS9.
Even though it could be some freakish coincidence I just couldn't let it slide. I installed the LSZH demo to take a good look at it and I'll admit I was very impressed especially with the rep C9 had about framerates. Howerver I decided to wait till it hits simmarket or at least till you could pay through Paypal because I wasn't entirely comfortable with their purchase method.

So I decided to uninstall the demo (and this is where I saw some similarities to Paavo's incident(s) occur). Upon trying to uninstall using the windows uninstaller I got a warning saying something to the effect that uninstalling the demo wouldn't be wise because the demo uses shared components with other programs. That scared me a little because it didn't say what other programs would be affected and how. So i left the demo on my PC until the additional section that it had put on my FS taskbar got on my last nerve and I finally uninstalled the LSZH demo.

My FS has been on the fritz ever since. :x :x :x

Instantly I knew there was gonna be trouble because after the uninstall I tried to go back into FS to make sure the demo wasn't there and upon starting FS from my desktop I got the FS EULA (the only other time this ever popped up was on my original flight simulator installation). So nervously I accepted and proceeded and when FS initialized i got my second scare; I got a notice saying that my Active Cam isn't registered and the demo version is installed. So I had to go dig up my registration codes to get ActCam up and running again. Now being scared shitless that removing this demo had removed all my addons I quickly went to my scenery library and everything seemed in order (I also went to FT's KBOS and Thorsten's EGLL to really make sure they were there).

To make a long story a little less long I thought that the weird stuff was over until I bought my next set of commercial addons. And this is where the biggest problem rears it's ugly head. Ever since I unistalled the Zurich demo nothing can find the path to Flightsim on my system (not even AES). So now I have to manually enter the path to flightsimulator for every addon which is a puzzle to me because the location is the same as it was before (C:Program Files/MS games/Fs9.....). So with the hopes that downloading and reinstalling the demo would put back whatever files the piece of crap took away I attempted to do so and in some sick twisted irony the demo will no longer install because it cannot find Flightsim on my system and you cannot put the location in manually like most addons.

So for now I can only install products that I can manually enter my FS path to. I went to their forums (not a member) to see if anyone else had these problems after uninstallation but I couldn't find any such posts, I even checked the areosoft forums just for the heck of it (still nothing). Paavo's post was just a bit too close to home hence this long a** post of mine, but my question is this; are these C9/ FSdreamteam folks planting bugs on people's system where if you try to uninstall their products or if you don't update their stuff then your flightsim won't behave in a normal fashion.

I am not making accusations here, at least not yet, but if I see other people with the same or similar problems I just might do otherwise.

PS-I have no other installations on this system other than FS9 (with the exception of CFS3 which I haven't touched in over a year). Another bug I forgot to mention was one where since the uninstall of the LSZH demo everytime I try to shutdown or restart my PC I always get a warning saying: "FS9.exe not responding" and I have to hit "End Now" before my computer reboots or shuts down.
Posts: 368

Post by deltaboeing84 » Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:05 am

Dang, and I was just about to download that. Not gonna do it now, and on that note, I am steerin clear of that company. Thanks for postin that.
Posts: 44

Post by virtuali » Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:54 am

_Dre_ wrote:So I decided to uninstall the demo (and this is where I saw some similarities to Paavo's incident(s) occur). Upon trying to uninstall using the windows uninstaller I got a warning saying something to the effect that uninstalling the demo wouldn't be wise because the demo uses shared components with other programs.
Some clarification here:

When you install the Zurich demo, the scenery comes with a shared module, called Addon Manager, that is also used by both Cloud9 and Aerosoft as well.

Previous versions, in order to be 100% sure that, if the user already had any of the Cloud9 or Aerosoft products that used the same module, didn't remove it during Uninstalling.

Some users asked for an option to entirely remove it, that's why, starting with Zurich, the Uninstaller, at the end of the Uninstall procedure (when the scenery is already removed), asks if the user would want to remove the shared Addon Manager as well. OF COURSE, there's a warning informing that, if there are other products depending on it still installed (like Cloud9 EHAM, or KLAX, for example ) those products would stop to working.

So now, the user has complete control about how to Uninstall. He can either choose to remove just the scenery, or to remove anything, just like nothing would ever been there.

My FS has been on the fritz ever since.
All right. I know exactly what might happened, and I'll explain why it's not possible this issue could have been created by anything related to Zurich installer or uninstaller.

You should have figure it out already, because (as you said yourself), nobody else on our forum reported the problem, so it's quite obvious that, if we really had such a glaring issue in the installer, we would also have tons of complaints by now, given we had about 20000 downloads of the Trial version just in the last two weeks.

Also, I would like to point out that, even if you are the only one reporting this issue, we might still have investigated it, let alone to help you, if you took the care to report it on our forum for two reasons:

- We would have suggested you a solution about solving your problem immediately

- We would be notified of a possible issue, maybe a remote one, that only happens in 1 case out of thousands, but how do you expect problems will get fixed, if nobody reports to us ?

Do you really think we release an installer without testing it or, even worse, we'd intentionally create problems on user's machines ?

99% of the times we find "issues" in the installers, these are not really "bugs", instead, we keep have to find new strategies to *defend* the installer from being confused by wrong configs, hand-edited files with errors, files manually moved without correctly notifying the system (like installing on a certain drive, then moving it, etc.).

The installer works perfectly on a clean system, and by "clean system" I don't simply mean FS9 with no addons, but even a stuffed FS9, but with everything in the correct place, no hand-edited config files with errors, etc.

What's happened in your case, is that, somehow, the registry key for FS9 location has been lost or, it's not pointing to the correct location.

This can usually happen when installing FS9, then manually moving it to a different folder or drive, without updating the registry. Or, if reinstalling Windows, and restoring FS9 by simply copying folders from a backup, without runnning its installer first.

This happens to many users and that of course can confuse installers, since they can't find the FS folder. The original 1.0 and 1.1 installers for Zurich relied on the registry key to be correct, and they stopped installation if this was the case.

So, starting with Zurich 1.2, the installer will check if the registry key is valid and if isn't, it will ASK the user (by presenting the standard browse dialog) where Flight Sim is installed. Of course, on top of asking the user for the correct folder, it will also check if there is an FS9.EXE there, so you shouldn't be able to select the wrong folder by mistake, unless you happen to have a folder that is not the real one, with an FS9.EXE inside, and you intentionally choose that one...but I'd say this is highly unlikely.

So, either the registry was correct at start, or it was already wrong, and *only* in that case, the user gets the request to browse for the correct FS folder.

In this case, and ONLY in this case, once the user has indicated the correct folder, the registry is updated with the information given so, future installations should not fail anymore.

This is the only time that registry key is written, and it's done with the value supplied by the user, after double checking that an FS9.EXE (or FSX.EXE in case of FSX) is there. Note: this is happening during the INSTALLATION. So, if there was a problem with the installer that put a bogus key by mistake, you'd noticed already the first time you started flight sim after *installing*.

You are saying the issue happened, instead, during Uninstalling and that's simply not possible, because the only things that the uninstaller does, is to remove the scenery files, remove the area from scenery.cfg and, if the user replies "Yes" to the question about removing the Addon Manager, it will also remove the Addon Manager's files (basically just bglman.dll and a couple of other files, that wouldn't be loaded anyway if the dll is removed).

No FS files are removed during Uninstall, an NO registry keys are touched during Uninstall!

We don't even remove *our* registry keys, because a registered user would want to Uninstall as well, so we don't touch our registry keys during Unistall, in order not having to worry registered users with registration keys, in case they simply want to Uninstall for maintenance. But, on top of not removing our keys, we NEVER touch any FS registry keys in the Uninstaller!

It must have been something else, not related to the scenery, and it's proven quite easily, because nobody else reported it so far, as you noticed it yourself.

BUT, if you took the care to simply *ASK* for help on our forum, you would have had assitance anyway, even if the issue didn't really belong to Zurich, because what you are describing can only happens with a lost registry key for FS, and that's a very easy fix, and I'm safely saying the problem wasn't related to Zurich in any way, because the only time that key is written is during Installation, and only in an invalid/missing key is found, but NOT during Uninstallation.

So with the hopes that downloading and reinstalling the demo would put back whatever files the piece of crap took away I attempted to do so and in some sick twisted irony the demo will no longer install because it cannot find Flightsim on my system and you cannot put the location in manually like most addons.
Something else here do not compute;

The whole discussion about writing to the registry (that's the only place when something *might* go wrong like you described ) it's only related to Zurich 1.2 version. Previous versions refused to install if the registry was wrong, and they simply stop the installation, without taking any further action.

So, a corruption of the FS registry key, while highly unlikely ( I guess it might only happen if your PC crashed *exactly* while the installer was writing on that key, to fix it ), could only happened in Zurich 1.2 installer, that's the only version that write on that key.

BUT, it's the only version that also allows you to browse for a location in case one it's not found!

So, either one of these is true: if it's true that you couldn't reinstall the demo, because it couldn't find FS, this means you used a version older than 1.2. But, a version older that 1.2, didn't had even the remotely theoretical chance to corrupt the registry like you described, because it didn't had any of the registry fixing stuff, and never wrote on the registry in any way.

I went to their forums (not a member) to see if anyone else had these problems after uninstallation but I couldn't find any such posts
I even checked the areosoft forums just for the heck of it (still nothing)
And if you checked Cloud9 forums, you wouldn't have found anything similar as well.

I think that this is the simplest proof that the installer/uninstallers are fine, since (as I've said) we have several THOUSANDS of people downloading the Trial version every week.

While I would really like that *everyone* that downloaded the Trial, eventually decided to keep it, it's quite obvious that most of the people download the Trial just to check it out, so we can safely assume A LOT of users ran the installer, then the uninstaller, without having any problems with it, otherwise we would have the forum flooeded with complains.

Paavo's post was just a bit too close to home
No, it was reporting an entirely different issue, that it's not related in any way connected to installation/uninstallation, but instead was a core behaviour of the program when this is running.

Anyway, the issue reported by Paavo is outdated, becasue it has been already taken care of, since the version of the Addon Manager that comes with Zurich works in a different way comparing to Cloud9's:

If an outdated scenery is found, Flight Sim is NOT prevented to run, instead, the user will get a warning ONLY if flying in the area covered by the affected scenery and, even in this case, Flight Sim will no longer immediately quit, but it will still run over the outdated scenery, for the same duration of the Trial.

Of course, since the module it's used also by Cloud9 and some Aerosoft products, when updating with the Zurich version, even these sceneries will get the same behaviour. And of course, someone downloading a scenery from Cloud9, will of course get the last version without the need of updating to Zurich's one (that's to dispel the eventual objection that we are using one of the Cloud9's module shortcomings, in order to force people downloading Zurich demo)

are these C9/ FSdreamteam folks planting bugs on people's system
Once for all: I would like to clear up again this misunderstanding:

Cloud9 it's one company, and it was never owned/co-owned/shared or whatever by anyone of the FSDreamTeam. We have ONE developer that used to be employed by Cloud9, but left more than 1 year ago, and that's it.

FSDreamTeam it's a brand name of VIRTUALI s.a.s, my own company and, opposite to what some might think, it's a far older Flight Sim company than most of anyone else here, since it has been founded in 1993, when the stat of the art was Ms-Dos+Flight Sim 4.0, and it has been producing Flight Sim addons since then.

We simply never directly published anything (well, in fact we did a complete Italian scenery for MSFS 4.0 in 1993, and that *was* published under "Virtuali" name ), until today.

Cloud9 has been founded in 2004, I think, and for Virtuali it was simply a *customer*, that used Virtuali's sales system under license, but I never had any share or any other kind of interest in C9.

Some people might have mistakenly thought we were the same company at one time, because I was more active supporting users with issues with the Addon Manager on Cloud9's forums, than one might reasonably expect from what should be considered normal for a supplier of technology.

There are a couple of Cloud9 product were I was more involved with, namely the Phantom (which everyone seems to be very happy with), and the XClass series (ironically), the only Cloud9 product that didn't used the Addon Manager...

We decided to use FSDreamTeam name instead of Virtuali, for the simple reason that my company is also a very well known retailer of flight sim stuff (we sell FlyTampa boxed stuff, of course) in Italy, and I wanted to keep two entirely separate websites, since the one for retail is entirely in Italian language and selling only boxed stuff in Italy only, and the software developement site, selling downloadable product developed by ourselves worldwide it's a different activity, so it make sense using a new name.

And, just for the record ( so I can dispel another popular myth ), fact that Cloud9 hasn't released anything since last February, it's entirely unrelated to things like FS9 vs FSX, or anything like that.

Main reason is that the whole developement team was hired by Microsoft to work on the F/A-18 for the MS Acceleration Pack, and that work started exacly after Bergen was released, and ended just before Zurich was started. After that experience, we found to be able to work very effectively as a team, and felt self-confident enough to decide to publish directly, and that's it.
Posts: 118

Post by tbmavengerstuka » Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:12 am

Good God, that's a long post. That's Customer Service for you
Posts: 53

Post by Tolbiac » Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:51 am

virtuali wrote:
Some clarification here:

When you install the Zurich demo, the scenery comes with a shared module, called Addon Manager, that is also used by both Cloud9 and Aerosoft as well....

... After that experience, we found to be able to work very effectively as a team, and felt self-confident enough to decide to publish directly, and that's it.
Oh dear, my Doctoral thesis wasn't so long. At least we can say matter has been taken seriousely by the poster.
Posts: 41

Post by geoffbecks » Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:01 pm

My earlier comment about starving wasn't ment to offend, think of it as a bit of light hearted banter, maybe a little on the sarcastic side but "hey" if you leave a chain hanging like that then someone will yank it sooner or later. As for the question about Tampa and Miami airports, I have to put my hands up and say I had" no idea" that they had been around that long, They must have been way ahead of the rest of the field when they were released. Kbos is still the best freeware out there, and its a shame I had just bought the VFR france virsion of TNCM or I would have gone for the FT version when it came out. Having said that though I say what I see and to date I have had no truck with Cloud9 and I do like their works also even if they will not entertain AES.
I hope this helps make amends to any sarcastic comments, but I dont promice that there will not be others either. Martin thanks for the info on the Tampa and Miami question, keep up the good work and I will keep buying them. Im also glad to see that you make no reference to dropping FS9 at this time as I have no intention of switching platforms until a better one becomes availiable. Any thoughts on sceneries for Canada as there seems to be an open market up north as no one is producing any airports from your frozen mates next door.
Posts: 393

Post by B777ER » Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:21 pm

Virtuali works for FSDreamteam. I have seen him get slammed in forums before and he always is nice and helps solve problems. Got to give the guy credit.
Posts: 302

Post by _Dre_ » Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:19 am

Upon further review.......

*Removes Virtuali's boot from my mouth*

Some clarifications of my own in response to Virtuali's statement; I wasn't refering to your scenery as a piece of crap (I stated clearly I was impressed by it), but was talking about your uninstaller which I thought was poison to my system.

You are right Virtu... I should have posted the issues on your forums as that is the proper way to do things. But in my gross misjudgement I wanted nothing to do with your website or forums.

The reason I was so sure it was your product that was the culprit is that I made no changes to my FS or PC during an eight day span (3 days before and 4 days after) while trying your demo. I made no changes except for one slight anomaly :evil: :evil: :evil: which I'll get to in a moment.

In case I haven't yet done so I apologise if I directly or indirectly blamed your product for messing up my system. It seems to be a case of right place wrong time where your uninstaller is concerned.

Now to explain the actual culprit of my FS problems. I joined FSDreamteam's forums yesterday and went through the forums looking for people with similar issues or ways to fix it and came across this post


*For the lazy people* In one post a person stated that removing the FSX demo caused instability on some systems (including messing up your FS9 registry).

Now to the anomaly I mentioned earlier. A while back like everyone else I downloaded the FSX demo. I tried it and upon realising it was too robust for my system I deleted its desktop icon and went through "my computer" (Wind. XP) and deleted it from my program files. In doing so I thought I removed it from my system. Now recently when I was uninstalling the Zurich demo though the control panel's "add/remove programs" feature I was shocked to see the FSX demo on the list of programs on my PC. I just thought it was some weird anomaly because I had deleted it a long time ago as I mentioned above. So after removing Zurich I also used the control panel feature to get rid of "the already deleted" FSX demo. I then went to check on flightsim right after as I mentioned in the lengthy post a couple spots above. I had no reason to believe it was FSuX because as far as I was concerned it hadn't been on my system for months, but it turns out that it was the actual piece of crap.

Now if anyone read the post from FSdreamteam's forum in the link above they would have seen the replies from Aerosoft/AES's Oliver Pabst where if you had his freeware EDDW2004 Bremen scenery (excellent scenery by the way) there is the possibility of conflicts with the Zurich scenery because they both used or shared the same FS resources for their scenery animations (that was my understanding of what was said anyway). I had the freeware EDDW scenery until a few days ago when I replaced it with the GAP version.

Later today I will try the fix recommended by the person who pointed out the FSX demo uninstallation issue and will let the results be known just in case there are others with the same problem.

So again my apologies to the FSDreamteam staff and a few words of advise; expand your purchase options (whether it be paypal, simmarket, aerosoft, etc.). I understand it costs to do so but you will have more sales which in turn should more than cover those costs. If the quality of your Zurich scenery is any indication of what is to come from you then I look forward to what you have in store.
Posts: 302

Post by _Dre_ » Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:47 am

Final update; If anyone else had the issue of FSX deleting their FS9 registry after uninstalling the FSX demo go here for a free fix:


The download is at the bottom of the page.
Last edited by _Dre_ on Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 30

Post by shep34 » Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:38 am

edited post.... please delete!!
Posts: 197

Post by FlySanJose » Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:51 am

why cant all sceneries just be free? :)
Posts: 319

Post by Jacek » Tue Dec 11, 2007 4:28 pm

What a waste of bandwith.Image
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