- Posts: 2
by airbuslove » Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:46 pm
I think that the best airport will be in Asia...Hong kong,or Beijing because you made many airports in North america, and when someone will fly with Boeing 747 he can´t fly between Seattle and San Francisco but i think that better is the airport in asia or europe..

..I am from czech republic so i´m sorry because my english isn´t so good.....

- Posts: 13
by JoMoRo » Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:40 pm
I think it would be very interesting for FlyTampa to do a scenery in Asia like Hong Kong, Beijing or even Ha Noi City, because no other company are working on such sceneries.
I know only the italian Guys of Cloud9 have been working on a Hong Kong scenery since 2 years. But I don´t believe, that it will come out
- Posts: 21
by drmiller21 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 5:50 pm
I know I am new here but fly Tampa should do PHNL would be a better airport than Hong Kong the Asia airports the European airports have far greater addons than north America so its time north America cathes up.
airports I would like to see
KSLC - which is a major international not done yet although Gary widup did one for freeware this Airport deserves a professional airport. I realize that half of the us gets Ignored so I don't look to getting any I have listed but the Big major Airports have been done over and over and some Airports have been duplicated by several Designers Such as KEWR Simflyers and Imagine to just name one look to the smaller Internationals for a change. just my .02 cents
- Posts: 45
by Awol » Wed Aug 29, 2007 7:40 pm
Oh crap, there goes KGEG. I was hoping it was being considered simply because it was the only airport not begged for yet...

- Posts: 21
by drmiller21 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 8:57 pm
Make no mistake, I was not begging for KGEG. I was simply stating that The west Coats airports have been over looked ever since I can remember and if they haven't been it has been Lax or some other California airport. When are we going to see KSLC a major airport. It just seems all the designers Like simflyers Imagine and Flytampa do east coast Airports or European airports. The Midwest has started to get attention by both Flytampa and Imagine. But we need more airports from the west side of North America.

- Posts: 1612
by paavo » Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:27 pm
drmiller21 wrote:Make no mistake, I was not begging for KGEG. I was simply stating that The west Coats airports have been over looked ever since I can remember and if they haven't been it has been Lax or some other California airport. When are we going to see KSLC a major airport. It just seems all the designers Like simflyers Imagine and Flytampa do east coast Airports or European airports. The Midwest has started to get attention by both Flytampa and Imagine. But we need more airports from the west side of North America.

Flytampa hs done KSEA, KSAN, and KSFO, throw in KPDX from Flightscenery and that's pretty good west coast coverage. KTIW and KPWT both have good freeware versions, plus several Cali airports have really good freeware versions. I can never get enough west coast scenery and airports, but there is a lot out there to enjoy as it is now.
- Posts: 21
by drmiller21 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:27 pm
Yes They did all Excellent scenery's. I have all of them. I am not arguing that there hasn't been addons done for the west Coast, and Thank you for making My first point as I said most of the west Coast airports have been done in California. why has no one done KSLC or KGEG or KMFR ext... I do know that Flight Scenery has in there Airport List that They are planning KGEG as FZone4 but at this time they have stopped designing airports to work on a airbus project for FSX so there is no telling if it will get done and if it is will it be available for FS9 as I will not be upgrading to FSX for two reasons 1. I have over $500 in my addons and 2. My system will not handle the demands of FSX. I would just like to see more west coast airports as I live on the west coast. I also have every thing that Simflyers has done I have All Of Imagine and I have all Of Fly-Tampa airports except three wicth I will have soon. out of all of them I think there are 6 west coast airports between all of my 30 addon Airports com on 6 west Coast airports you can not convince me the west coast is not being over looked.

- Posts: 45
by Awol » Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:41 pm
drmiller21 wrote:Make no mistake, I was not begging for KGEG. I was simply stating that The west Coats airports have been over looked ever since I can remember and if they haven't been it has been Lax or some other California airport. When are we going to see KSLC a major airport. It just seems all the designers Like simflyers Imagine and Flytampa do east coast Airports or European airports. The Midwest has started to get attention by both Flytampa and Imagine. But we need more airports from the west side of North America.

My response was very tongue-in-cheek

But I would love to see KGEG....there I said it. I feel like a huge burden has been lifted.

- Posts: 21
by drmiller21 » Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:53 pm
I am not trying to be argumentative. I use to work at KGEG and I have always wanted to see it in the Sim. I currently use Andrew Nirenians KGEG for flight Sim 2002 and it is good but a professional version would be better any way thank you for the replay's.
- Posts: 2121
by skydvdan » Thu Aug 30, 2007 1:58 am
drmiller21 wrote:I am not trying to be argumentative. I use to work at KGEG and I have always wanted to see it in the Sim. I currently use Andrew Nirenians KGEG for flight Sim 2002 and it is good but a professional version would be better any way thank you for the replay's.
So bring on the source imagery!!
- Posts: 21
by drmiller21 » Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:20 am
I need a program that will capture pictures in flight Sim any suggestions ?
- Posts: 45
by Awol » Thu Aug 30, 2007 2:36 pm
skydvdan wrote:drmiller21 wrote:I am not trying to be argumentative. I use to work at KGEG and I have always wanted to see it in the Sim. I currently use Andrew Nirenians KGEG for flight Sim 2002 and it is good but a professional version would be better any way thank you for the replay's.
So bring on the source imagery!!
I'll bite. I've got'em. No aerials though.

- Posts: 1612
by paavo » Thu Aug 30, 2007 4:45 pm
drmiller21 wrote:Yes They did all Excellent scenery's. I have all of them. I am not arguing that there hasn't been addons done for the west Coast, and Thank you for making My first point as I said most of the west Coast airports have been done in California. why has no one done KSLC or KGEG or KMFR ext... I do know that Flight Scenery has in there Airport List that They are planning KGEG as FZone4 but at this time they have stopped designing airports to work on a airbus project for FSX so there is no telling if it will get done and if it is will it be available for FS9 as I will not be upgrading to FSX for two reasons 1. I have over $500 in my addons and 2. My system will not handle the demands of FSX. I would just like to see more west coast airports as I live on the west coast. I also have every thing that Simflyers has done I have All Of Imagine and I have all Of Fly-Tampa airports except three wicth I will have soon. out of all of them I think there are 6 west coast airports between all of my 30 addon Airports com on 6 west Coast airports you can not convince me the west coast is not being over looked.

I would expect KGEG from flightscenery about the time FS20 comes out, and you are correct in that most stuff is in cali. If you like flying small props then all the georenders adds a lot to Washington state. It's to bad KBFI never got finished, no other airport has the mix of traffic that it has.