LAX was a pipe dream anyway. It is a huge airport, and would take a significant amount of time to develop (my guess, up to six months with FlyTampa quality). I hope they continue to concentrate their efforts on airports that have not been released by other developers, even if the other stuff is not quite up to FlyTampa quality. Hopefully Simflyers does a decent job

on KLAXv2, which I believe will be released within the next week.
We have to remember that as far as I can tell, this is really a two man company, and I don't believe George has as much time as Martin to work on the projects.
From hints dropped on the forum, my guess is something is going to be released soon, and my guess the airports currently under construction are KSFO and KSEA. Just a hunch. What I really like is that these airports fit in nicely with Megascenery!