[FS9] My AFCAD for OMDB topic (v1.5.1)

Posts: 444

[FS9] My AFCAD for OMDB topic (v1.5.1)

Post by Er!k » Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:46 am

Hi all,

I have just started to work on the Dubai AFCAD file and would like to share my results. Goal is to create a realistic AFCAD, with all airlines assigned to the correct area on the airport.


How to use?
First back-up your OMDB_ADE9_FLYTAMPA.bgl file (located in the FlyTampa-Dubai\scenery folder). Then copy the file from the attachment in this folder and you're good to go!

What has been changed?
- Moved FlyDubai (and other airlines) to terminal 2
- Assigned cargo airlines to terminal F
- Added Qantas to terminal 3
- Other assignments based on Wikipedia (I know, not the best source out there, but it's a start)!
- Changed ILS frequencies and VOR frequency according to this topic (Identifier cannot be changed).
- Added extra gates, and adjusted assignments according to this post
- Added the missing hold short node near RWY 30R
- Added extra gates at the H terminal
- Assigned some cargo space at the E gates

- Fixed the airport elevation in order to avoid bleed of the default ground texture.
- Randomized all newly created parking spots in the parking list order.

- AFCAD now based on updated AFCAD by FlyTampa
- Increased some gates for optimized parking
- Inserted special parking codes (UAES, QFAS) for A380's so they park at T3 now.
- Adjusted AFCAD elevation according to this post.
- Double gate H8 renamed to H9

- AFCAD file now based on update v2.1
- Some minor adjustments
- Added hold short node near rwy 30L (again)
- Added gate G8

If you have suggestions, please feel free to reply, so I can keep the AFCAD up-to-date.

Release history:
- 10 nov. v1.0
- 11 nov. v1.1
- 12 nov. v1.2
- 14 nov. v1.3
- 17 nov. v1.4
- 17 nov. v1.4.1
- 19 nov. v1.4.2
- 02 dec. v1.5
- 02 dec. v1.5.1


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Last edited by Er!k on Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:32 pm, edited 25 times in total.
Posts: 1

Re: [FS9] Ultimate AFCAD for Dubai topic

Post by Haan » Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:08 am

Thanks for the AFCAD Er!k.

Can you also perhaps do a AFCAD for FSX. I live and work near the aiport so I now where wich airlines parks.
If anyone wants to the the AFCAD ill gladly test it.

Posts: 3

Re: [FS9] Ultimate AFCAD for Dubai Rebooted topic (v1.0)

Post by Dmitriy » Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:17 pm

Hi guys,
There is a problem with an AI traffic movements because of missing hold short point on 30R , as i understood. I can not fix it by myself , ADE editor shows an error when i try to compil that in bgl. Eric, wuold you be so kind to solve this problem.

Respectfully yours,

Posts: 31

Re: [FS9] Ultimate AFCAD for Dubai Rebooted topic (v1.0)

Post by vl1 » Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:49 pm

Have you been to Dubai recently???


The Emirates do not park their cargo planes near T1.
Terminal 3A IS NOT OPERATIONAL!!! Until early 2013. That is why Qantas start flying end of March '13!

This is my version based on my observations upon recent visits to DXB, youtube videos, pics from internet and friends.

P.S. Problem with hold short fixed.
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Last edited by vl1 on Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3

Re: [FS9] Ultimate AFCAD for Dubai Rebooted topic (v1.0)

Post by Dmitriy » Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:12 pm

With all my respect,

Problem with a 30R hold short did not fixed. You made a yellow mark instead of red point. It means that traffic does not stop for take off clearence...
Posts: 31

Re: [FS9] Ultimate AFCAD for Dubai Rebooted topic (v1.0)

Post by vl1 » Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:27 pm

yeah, my mistaked
fixed now
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Posts: 36

Re: [FS9] Ultimate AFCAD for Dubai Rebooted topic (v1.0)

Post by tors » Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:28 pm

Dear George!
Thanks for a fantastic airport and surrounding. :D :shock: How do I let A380 aircraft park by the new therminal instead of parking by the older therminals? At the moment no aircraft park by the new one. I use Fs2004.
Posts: 31

Re: [FS9] Ultimate AFCAD for Dubai Rebooted topic (v1.0)

Post by vl1 » Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:36 pm

if u want as you said - you have to edit the ADE9 file with Airport Design Editor.

In real life they will park there only in March as in my file
Posts: 444

Re: [FS9] Ultimate AFCAD for Dubai Rebooted topic (v1.0)

Post by Er!k » Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:46 pm

vl1 wrote:Have you been to Dubai recently??? -> No

You did A LOT OF THINGS WRONG. -> Thank you! Anything else than the two things below?

The Emirates do not park their cargo planes near T1. -> Where do they park then?
Terminal 3A IS NOT OPERATIONAL!!! Until early 2013. That is why Qantas start flying end of March '13! -> Ready for the future :)

This is my version based on my observations upon recent visits to DXB, youtube videos, pics from internet and friends.

P.S. Problem with hold short fixed.
Posts: 31

Re: [FS9] Ultimate AFCAD for Dubai Rebooted topic (v1.0)

Post by vl1 » Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:56 pm

First of all - don't get mad.

When i read REBOOTED i though remade!

Emirates 77LFs are parked in the Cargo area, near their hangar.

Also, i thought you would add BJ parking near the same hangar, Dubai Air Wing parkings near the VIP terminal, i thought you would add maintenance ramp's parking spaces.
you did not correct the terminal 1 parking spots assigned to Emirates - they are wrong. you could at least take a look at the google earth timeline perspective and see that emirates after opening T3 never occupy left part of T1!

and i am not gonna list everything, i am not a parrot.
i'll do it myself
Posts: 444

Re: [FS9] Ultimate AFCAD for Dubai Rebooted topic (v1.0)

Post by Er!k » Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:34 pm

Dmitriy wrote:Hi guys,
There is a problem with an AI traffic movements because of missing hold short point on 30R , as i understood. I can not fix it by myself , ADE editor shows an error when i try to compil that in bgl. Eric, wuold you be so kind to solve this problem.

Respectfully yours,

Hi Dmitriy, I wil fix it!
Posts: 31

Re: [FS9] My AFCAD for OMDB topic (v1.0)

Post by mozart » Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:04 pm

Wow, the scenery is just out a couple of hours and already the name calling begins on the forum.

Here are my observations, based on having flown in and out of that airport >40 times in the past six months:

1) Concourse 3, gates A and D: indeed, they are not open yet, but are expected to open already this December. Rumour has it that it'll coincide with UAE national day
2) Gates used by the A380:
- all of the A gates (opening December 2012)
- all of the D gates (opening December 2012)
- gates F12-F13
- gates F18-F22
- gate F27 (the only gate that does not have an upper level airbridge)
3) Some missing gates
- there are usually 3-4 planes parked behind each other to the West of the Emirates hangar, along the taxiway line drawn to the right of gate E34
- there are usually plenty of EK planes parked with their nose toward the EK maintenance hangar
- some gates missing in front of the Royal Wing
4) Airline assignments for Emirates:
- Emirates has exclusive use of terminal gates A, B8-B27, D, F10-F27
- Emirates has exclusive use of apron gates C24-40, G
- Emirates is also using a chunk of the other C apron stands
- Emirates at busy hours also uses more gates at B and F, adjacent to the ones of which it is the only user
5) Airline assignments for other airlines at F and B gates
- widebody planes generally use F1-F9, both sometimes they also use a gate on the B side (e.g .Air Algerie often goes to one of the B gates=
- narrowbody planes generally use B1-B7
- specifically AF and KL park next to each other, usually AF on F8 and KL on F7
- UA and DL tend to use gates around F3-F5
- LH, LX and OS tend to be around F3-F5, although the early morning LH flight to MUC also often uses F1
- CX uses anything F1-F5
- SQ, TG, UL, QR (both widebody and narrowbody), TK, KQ, ET, BA, VS anywhere F3-F7
- SV always parks its planes next to each other, sometimes one has 3 SV planes parked around F4-F7
- B gates are used by the narrowbody planes from India (jet Airways, Air India, Air Blue, ...) and both wide and narrowbody planes from other parts of the world (Algeria, other parts of Africa, etc)
- I currently do not remember/have never seen where ME, MS and IY go, but I think they can be both on the F and the B side

Surely I am missing some airlines, but I'll look at that in a more systematic fashion later on. Actually tomorrow evening when traveling through DXB again.

Now, I hate to use ADE, I find it tedious to use. So if we could make a deal that I look up more or less any airline parking and someelse put it into ADE then I'd be happy.
Posts: 444

Re: [FS9] My AFCAD for OMDB topic (v1.1)

Post by Er!k » Sun Nov 11, 2012 4:58 am

Many thanks Mozart! I adjusted the AFCAD to your feedback!
Last edited by Er!k on Sun Nov 11, 2012 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 31

Re: [FS9] My AFCAD for OMDB topic (v1.1)

Post by vl1 » Sun Nov 11, 2012 12:31 pm

Er!k wrote:Many thanks Mozart! I adjusted the AFCAD to your feedback!
much better my friend!
now all you have to do is move the starting position of runway 12R to K5 position AS IT IS IN REAL LIFE.
They assemble on K5 K4 K# and start their roll from their. Aircraft taxiing from the remote ramps taxi to to the K5 start position from the runways end, so the runway need to have apron links, not the runway links
i attached my file, with this option, you'll be getting 12R take offs as real as it gets!!!
And if u get time u can add parking spots near the VIP terminal, the H stands, for the smaller Dubai Air Wing aircraft. They are marked in the scenery, but are not present in the afcad file as those, that are near the maintenance hangar.
And again, E gates between the T2 and Emirates maintenance hangar ARE CARGO RAMPS! for FedEx, CPA, etc.... It's Dubai airport cargo city!

P.S. After you fix that, i will agree that your afcad is REBOOTED and i will not be posting mine.
P.S.S. Another thing... On my opinion, it is wise, as i did in my afcad file, to assign all the UAE to T3, all the known T2 terminals to their spots, but assign nothing to T1 positions and remote stands. Because there is a frequent change in airlines in DXB and some aircraft will end up near hangars. I think it would more or less true to have them randomly park at T1 ramp spots.

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