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by baksteen33
Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:57 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Next Scenery
Replies: 210
Views: 349505

>>Sorry, Dan, may I please say that the quality of discussion started by you really turns out to be more than childish and ridiculous. This in my opinion is not the place to attac members personally. Nobody, and I really mean nobody has the right to blame persons because of having a different positi...
by baksteen33
Wed Feb 08, 2006 2:15 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Next Scenery
Replies: 210
Views: 349505

>>The best guess is always to think what you *don't* expect me to release<< LOL, I guess you'll neeever, neeever eeeever going to release Kai Tak..! :-) I'm really impressed with your work, George and Martin, chapaeu. Some of the shots are so close to reality it's almost scary. :-) Kind regards Jaap