@fakeflyer737 - (quite an apt username you have) Grow up... Seriously.
To those at FlyTampa who decided to not make FS2004 sceneries, I bid you all a good day.
You just lost that many more customers. I had higher faith in you all.
I know its been closed for a while now... which is a shame. It had a personality similar to that of Kai Tak. Maybe not as tight or as hair-raising as the 47 degree final approach at Kai Tak, but it does warrant some attention. Too bad it has all been torn up and/or paved over. The new airport looks ...
There are no good sceneries of the old Guangzhou airport, Bai'yun International Airport. FlyTampa did such a good job with Kai Tak, I feel a Guangzhou scenery would be just as good. With it having such a mixture of traffic and close proximity to the city, it'd be very fun to fly in and out of. What ...
IMG#00-2011-dec-1-001.jpg I have fired-up and shut down FS2004 three separate times, and everything seems to be working fine now... after finding a *second*, more detailed scenery.cfg file, I edited out the extra FlyTampa-Boston entry, and everything is back to normal. Thank you for the help, gentl...
I tried that too... before I posted up here, I completely un-installed the Fly-Tampa scenery from FS2004... scenery.cfg, all the files, the Addon Scenery listing in simulator, everything I made sure was gone. Yet, it still listed Fly-Tampa - Boston in the in-game Addon Scenery list... no matter how ...
Check out the screenshot... This is what is going on. It's funny... My FlyTampa - Kai Tak scenery is listed about 4 times (along with its landclass) and it has worked great everytime...
IMG#00-2011-nov-30-001.jpg (97.6 KiB) Viewed 7654 times
I opened that scenery.cfg file and actually the FlyTampa - Boston entry was not listed. I added the one provided, but to no avail. I changed around the link on where the sim needs to look to find the scenery file for what it needed it to be, and gave the entry the correct (or next, rather...) number...
The only airport that will not work for me in FS2004 is the FlyTampa KBOS... Why? It is listed twice in the Addon Scenery list... And no matter how many times I delete the second entry, no matter if I totally get rid of anything related to the scenery (un-installation, actual deletion of the files, ...