Now this is cool! I never expected this.
A great choice - being in central Europe and not far from most places on the continent. And the alps!
Add Austria Pro and Austrian Airports and you have a very detailed and realistic country with some amazing scenery.
I heard it's a modified version of FS9 by the internal MSFS team. At least it shows a little of what we can expect in FS10. True. They were from a presentation at IFC showing what we can expect. More about it here:
There's an older scenery available on AVSIM too; which I am very happy with. And it's without people (but with gulls, yey).
But still; I'd really like to know if FlyTampa still are doing one. That'd be great.
I've nearly -only- got Southwest there. And a lot of ATA. I only have my own AI installed. Never seen so much AI in my FS-world before actually. It's just like the screenshots. Download the planes (remember; the ones actually landing at MDW) from Aardvark and install the latest routes from MRAI. And...