Posts: 6

Post by flyer13 » Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:57 am

Imaginesim is coming out with KMCI and I am so happy now that my home airport is being done
Posts: 302

Post by _Dre_ » Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:32 pm

I just now landed at Imaginesim's KLGA and noticed that the bridge to Riker's island is missing (the bridge on short final to Rwy 13). It was there before I installed the scenery and I'm wondering if anyone else has this issue. I know it's just one bridge but that's what makes the approach to 13 pretty awesome. As u make the turn over Harlem (northern Manhattan) I generally try to pick up the bridge as my point of reference if the runway isn't visible due to wx. It kinda throws a wrench in my visual approach experience.
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