Huge VAS issue

Posts: 20

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by tk92 » Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:22 pm

I bought the scenery today and these are my experiences, maybe I can help with this.
The Lite texture pack is installed (However, nothing has changed in the Flytampa Amsterdam texture folder. I installed and tested this twice, maybe this is the way it should be, but for me it seems like there has nothing been replaced..)
The options in Flytampa config are +- half checked, so nothing too serious.
Addons: PMDG 777, ENVTEX textures, Orbx Global Base and Vector + ASNext.

VAS started at 2.9 directly after loading, but jumped to 3.4 within a second and without doing anything. I switched to external view once and VAS climbed to 3.5-3.6 GB after. I didn't dare to change view any more but I was able to takeoff with the same VAS amount (3.6). 1 min after takeoff, VAS decreased to 3.2 GB and I tried to change the view for a second. Immediately after, VAS dropped to 3.8 and I switched back to internal view quickly. VAS is now stable at 3.2 when flying out of the Netherlands.

Just to compare: I can fly out of many addons (Except for KJFK FSDT) with a VAS of less than 2.8. Normally, my VAS is around 3.4 when on the blocks again on the destination.

BUT, most of all: the quality of the airport is amazing!!!

Kind regards,
Posts: 9

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by Fangzahn » Mon Dec 19, 2016 5:35 pm

I create FSX videos for my youtube channel every week with the highest settings possible, so I don't think my FSX installation is bad :wink: I don't get OOMs at any other airport
Posts: 444

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by Er!k » Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:56 am

Unfortunately I can confirm this issue as well. Did a short hop from UK2000's EGGW to EHAM, and got an OOM after arrival. Already using the LITEpack.
Posts: 1

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by Michael_LOWW » Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:49 am

same here with the aerosoft airbus a320 on LOWW EHAM and EDDF EHAM. autogen is set to sparse and scenery detail is dense with most turned off in the airport configurator. i turned off ut2 traffic on the approach.
Posts: 2

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by grecco93 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:55 am

same for me here. Just made a flight from EDDM to EHAM with the Lite Texture Pack and got an OOM
Posts: 444

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by Er!k » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:58 am

Departing from EHAM goes well, but arriving from any airport results in an OOM.

My config:
FXT Global base
AS2016 + ACSA (lowest texture settings/4 cloud layers)
Aerosoft A318/321
Custom AI Traffic
Posts: 21

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by Maikel » Tue Dec 20, 2016 10:57 am

Just completed AMS-OSL-AMS with the LITETEX installed and everything unchecked (even the Animated windsock). Departing AMS with some 700-800mb VAS to spare. Landing in Oslo went fine using the AS Oslo with everything set to Extreme in the config manager I had more than 1gb of VAS left. Rebooted the sim, departed with 1.5gb VAS left during departure and landed at Schiphol with only 300-200mb VAS to spare so really close to OOM.

Like I posted in the ''Amsterdam Texture Packs'' topic I'm not having different VAS readings between the normal textures and the LITETEX set. I find that odd and I hope it can be fixed. It looks like more customers are experiencing the same issue.

Posts: 318

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by Dimon » Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:25 pm

Kinda wondering with HF2 from LM would bring some sort of relief.
Posts: 444

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by Er!k » Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:32 pm

I even tried disabling all other sceneries, but another OOM on a flight from Luton to Amsterdam, after landing...
Posts: 10

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by simspe » Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:38 pm

Fangzahn wrote:I can confirm the high VAS problem. I did 2 full flights in FSX and had OOM errors both times. Airplanes: PMDG 777-200 and PMDG 737-800. Then I loaded up a saved flight near the airport and couldn't even finish that one without FSX crashing. No Autogen, Scenery Detail Distance: Low and Scenery Details: Normal. Low Res Texture Pack is also installed.

The airport looks absolutely amazing but it's pretty much useless at the moment... :?
Mate have tried using Stevies DX10 Fixer? It helps you a lot when using FSX or FSX:SE, you will get almost the same values in VAS as P3D, but better yet, get P3D V3 and 90% of your problems will be solved. :D
Posts: 318

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by Dimon » Tue Dec 20, 2016 12:40 pm

I'm really sorry for FSX gang, but I think there is no cure for this platform at all. P3D has the hope
Posts: 20

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by tk92 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 1:15 pm

simspe wrote:
Fangzahn wrote:I can confirm the high VAS problem. I did 2 full flights in FSX and had OOM errors both times. Airplanes: PMDG 777-200 and PMDG 737-800. Then I loaded up a saved flight near the airport and couldn't even finish that one without FSX crashing. No Autogen, Scenery Detail Distance: Low and Scenery Details: Normal. Low Res Texture Pack is also installed.

The airport looks absolutely amazing but it's pretty much useless at the moment... :?
Mate have tried using Stevies DX10 Fixer? It helps you a lot when using FSX or FSX:SE, you will get almost the same values in VAS as P3D, but better yet, get P3D V3 and 90% of your problems will be solved. :D
I was using the DX10 fixer and DX10 mode in FSX with the described values.. With 400mb spare on VAS on a departure with my fingers crossed if I can even make it out of EHAM :D
Posts: 10

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by simspe » Tue Dec 20, 2016 4:12 pm

I have just made a flight from Flytampa Copenhagen to Flytampa Amsterdam, with PMDG 737 NGX, AS16+ASCA , REX 4 Textures, My traffic, FTX Global+Vector+Open LC, and after landing, parking and deboarding using GSX, i still had almost 500 Mb free of VAS. So all i had to do to solve my VAS issues, was install the LiteTex and reducind my Autogen and scenery complexity from Very dense to dense.
Posts: 72

Re: Huge VAS issue

Post by keino333 » Wed Dec 21, 2016 1:58 am

I'm interested what CPU and GPU combination you all are sporting. For example when I jumped to i7-4790K with an MSI GTX980Ti, most of my OoM issues went away...with the exception of Heathrow. But back on topic, I've successfully loaded/taxing and flew the IFLY747, NGX, BLackbox, AS Airbus, and the T7 in and out of AMS. Mind you; my sliders are not maxed (namely Autogen BLDG and LOD radius set at Dense and 4.5 respectively) but all the features in the FT EHAM are on (just not maxed too) and I'm enjoying 31 FPS as well.

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