Flytampa CYYZ P3Dv5

Posts: 137

Re: Flytampa CYYZ P3Dv5

Post by ywg256 » Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:48 pm

good to hear it's working for you! I haven't played around with ADE since i first started experimenting. Weather is getting better and with golf season around the corner my sim usage generally drops off huge.
Posts: 19

Re: Flytampa CYYZ P3Dv5

Post by tooting » Mon Nov 22, 2021 1:56 am

makes no odds. Run YYZ at night and your still fu cked when you look at the airport the frames sink. you look away they go back up again.

YYZ has always been a pile of shit from the beginning. George doesnt even bother to come on now to the YYZ posts as he knows the product is a pile of steaming dog shite, hes not going to do anything about it.
Posts: 19

Re: Flytampa CYYZ P3Dv5

Post by tooting » Mon Nov 22, 2021 2:08 am

ywg256 wrote: Mon Mar 15, 2021 4:05 pm The bad performance has to do with Toronto.bgl and that toronto_placement.bgl in the stock scenery folder. I am convinced of it. Default cyyz is popping up in scruffy duck ADE with all bgls for the default terminals in the Toronto.bgl folder and not the apx folder in scenery 302 by the way with no exclude box around the airport. To add to this further martin has always recommended a setting of sparse to get a performance boost. Further, if you drop down the settings in ADE for the default buildings set to sparse they no longer show up in ADE. Example, if you had scenery complexity set to sparse in p3d those default building would not show up however at normal and higher they would. This lines up then with what martin has suggested in the past. Even though the default terminals themselves do not show up in p3d i almost think they are showing up as phantom buildings somehow and adding to the performance heartache because if i turn both toronto bgls to off (i currently have the apx file to off as well) the performance cranks all the way to smooth 30fps with 90 ai sitting at cyyz using AS A320 VC on rwy 24r looking at hammerhead. In fact i tested a quick approach to 24r in my AS A320 and had no performance issues. Usually i am about 15fps to 20 unless on sparse with 50 ai. The problem is that i dont know how to delete all of the default terminals in scruffy duck and recompile the bgl so for now i turned toronto bgls to off. By the way i checked out downtown etc and i dont see a difference with having toronto turned to off.

I would be very interested in a response from FT on my findings
Makes no difference. Same as the other 5 posters on here.

The scenery is completely unoptimised and Is a pointless addition to V5

Why the developer can't come into the topic and acknowledge it is not surprising, most developers don't give a toss anymore.
Posts: 2

Re: Flytampa CYYZ P3Dv5

Post by Muffwin » Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:45 am

Well, good news, I can now enjoy this airport with P3D v5.3 !

I did a flight yesterday from CYUL to CYYZ with the FSL A320, with Toronto.bgl and that toronto_placement.bgl off and ai traffic ON (with AIG and VoxAtc), I got 25-30 FPS during the approach and landing, and no fps drop on final (where it would drop to 5-10 FPS before).

I am currently doing a flight from CYYZ to KORD with the PMDG 777, 35-40 FPS in outside view and 30-35 FPS in cockpit with some ai traffic. Here are some screenshots + a video taxiing around and taking off (edit: as a new member i cannot post links)
2021-12-5_15-7-1-572.jpg (314.51 KiB) Viewed 3820 times
2021-12-5_15-6-48-631.jpg (226.49 KiB) Viewed 3820 times
2021-12-5_15-6-45-51.jpg (397.88 KiB) Viewed 3820 times
Posts: 5

Re: Flytampa CYYZ P3Dv5

Post by Shivam3005 » Wed Feb 02, 2022 5:43 pm

Muffwin wrote: Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:45 am Well, good news, I can now enjoy this airport with P3D v5.3 !

I did a flight yesterday from CYUL to CYYZ with the FSL A320, with Toronto.bgl and that toronto_placement.bgl off and ai traffic ON (with AIG and VoxAtc), I got 25-30 FPS during the approach and landing, and no fps drop on final (where it would drop to 5-10 FPS before).

I am currently doing a flight from CYYZ to KORD with the PMDG 777, 35-40 FPS in outside view and 30-35 FPS in cockpit with some ai traffic. Here are some screenshots + a video taxiing around and taking off (edit: as a new member i cannot post links)

Could you tell me where those files are, so I can try it out too.

Posts: 2

Re: Flytampa CYYZ P3Dv5

Post by Muffwin » Wed Feb 02, 2022 5:49 pm

Hi, the files are located in Prepar3D v5\Scenery\NAME\Scenery
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