Configurator doesn't save choices

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Posts: 14

Configurator doesn't save choices

Post by shuband » Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:26 am


I noticed that the configurator doesn't save my choices on some airports. Historically this wasn't a problem until I converted to XML install method. (Keep reading.)

I run the configurator as an administrator. I also uninstalled and reinstalled a new version of the configurator, but saw no change. I noted that the newly installed version of the configurator has a "last modified" date of 7/29/2017, at least per my computer.

I have nearly all of my sceneries (including all of FT sceneries) added via XML method. I used the XML template included by FT where available. Where a template was not included, I used Lorby's Addon organizer for P3dV4. I created an XML via Lorby for EHAM, EKCH, and LGKR. None of those work in the configurator (see below) but neither does KLAS, which was a template provided by FT. The KBOS XML works, and it was provided by FT as a template.

Here's a run down of what works and what doesn't:

CYYZ - config saves
EHAM - config doesn't save
EKCH - config doesn't save
KBOS - config saves
KLAS/city - config doesn't save
LGKR - config doesn't save
TNCM - config saves
LOWW - config saves

I've attached screen shots and the XML file for KLAS. I went back through and double checked to hopefully correct any errors I made in setting up the XML.

Any suggestions on how to further trouble-shoot this issue? Thanks,
Configurator.png (331.35 KiB) Viewed 3790 times
XML file.png
XML file.png (62.24 KiB) Viewed 3790 times
Location.png (45.48 KiB) Viewed 3790 times
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Posts: 5288

Re: Configurator doesn't save choices

Post by martin[flytampa] » Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:22 am

Thanks for the shots, the explorer shot shows the problem.
Your Boston, StMaarten, Toronto... folders have the stock names as we install them, but your KLAS, KGKR, EKCH, EHAM got renamed with the ICAO codes added. You can either rename the folder removing the ICAO and space in front of the name, or if you want to keep them named as is, you have to go into /scripts/ and edit the respective ICAO.xml and do a search&replace to adjust the folder names. If you look at the XMLs you will see how it changes BGL filenames to OFF and that requires the correct folder naming to work.
Posts: 14

Re: Configurator doesn't save choices

Post by shuband » Sat Jun 15, 2019 12:12 pm

Thanks very much Martin for your prompt reply. FT customer service is great, much better than many/most of your competitors.

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