I changed the the layer in add-on.xml (that was 138) to
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Same here.... When you get to the bridges over the highway and more than one occasion I find myself down below and have to restart P3D.sunnya wrote: ↑Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:29 am I removed completely Amsterdam prior to installing 1.3 version. Going through taxiway Q I got launched in the air again. Also did not notice any changes in the Configurator for Amsterdam. Is it me doing something wrong here or you guys also experience the same?
Do you happen to have ORBX Vector installed? If that's the case, disable the vectors for Amsterdam using the Vector configurator.mikerich550 wrote: ↑Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:18 am I am using P3D V4.5 and im having elevation issues at just this scenery add on.
Any help would be greatfully received.
regards Mike
Had same on 1.2 (didn't update to 1.3 yet) and same on FlyTampa LGAV, but (must test it) I come to conclusion all those plane bounces crossing bridges (both on EHAM Q and LGAV H) are affected PMDG planes, but not others... but as said I need to test it.
For me it does work okay with ORBX TE Netherlands. Just follow this steps for FT EHAM v1.3: