Search found 3 matches

Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:54 am
Forum: FlyTampa-Copenhagen
Topic: Air Bridge misalignment SODE
Replies: 0
Views: 1633

Air Bridge misalignment SODE


love v2.

not sure if this happening at other gates but C37 the air bridge goes below the belly of the A330 and off center and similar for other large aircraft. I tested this against other scenery and it seems to be the SODE bridges in CPH v2.
Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:52 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Prepar3DV4 Compatibility
Replies: 272
Views: 1137603

Re: Prepar3DV4 Compatibility Updates

I installed EKCH into P3D v4. I noticed panning to the city in the cockpit or outside the frames drop like crazy. from 45-50 fps in the TFDI 717. when looking at the city at the gate it drops to 15-18 fps. I changed to airliner mode and removed 3d grass etc still frames are really low. in P3D v3 I d...
Sat Sep 21, 2013 11:27 am
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: DX10 Fixer
Replies: 8
Views: 8817

DX10 Fixer

Hi, with all this buzz around the new DX-10 fixer and saving alot of people OOMS and that frustrating grey texture issue, just wanted to ask if FlyTampa is looking at the movement of people to dx10 and making flytampa products dx10 compatible or is there constraints even with the fixer to really get...